Personal Injury Lawyers

The St. Louis, MO personal injury lawyers of Burger Law have dedicated their lives to standing up against bullies and holding companies and individuals accountable for their reckless actions. When you have been seriously injured because of someone else's behavior, we demand the compensation needed to help you and your family heal.

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Fighting for the rights of the injured

Personal Injury Lawyer St Louis

If you are hurt, we fight for you. Burger Law has been obtaining great settlements for our clients for more than 20 years and can do the same for you when you hire us to represent you.

If you or someone you love has been injured due to another person's actions, call (314) 500-HURT now or send us a message to get a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Our team demands full compensation for your losses and damages and do not stop until you are made whole again.

Table of Contents

The Burger Law attorneys fight hard to get you and your family the recovery you deserve. We start working on your case right away to maximize your recovery. After insurance companies unfairly deny, delay, or devalue injury claims, our team demands full compensation. With our help, our clients have earned record-setting victories, settlements and verdicts against big corporate defendants and the largest insurance companies. Find out what we can do for you by talking to one of our personal injury lawyers today at (314) 500-HURT or completing our online contact form.

When a person or company breaks safety rules or acts recklessly and injures or kills another person, we hold them responsible. To get the recovery you deserve and make the responsible party pay for their actions, you need a skilled attorney on your side. Your injury case can often have complex civil law issues, such as liability, who is at fault, insurance coverage, medical care, health insurance and amount and scope of damages, that require the expertise and aggressive approach of an experienced personal injury lawyer to resolve. Gary Burger and Burger Law understand the physical, emotional and financial toll a personal injury takes and we are here to guide you through it successfully. Your physical and financial health is important to us.

Our expertise and hard work have allowed us to get the best possible outcome for our clients. We will do the same for you, taking your fight to court and even to trial if that is what it takes. Burger Law’s attorneys constantly hone our trial and litigation skills–and we have recovered millions of dollars that have helped make residents and their families in St. Louis and Missouri safer and whole again after suffering an accident.

Find out what sets us apart and makes us uniquely suited to take on your case. Ours is the highest and best-reviewed personal injury law firm in the Midwest with over 500 five-star reviews and counting, including:

We have dedicated our careers to standing up for the injured and holding the negligent accountable for the harm they cause. We have even created free resources available to anyone. You can learn a lot about the personal injury claim process by watching our YouTube channel or reading our free books. When you or a loved one is injured in an accident, our St. Louis personal injury lawyers are ready to help you obtain a great recovery. Reach out to us online or at (314) 500-HURT to speak to one of our attorneys right away for free.

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“Gary and his team provided us with effective, efficient and highly professional service. Gary provides sound advice and is a trustworthy and ethical attorney. I highly recommend the team!”

David and Fran Schneider

Hurt? Hire Us Today or call (314) 500-HURT

We Deliver Great Results

Over $200 Million won for our clients

$5,000,000 Settlement - Father Killed by Reckless Truck Driver


$5 Million

Wrongful Death

Original Offer


$3 Million Judgment - Son Murdered by Pam Hupp


$3 Million

Wrongful Death

Original Offer


$2.5 Million Settlement for Father's Fatal Car Accident


$2.5 Million

Wrongful Death

Original Offer


Injured Woman Settles Highway Crash Lawsuit - $2,000,000 Settlement


$2 Million

Truck Accident

Original Offer


Multi-Car Crash Caused by Debris from Commercial Truck - $2,000,000 Settlement


$2 Million

Truck Accident

Original Offer


$1.435 Million Settlement Against Three Defendants After Extensive Litigation


$1.4 Million

Premise Liability

Original Offer


Massive $1.25 Million MVA Settlement


$1.3 Million

Car Accident

Original Offer


View More Results

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Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Personal Injury Claims

Do I Need a St. Louis, MO Personal Injury Lawyer?

How do you know whether you actually need a lawyer for your personal injury case? You might be surprised to hear a personal injury law firm tell you this, but some claims do not require a lawyer. Our personal injury attorneys will not take on a case unless we are sure we can add value to it, and in most cases of injury due to any type of negligence, adept legal representation is necessary to get you the full compensation you deserve. It's time to hire personal injury lawyer in St. Louis to hire right away if any of the following statements are true of your situation.

1. You were injured.

If you are severely injured in an auto accident or another situation caused by another person’s negligence, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer to help you fully recover. Serious injuries make civil suits more complicated. Someone who doesn’t work on personal injury cases for a living will have a difficult time determining how much your claim is worth. This is especially true when you consider complicated injuries and the long-term and possibly even permanent effects of your injuries. Consult an attorney even if you do not believe your injuries to be severe, since some injuries do not present until days after the accident and maybe more serious than you realize. Your attorney will also help ensure you get the medical attention you need from experts who will treat on a lien basis, meaning you do not have to pay anything upfront.

2. The insurance company is not playing fair.

This happens far too often, and many people who try to settle their personal injury claims on their own are entirely screwed over by the insurance company. Insurance adjusters are motivated to pay as little as possible or avoid paying an injured person altogether if they can help it. Unfortunately, many insurance companies have a proverbial playbook of tactics to avoid paying for damages or to trick innocent accident victims into signing away the compensation they are owed. You might even find that the insurance company simply ignores your claim in the hopes that you will become desperate enough to settle for a fraction of your damages or perhaps even give up entirely. They also often provide tricks that are intentionally misleading to give claimants the impression that they are ineligible for compensation. Whatever the insurance company tries, if they are giving you a hard time when you know you have a right to a recovery, call a personal injury lawyer in St. Louis right away and cease speaking with the insurance company. Your lawyer will handle communication with the insurance company. In some cases, we can make a vexatious refusal or bad faith failure to settle claim against an insurance company.

3. There is disagreement about who is liable.

Missouri and Illinois both go by a form of comparative negligence law. That means that each person is responsible for paying the percentage of total damages equal to the percent of fault they hold for the accident. This also means that if you have some fault but are not the majority at-fault party, you are entitled to recover damages. When multiple parties share fault or if different parties dispute who holds fault or how much fault each party holds, a personal injury claim can get complicated. You need a skilled personal injury lawyer who can argue your case, prove the correct party’s negligence, and negotiate a fair settlement for your damages.

4. You do not know the value of your damages.

In a personal injury case, there are both economic damages and non-economic damages. Economic damages are items like medical bills, lost wages and other concrete damages with objective dollar amounts. There is really no arguing that your $10,000 medical bill is worth $10,000. Non-economic damages are much more difficult to quantify, especially for someone who does not regularly work with personal injury claims. Do you know how pain and suffering is calculated? You need a personal injury lawyer to provide an accurate sum of your damages and to be able to argue to obtain total compensation.

5. Your case is complicated in nature.

Even if none of the above are true of your case, you will still need the help of a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer if your case is inherently complex. You cannot be expected to navigate your case if it involves multiple parties, extenuating circumstances, government agency, commercial organizations, contract workers, defective products and other complicated factors in the world of civil suits. If you are unsure of whether your case requires a legal professional, take advantage of a free consultation with a personal injury law firm to find out what they recommend.

When you need a personal injury lawyer, it is important that you do your research and hire one that is best for you. Before you make a decision, do your research to learn about the attorneys, including looking at the personal injury lawyer's case results, awards and their clients' stories. Most importantly, contact them to request a free consultation. Discuss your needs with a Burger Law personal injury lawyer and ask us questions about your case now at (314) 500-HURT.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost?

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a St. Louis, MO Personal Injury Lawer?

It costs nothing to hire a personal injury lawyer at Burger Law. When you hire Burger Law as your personal injury law firm, you do so on a contingency fee basis, which means we take a percentage of your final compensation as our fees. That means you can hire a personal injury lawyer even if you cannot afford one. You can learn more about our our contingency fee policy for personal injury here.

After you or someone in your family is suddenly hurt in a car crash, dog bite, work accident or another type of negligence-induced accident, financial stress can cripple even the most affluent families. The fact of the matter is that you were harmed because of someone else's actions, and you and your family have sustained losses and incurred expenses that you otherwise would not have had to face. You may not even be able to go to work for weeks and suddenly have no income coming home to support yourself and your family. In the midst of all this, you know you need a lawyer to represent you, hold the negligent party accountable, and demand full payment for your damages. The last thing you want to do is fork out more money when you are at your most vulnerable. Our lawyers commit our resources toward financing and building your case, and do not take payment until you have been paid. If need be, we can issue a letter of protection to your medical provider stating that the bill will be paid once you receive compensation so that the bill will not be sent to collectors. There are numerous ways to get pre-settlement financial help so you can get full compensation and not have to take an early, lesser settlement.

Personal Injury Blog

Common Personal Injuries

Common Personal Injuries in St. Louis

Injuries caused by somebody else's negligence can occur in a variety of ways, from auto crashes, to slip and falls, construction accidents and medical malpractice. Different acts of negligence cause different types of injuries. Some of the most common injuries we help people secure medical treatment, justice and compensation for are:

No matter how severe your injuries, when they happen because of the negligence of another, trust in Burger Law's personal injury lawyers to defend your rights and get you the financial recovery you deserve.

Stand up against the insurance company.

Stand up against the insurance company.

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What Damages Can I Be Compensated for in a Personal Injury Claim?

Personal Injury Claims

What Damages Can I Be Compensated For in a St. Louis, MO Personal Injury Claim?

Personal injury settlements are designed to compensate victims for any physical, emotional, mental, or financial hardships that they have had to endure after a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall incident, or other personal injury claims. Collectively, these losses are known as damages.

Some damages included in personal injury settlements are subjective while others have fixed dollar amounts:

  • Medical Treatment - You will be compensated for medical bills, medical accessories, medication, therapy fees and other medical expenses that you have incurred or will have to spend in the future because of the accident.
  • Pain and Suffering - This is reimbursement for both the physical and mental hardships the injury has put you through. Physical pain and suffering can include anything from joint pain when climbing stairs or having difficulty sleeping in certain positions because of back pain. Mental pain and suffering can include the anger you feel for being put in this position, loss of enjoyment of life like not being able to play with your children or exercise as you used to, PTSD, scarring or disfigurement, loss of consortium or any other negative effects the injury has had on your emotions.
  • Loss of Income - This includes missed work hours as you recover as well as any loss of earning capacity if your injury results in a disability that does not allow you to make a living as you once did.
  • Property Loss - This is reimbursement for personal property damage caused in the accident, such as damage to vehicles, cell phones, clothing or other items.

After an accident, to maximize the amount of the settlement you are eligible to recover, it is essential to document everything, collect any evidence you can and discuss your right to recover compensation for your harm and losses with a personal injury lawyer in St. Louis.

Other Factors That Determine How Much Compensation You Can Receive

The final compensation for your injury claim is not only determined by adding up your economic and noneconomic damages. Other factors that will influence your financial recovery include:

  • Comparative negligence - If it is determined you are partially at fault for your injuries, your compensation will be lowered by the percentage of the blame you bear.
  • Out-of-pocket expenses - In addition to medical bills, you can also be compensated for expenses such as transportation or gas used to get to medical appointments, having to hire a nanny or daycare or having to hire a nurse to come to your home.
  • Policy limits - While a skilled lawyer may be able to get you more than the policy limit, in most cases the insurance company will have an upper limit on how much compensation that are required to pay. Trucking companies and doctors typically have much higher policy limits than your typical driver of a passenger car.

At Burger Law, we fight hard for our clients in St. Louis and throughout Missouri and Illinois to ensure that their compensation is maximized — not lowered.

It's important to remember that every case is different, and what you may be eligible to recover is going to be based entirely upon the circumstances of your claim. Your recovery comes first, and is our highest priority. We fight for you so that you can receive the compensation you are owed for the damages you have suffered. If you have questions about your case, the damages you may be able to recover, or other questions regarding personal injury claims, call our Personal Injury Lawyers in St. Louis, MO immediately at (314) 500-HURT.

What Are the Most Common Personal Injury Claims?

Personal Injury Law Firm St. Louis

What Are the Most Common Personal Injury Claims in St. Louis?

When you choose a personal injury lawyer who is experienced, knows the law and fights on your behalf, you benefit from our team's wealth of exceptional experience with every facet of personal injury law because we actively practice every area of personal binjury law. We realize that case types often overlap, and having experience with each type of claim gives our team the perfect preparation to successfully fight for our clients' rights and recoveries. Listed below are overviews of the case types we most commonly pursue, including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, medical malpractice, slip and fall cases, dog bites, product liability, and more:

  • Car Accident Claims - Car Accidents are typically caused by negligent actions. Our Car Accident Lawyers in St. Louis and Missouri use their knowledge of state laws and scientific facts to take on each car accident claim, and use different methods to gather evidence depending upon the type of claim
  • Truck Accident Claims - Commercial Trucks can weigh anywhere from 30,000lbs to 80,000lbs. A car weighs 5,000lbs. This amounts to much more force in truck accidents. When a trucking vehicle or a commercial vehicle collides with a small sedan, the accidents always cause serious injuries.
  • Bus Accident Claims - Like truck accidents, the size and limited safety features of some buses can cause serious injuries to multiple people. Whether it is a greyhound, school bus, tour bus or any other type of bus, the claims are often complicated as they involve multiple parties with expensive defense teams, making an experienced and aggressive attorney essential to your claim.
  • Motorcycle Accident and Bicycle Accident Claims - While it is natural to enjoy the freedom that riding a bike offers, far too many people do not pay attention to bikers on the road. Some passenger car drivers are even actively hostel. Because people on motorcycles and bicycles are vulnerable compared to their enclosed vehicle counterparts, bike injuries can often be severe.
  • Medical Malpractice Claims - Medical Malpractice can happen when a doctor, healthcare professional, hospital, or other health service center acts in a negligent way or neglects to provide a standard of reasonable care, and this action leads to the patient being injured. This can happen in the form of misdiagnosis and failure to diagnose, error in treatments, errors in aftercare or hospital system failures.
  • Workers Compensation Claims - The state of Missouri offers worker's compensation in order to ensure that people injured at work receive compensation and employers are protected from lawsuits. However, it is not always as easy as filing paperwork. Employers that care little for their employees health are going to push them to return to work as quickly as possible, or be fired. They will refer you to company-friendly doctors or physicians who help them protect their bottom line. This is a ridiculous tactic that many businesses use to cheat injured workers out of their compensation. Our Work Comp Lawyers in St. Louis and throughout Missouri know every tactic your employer will use to cheat you, and will fight for your rights every step of the way.
  • Wrongful Death Claims - Wrongful Death claims are never easy. No one should ever lose a loved one because of an accident that is caused by another’s negligence. There is always a trail of facts or reports that show negligence on the part of the business or individual who is responsible for your loved one’s death. While money can never replace a loved one, we will fight for your family’s rights and make sure you receive compensation for the loss of their income, funeral and hospital expenses and the loss of any guidance, support and comfort you received from them.
  • Dog Bite Claims - Dogs can be great additions to families, but some dogs are vicious and others instinctually bite in certain situations. Because of that, dog owners have a duty to be in control of their dogs at all times. When they fail in that duty and their dog bites you, they owe you compensation for your injuries.
  • Product Liability Claims - Everyone involved in the chain of distribution has a responsibility to make reasonably safe products and include sufficient warning. If a defective product injures you or a loved one, you have the right to sue a designer, manufacturer and/or vendor for compensation.
  • Slip and Fall Claims - The laws governing premises liability are in place to require people who control a property to either fix or warn against dangerous conditions they knew or should have known about. If you fall and become injured because a property owner or manager did not keep their property safe, you can make a claim against them for your damages.
  • Construction Accident Claims - Construction accidents often fall under workers' compensation and employer negligence. However, you may also be able to make a third-party liability claim, and may be able to sue the construction company if you are a civilian injured at a construction site.

Gary Burger and the experienced and aggressive personal injury attorneys at Burger Law take every injury claim seriously. You do not owe us anything until we win your claim. Our St. Louis personal injury attorneys are specialized in all areas of injury cases. We handle all aspects of your case from start to finish so that you can focus on your recovery. We know how to fight against resistant insurance companies and defendants who refuse to take accountability for the harm they have caused by breaking safety rules. Our firm has the expertise and winning track record necessary to provide the best possible legal representation in your personal injury case or any other type of accident case.

Your personal injury lawyer in St. Louis must have complete mastery and knowledge of all types of cases that injury victims may face. Distinguishing between a car accident case and truck accident or medical malpractice case may seem simple, but there are many different laws and unique statutes in Missouri and Illinois that apply to each type of case and could easily become the deciding factor in the success of your case. The legal knowledge and technical strategy and expertise necessary to successfully maneuver each type of Missouri and Illinois tort claims, whether a medical malpractice claim, a pedestrian accident, or a premise liability situation, are only possible with years of education, training, and real claim experience that a vehicle-accident-only attorney may not possess.

What Documentation Can I Provide to Help My Personal Injury Claim?

What Documentation Can I Provide to Help My St. Louis Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury case can take months or longer to settle. Any information and documentation you can collect and provide will help your case. Your personal injury lawyer will help you obtain, keep track of, and present documentation such as medical treatment bills and records and communications between yourself and the negligent party. Whatever information you can provide will only work to help strengthen your case.

Below is a list of documentation and records we recommend you start to collect as soon as possible after your injury.

  1. Pictures and videos

    If possible, at the time of the accident, take pictures and videos of anything you can. Be sure to first get to safety to avoid further injury, and then use your phone to take pictures of the damage to your vehicle (if it is a car accident) or other property, your injuries, damage to the surrounding infrastructure, road, weather or property conditions, any other helpful information. As you get medical treatment for your injuries and as you go through the healing process, take additional photos to document progress and long-term effects.

  2. Medical bills

    Keep track of any medical costs associated with your injuries. This might include ambulance bills, hospital bills, office visits, medications, treatments, mental health care, medical supplies and devices, etc. Medical bills provide straightforward dollar amounts on what your injuries have cost you, though they do not paint a complete picture on their own.

  3. Medical records

    Just as medical bills are important to your claim, so too are medical records. Medical records provide professional documentation describing the extent of your injuries and the degree to which you have been affected and how much you are able to physically recover. Your personal injury lawyer will be able to help you obtain medical records such as diagnoses, recommendations for treatment, and descriptions of your condition.

  4. Police reports

    If the police were called to the scene of the accident, collect and keep track of all information such as police reports, the police officers' names and badge numbers, and case numbers.

  5. Insurance claims

    If you use your insurance to cover your medical care and treatment costs or to repair or replace your vehicle in a car accident, make sure to file all documentation from the insurance company, correspondence between yourself and the insurance company, and bills and payments to the insurance company.

  6. Financial documents and records

    Any documentation you can provide on your change in income, loss of wages or hours, receipts, and out-of-pocket costs related to the accident will provide a more complete picture of the many ways your injuries have affected your life.

  7. Journal

    You may also choose to personally record notes, observations, and thoughts throughout the course of your recovery and from the event itself. Keep a journal about your day-to-day experiences during treatment and during the incident itself. At the time of the accident, you can also record any witness information and statements yourself. Even if the police arrive, they do not always collect and file statements from all witnesses.

What Will My Personal Injury Lawyer Do For Me?

Fearless representation

What Will My St. Louis, MO Personal Injury Lawyer Do For Me?

Advise you.

Turn to your chosen personal injury law firm as the expert and proven professional on personal injury claims in Missouri. A quality St. Louis personal injury lawyer will provide you with ample information. Your Burger Law lawyer will explain your legal situation, inform you of your rights, explain the courses of action available to you and explain how claims and lawsuits work. Throughout the legal process, your personal injury lawyer can help you grasp the choices you face and what they mean. When it comes time to negotiate and consider settlement offers, your personal injury lawyer will make sure you get the maximum possible compensation for your damages.

Analyze your case.

When you hire a personal injury lawyer in St. Louis, they will take a legal eye to your case and make an educated assessment of the situation. To understand the circumstances of your injuries as they relate to personal injury law, your lawyer will collect and evaluate evidence, including testimony from witnesses to your injury to identify who is responsible for your injuries and how their behavior caused you harm.

Build your case.

With a personal injury lawyer on your side, you do not have to worry about handling the documentation and other evidence of your injuries and other damages. Your lawyer will collect evidence and use it to paint a picture that explains how the defendant owed you a duty of care that they failed to meet, prove that they acted in negligence, and their negligent behavior caused your injuries and other damages. Your lawyer will also use their experience in the field of personal injury litigation to determine an accurate value of your claim.

Another thing your lawyer can do to help you is connect you to skilled medical professionals for the care and treatment you need. Receiving medical care can help you heal physically and can also be used to strengthen your case. The medical professionals your lawyer works with likely treat personal injury victims on a lien basis so you do not have to pay for your treatment upfront.


With an accurate number value of your damages now calculated, your lawyer can negotiate a fair settlement for your injury claim. With a lawyer, you will no longer have to deal with the insurance company or adjustors whatsoever. Leave that to the professionals. We negotiate with insurance companies on a nearly daily basis and are very familiar with the tricks they use to avoid paying claims.

Negotiating can also include negotiating to reduce your medical liens after we have reached a settlement. With a lawyer on your case, you can further maximize the money in your pocket by getting the portion owed for your medical care reduced.

Facilitate legal proceedings.

One of the primary purposes of hiring a lawyer is to have a professional take care of all legal processes during your case. Life goes on during your personal injury suit, and you don’t have the time or energy to worry about the preparation, communication and paperwork involved in handling a suit. Your lawyer will prepare and send off demand letters, prepare pleadings and complaints against the insurance company, conduct discoveries and depositions, file motions and more.

Represent you.

All the work and all of the services your lawyer provides to you all culminates to do one thing: represent you. Everything your lawyer does for you is done to represent your interests and help you navigate your injury suit. They file paperwork, collect information and negotiate with the defense all on your behalf with the goal of reaching the case outcome you desire. A good personal injury lawyer will be ready to represent you in any capacity throughout your case, even if it means taking your fight to court in the form of a jury trial. Hire a St. Louis personal injury law firm like Burger Law, whose attorneys have ample experience winning personal injury trials.

Personal Injury Lawyer St. Louis - Types of Personal Injuries

Personal Injury Resources and Answers

Personal Injury Lawyers St. Louis

St. Louis, MO Personal Injury Resources

Personal Injury Frequently Asked Questions

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Personal Injury Lawyer St. Louis Videos

The only St. Louis law firm you need

Cases We Win

Burger Law's Missouri personal injury law firm based in St. Louis has a team of gifted litigators and trial lawyers with more than 70 years of combined experience practicing law and protecting the vulnerable and injured. We will fight to get you maximum compensation in any injury claim in Missouri, including the case types listed here. Click for more information.

St. Louis Area Hospitals

St. Louis Area Hospitals

Other Personal Injury Claim Resources

Our experienced personal injury attorneys in St. Louis, MO serving all of Missouri and Illinois have the knowledge, resources and background to demand compensation from the insurance companies and hold the negligent responsible for causing you harm. In addition to hiring an accomplished personal injury lawyer to represent you in your claim, it makes for a better experience for you if you are educated on the claim process and your options. In addition to our expensive library of answers to frequently asked questions and videos addressing common questions and topics, we offer a number of other blog posts and resources to help you in your personal injury suit. Check out additional personal injury information below.

How a Law Suit Works How to Choose a Law Firm Free Legal Books

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What Should I Expect in My First Meeting with My Personal Injury Lawyer?

What Should I Expect in My First Meeting with My St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer?

Your initial meeting with a personal injury lawyer is an introduction for both parties - a way for you to learn more about your injury lawyer and their law firm and to introduce your lawyer to the facts of your case. You and your lawyer will likely cover the following topics in your first meeting.

The Facts of Your Personal Injury Case

In order to best represent you, your lawyer must have a complete understanding of the circumstances and events of your injury. This means no surprises and no secrets, which can hurt your case later on. Be prepared to have an honest discussion of your current medical state, how your injuries have affected your life, how the accident happened, how it has affected your life, your doctors' prognosis, and what you've told the insurance company.

The Legal Process

The better you understand the process and know what to expect throughout, the better prepared you will be and the better the outcome will be. A good lawyer knows this and emphasizes how important it is for you to understand what's going on. Your personal injury lawyer will walk you through the general process, answer your questions, and provide you with additional resources to help you understand the process.

Your Role In Your Case

Your personal injury lawyer and their team will do a lot for you and your case, but it is your case, and you play a crucial role. Part of your personal injury attorney's role is to coach you during the length of your case to make sure you maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. Your lawyer will emphasize the importance of receiving medical care and attending appointments as well as being consistent, truthful, and transparent throughout the process.

Establishing Communication

A good relationship between client and attorney means an open channel of communication. Your lawyer may not always be immediately reachable, but a good lawyer will always return your calls and emails. Your law firm should have the support of a proactive, organized, kind, and communicative staff that will always be available to answer your questions and communicate your thoughts and concerns to your attorney. Make sure you leave your first meeting knowing the best way to get in touch with your legal team.

What To Bring To The First Meeting

  • Your health and car insurance information
  • Any medical bills you've received so far
  • Any information you've gathered, like witness statements and contact information, photos of damage or any other evidence you collected from the scene
Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Hire a St. Louis, MO Personal Injury Lawyer

The Burger Law firm is made up of a team of personal injury lawyers who proudly serve the St. Louis and Missouri areas with the highest standard of representation, litigation, negotiation, guidance, and support. Gary Burger and his team are dedicated to recovering complete compensation to help injury victims and their families realize the future they deserve. We stand up against insurance companies and demand cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering to help our clients become whole again. At Burger Law, we understand just how extensively severe injuries can impact your life from your mental, physical, and financial health, and we are prepared to stand with you through the entirety of your case from medical care to insurance and employer issues. For dedicated representation from legal experts who specialize in a complete range of personal injury claims, contact Burger Law today or call (314) 500-HURT now.


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Personal Injury Client Testimonials

We win cases

Real Client Testimonials!

Our personal injury law firm in St. Louis is dedicated to recovering complete compensation for our clients — victims who have been injured by the recklessness of others. We fight hard to defend our clients’ rights against the large corporations and insurance companies that so often take advantage of the injured. They use their resources and power to avoid doing the right thing because they know victims often can't afford to fight back or do not know their legal rights.

It’s our firm’s passion and privilege to fight for the rights and recoveries of our clients. Our hard work is made worth it with each excellent settlement we recover for another deserving client. Here are a few of our clients sharing their stories of success.

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Chris and Sheronica Smith Testimonial

Chris and Sheronica Smith Testimonial

Click to view video

Christine Major

Christine Major

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DeAndre Redmond

DeAndre Redmond

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George Robinson Testimonial

George Robinson Testimonial

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Chris Eschbacher Testimonial

Chris Eschbacher Testimonial

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Tiffany Testimonial

Tiffany Testimonial

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Walter Ray

Walter Ray

Click to view video

Trusted and awarded legal experts

Our Practice Areas

Our personal injury lawyers and expert legal team are proven leaders in the complete range of personal injury claim types in the St. Louis and Missouri areas and locations throughout the United States. Whether you lost a loved one in a tragic drunk driving accident, suffered a debilitating injury on the job, or were hurt by a defective product you thought you could trust, the personal injury lawyers at Burger Law have what it takes to represent claims in all areas of personal injury law.

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Personal injury lawyer st louis

Personal injury lawyer st louis

st louis car accident lawyer

st louis car accident lawyer

St Louis truck accident lawyer

St Louis truck accident lawyer

St Louis wrongful death lawyer

St Louis wrongful death lawyer

St Louis slip and fall injury lawyer

St Louis slip and fall injury lawyer

St Louis medical malpractice lawyer

St Louis medical malpractice lawyer

View all practice areas

Personal injury lawyer st louis

Personal injury lawyer st louis

st louis car accident lawyer

st louis car accident lawyer

St Louis truck accident lawyer

St Louis truck accident lawyer

St Louis wrongful death lawyer

St Louis wrongful death lawyer

St Louis slip and fall injury lawyer

St Louis slip and fall injury lawyer

St Louis medical malpractice lawyer

St Louis medical malpractice lawyer

St Louis dog bite lawyer

St Louis dog bite lawyer

St Louis product liability lawyer

St Louis product liability lawyer

St Louis workers compensation lawyer

St Louis workers compensation lawyer

Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse

Legal Malpractice Attorney

Legal Malpractice Attorney

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Personal Injury Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know

Common St. Louis, MO Personal Injury Questions

The personal injury lawyers of Burger Law believe in giving injury victims and their families the resources they need to understand their claim and their options. In addition to other free resources we have produced, we share the answers to many commonly asked personal injury questions here. Our lawyers are also available to answer questions for free at (314) 500-HURT.

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How To Choose The Right Personal Injury Lawyer Near Missouri

How do you determine which personal injury lawyer is right for you? As you've undoubtedly heard the disclaimer at the end of TV and radio commercials for law firms: the choice of a lawyer is important and should not be based solely upon advertisements. The key is to speak with the lawyer and de …

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How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Missouri?

Do you know how long you have to file a personal injury claim? Or when the best time is to file one? Is it better to do it immediately after your accident or to wait until you know how significantly your injuries have affected your life? These are just the beginning of the string of questions t …

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When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer Near You?

When To Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer. Accidents and injuries are always unexpected, and it can be hard to know what to do in the aftermath, and how to go about getting compensation for your property damage, medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Burger Law knows how to handle cases and …

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