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Lost Wages Lawyers St. Louis, Missouri, and Illinois

Lost Wages Lawyers in St Louis, MO. You work hard for your wages, and when you are injured through no fault of your own as a result of an accident or negligence, you deserve to collect on those wages. Collecting on lost wages can be a difficult and confusing process as many companies will require employees to sign legal forms and agreements after an accident that can limit the amount an employee can collect. Companies are out to protect their bottom dollar, and if this means a worker incurs lost wages at the company benefit then they will act upon it. Situations such as these should never be dealt with alone. The lost wages lawyers at the Burger Law Firm have litigated these cases before and have always provided their clients the lost wages they are owed. If you or your loved ones have lost wages due to injuries or negligence, you need to contact Gary Burger and the lost wages lawyers at the Burger Law Firm to receive a free case evaluation.

The Lost Wages Lawyers at Burger Law know that every dollar counts when a workplace injury happens because of an accident or negligence and that lost wages can be devastating on a family with a budget. Gary Burger and the lost wages lawyers at Burger Law Firm are dedicated to protecting hardworking families and ensuring that they receive the lost wages they are owed. If you or your loved ones have lost wages due to negligence, an accident, or any other injury-related reason, contact the lost wages lawyers at Burger Law today to protect you and your family.

The lost wages lawyers at the Burger Law Firm excel at providing the highest quality legal advice to the Greater Missouri and Illinois regions. If you have any questions about lost wages, how they can be recovered, or any other questions regarding lost wages, contact Gary Burger and the lost wages lawyers at Burger Law Immediately. We will provide you with the best legal advice, support, and litigation.

Maximum Damages Recovery

  • $5 MILLION Wrongful Death Truck Crash Victory
  • $2 MILLION Multi-Vehicle Crash Settlement
  • $1.4 MILLION Deck Collapse Settlement
  • $900,000 Medical Malpractice Victory

Call us at (314) 542-2222

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No Attorney's Fees Unless We Win

The Lost Wages Lawyers at Burger Law do not charge you unless we win the lost wages claim for your family. We dedicate our firm to exclusively fighting for you when a person, corporation or insurance company acts unsafely and causes the harm of a family member or loved one. We aggresively pursue cases to get great recoveries for our clients. The Lost Wages Lawyers of Burger Law work on a contingency-fee basis. You will not owe any fees or expenses unless we win your case. Burger Law is well-financed and we have the resources and legal expertise to win the lost wages claim held by your family.

Can't Come to Us? We'll Come to You.

Gary Burger and associates are driven by their shared passion for helping lost wages victims. Burger Law has recovered over $50 million dollars in the last 16 years. If you or a loved one has suffered due to a car accident, truck accident, or any other accident in St Louis or the surrounding area, allow the attorneys of Burger Law to help you recover. Call us at (314) 500-HURT, fill out our contact form or complete our free case evaluation to get started on the road to justice for you or your loved one.

Our Lost Wages Lawyers are dedicated to providing lost wages clients with expert legal advice and counseling. If you've been in a work accident and believe that your accident may fall under another category, please choose from the below.


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“Gary and his team provided us with effective, efficient and highly professional service. Gary provides sound advice and is a trustworthy and ethical attorney. I highly recommend the team!”

David and Fran Schneider

Hurt? Hire Us Today or call (314) 500-HURT
