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May 7, 2020 | Gary Burger

What Factors Determine How Much My Personal Injury Claim is Worth?

If you were injured in a car accident, slip and fall, or another accident, you are likely wondering what type of compensation you can recover from the other party. No two personal injury cases are the same and settlements can differ significantly.

So, what factors determine how much your personal injury claim is worth? There are many factors that are considered when calculating a personal injury settlement, but to get a better idea of the damages you can recover, it is crucial to discuss your case with a personal injury attorney.

At Burger Law, we represent personal injury victims that have been harmed by another person's negligence. Our attorneys have recovered fair settlements for many types of personal injury cases and are prepared to fight for the best results for your claim. Call 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222 to schedule a free consultation.

What Factors are Used in Calculating a Personal Injury Settlement?

In personal injury cases, the statute of limitations for claims can vary. Victims in Missouri accidents have up to five years from the date of an accident to file a claim. If a person has a valid injury claim, it is crucial to obtain copies of the police report of the accident, medical records from before and after the accident, the other party's information, and to promptly discuss your case with an experienced attorney. An attorney can analyze your case, determine who is at fault, identify your grounds for filing a claim, and develop a compelling claim for recovering damages.

Common Personal Injury Damages | St. Louis Personal Injury Attorneys

Most personal injury cases can recover two types of damages, economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include any medical expenses required because of the accident, lost wages that the person faced while recovering from their injuries, and personal property loss caused in the crash. Non-economic damages are harm and losses that occurred in the accident that do not have a price tag, such as mental and emotional anguish, and loss of affection.

The number of damages that a personal injury claim can recover is based on the factors involved in the case, but in some cases, a state's negligence rule can affect the outcome of a claim. For example, in Missouri, which follows Comparative Negligence, a person's damages are based on the percentage of fault the injured party had in the accident. If the injured person was 0% at fault, they can recover 100% of damages caused in an accident, but if fault was split 20% - 80%, they could recover 80% of the damages caused in an accident.

Contact Our St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyers Now

Personal injury claims are complex, but hiring an attorney takes away the stress of the process. An experienced attorney can walk you through the personal injury claims process, give you an outlook for your claim, and answer any questions that you have about your claim.

Burger Law is here to help those injured in motor vehicle accidents, work-related accidents, and other personal injury accidents. Our St. Louis personal injury attorneys are passionate about fighting for the rights of victims and recovering the maximum damages from the negligent party involved. If you were injured in an accident, and want more information on how much your personal injury claim is worth, or want to know more about Burger Law, call 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222 for a free consultation.
