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Posted in Car Accidents on February 14, 2022   |  by Gary Burger

Who Can I Sue in a School Bus Accident in Missouri and Illinois?

Protect your family's future | School Bus Accident Lawyers | Burger Law

Who Can I Sue After a School Bus Accident in Missouri and Illinois? If you or your child was injured in a school bus crash, call the bus accident attorneys at Burger Law today at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online.

We trust schools and school districts to keep our children safe. However, sometimes people or organizations fail our children and their negligence causes an injury. According to the National Safety Council, in 2019 over 13,000 people were injured and 109 people died nationwide in school bus accidents. Almost half of the injuries occurred to occupants of other vehicles, while the majority of the rest happened to passengers of the school bus. School buses are still considered the safest way for children to travel to and from school, but unfortunately accidents can and do still happen. When you or your child is injured in a school bus accident, there are legal remedies to ensure you receive maximum compensation for your damages. Who is liable and who exactly you can sue depends on the causes and circumstances of your accident. Whoever is responsible, the experienced and knowledgeable bus accident lawyers of Burger Law will help you prove negligence and receive maximum compensation for all of your damages.

Who Is Liable for my School Bus Accident?

The Bus Driver of Another Driver

Driver error is the leading cause of auto accidents, and it causes or contributes to 94 percent of motor vehicle accidents. Like a standard car accident, a school bus accident is likely to be caused by a driver not following the rules of the road. For example:

Bus drivers owe the same duty of care to everyone on the Missouri and Illinois roads that any driver does. If they fail in that duty, you can sue a bus driver with the help of Burger Law's accomplished and talented bus accident attorney.

The School District

There are several instances where a school district may be liable for your child's school bus accident injury. School districts must only hire competent drivers. If your school district utilizes negligent hiring practices, such as not performing sufficient background checks or hiring a driver with a history of traffic citations or a criminal history, they are liable for your child's injuries and need to be held accountable. Additionally, if inclement weather was a contributing factor in your school bus crash and if school should have been canceled but wasn't, you may be able to sue the school district.

The School Bus Manufacturer

Not safely designing and testing any product is an example product liability. School bus manufacturers must meet extra safety precautions, and have an obligation to recall any parts or components they later find to be unsafe. If the school bus was inherently unsafe, you can sue the manufacturer for the school bus crash.

The School Bus Owner

While the owner of a school bus is often the school district, sometimes buses are owned by a private company that is contracted by the school district. Whoever owns the bus has a responsibility to perform routine inspections and maintenance. If they do not keep their bus fleet safe and up-to-date, you can bring a claim against the school bus owner.

The Local Government

If unsafe road conditions that should have been repaired contributed to your child's school bus accident, you may be able to sue the local government. Both Missouri and Illinois have very specific rules for suing local or state governmental entities, so it is imperative to reach out to Burger Law's school bus accident attorney right away if you or your child was injured in a school bus crash.

Hire a School Bus Accident Lawyer Today

Burger Law has over 20 years of experience standing up for the injured throughout Missouri and Illinois. We fight the tough cases and to date have won our clients over $170 million in verdicts and settlements. If you or your child were injured in a school bus accident, you do not have to navigate the complex legal process alone. We handle every aspect of your case so you can focus on your family and your case. You don't owe us any fees until we win your case. To protect your family's future, call Burger Law immediately at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form.
