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May 28, 2020 | Gary Burger

Types of Negligence in Personal Injury Cases

Accidents happen, but if you were injured in an accident that was the result of another person's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. This compensation can include wage losses, medical bills, pain and suffering, or other economic/non-economic damages caused as a direct result of the person responsible for your injuries.

If you are struggling with medical bills, wage loss, or other damages after being injured in an accident, Burger Law is here to help. Our attorneys have a remarkable track record in fighting and winning recoveries for personal injury claims in St. Louis, and promise to have your case's best interests at heart when defending your case. Call or contact Burger Law at 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222 today to schedule a free case review.

What are the Types of Negligence in Personal Injury Cases?

There are many examples of negligence in various types of cases. For example, violating a traffic signal; drunk driving; failure to operate a vehicle safely, and many others. All of these acts of negligence fall under negligence categories, with the top types of negligence involved in personal injury cases being:

  • Gross negligence - extreme carelessness or inattention that results in injury to another person
  • Comparative negligence - the level of fault that every party has in the accident determines the number of damages that the person can recover
  • Contributory negligence - if the injured party contributed in any way to their injuries caused in the accident, the number of damages that they are elgible to recover could be reduced or revoked
  • Vicarious liability - if an employee injures someone as the result of neglience while on the job, the person's employer is vicariously liable and can be sued by the victim for damages

It's essential to remember that negligence statutes are different in every state. Missouri and Illinois utilize Comparative Negligence, but it can be challenging to determine how this applies to your case. An experienced attorney can analyze your situation, decide if you have a claim, and provide an outlook of the types of compensation that you could be eligible to recover.

Contact Our Aggressive Personal Injury Lawyers in St. Louis Today

You suffered a head injury, broken arm, or other types of tangible or intangible damages in an accident. You need help filing a claim against the negligent party to recover compensation. Burger Law's personal injury lawyers have a reputation for aggressively fighting for the recovery of clients and winning the maximum amount of compensation for wage loss, property, medical, and other damages.

If you were injured in an accident as a direct result of another person's negligence, and need help with your case, call or contact Burger Law at 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222 to schedule a free case review. Our experienced attorneys are here to help you and your family during this difficult time and pursue full compensation for your case.
