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Employer Negligence Lawyers St. Louis, Missouri, and Illinois

Making the determination whether you have a civil suit for Employer Negligence or a claim under worker's compensation is not always clear to a person injured on the job. While generally speaking most injuries on the job will fall under the worker's comp insurance protecting employers from being sued by employees, there are several exceptions to this law. If you have been injured on the job and your employer intentionally caused you harm, you are able to sue your negligent employer in civil court. Battery, assault, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, defamation, invasion of privacy, conversion, and trespassing are the most common intentional injuries sustained by employees. Whether the pain caused is physical, mental, or emotional, employees may have the right to sue their employer outside of worker's comp in a civil court.

If you need assistance in determining whether your company's organization is guilty of employer negligence or you have a claim for worker's compensation, the attorneys at Burger Law have over forty years experience in fighting for claimants to receive the benefits and settlements that they are owed. Your employer should cover medical bills and wages for days missed resulting from the damage while at work. The permanent damage that renders an employee disabled can necessitate receipt of a compensation plan and funds for retraining. If you have been hurt on the job, time is of the essence. Let the professionals at Burger Law review your case to determine the necessary steps to recover what is rightfully yours. Call the Burger Law team at (314) 500-HURT today!

The Employer Negligence lawyers at Burger Law offer legal services throughout the Greater Missouri and Illinois region. If you'd like to learn more about Employer Negligence, work-related injuries, or anything in between, contact the Burger Law Firm today. We look forward to providing you with the highest quality of advice, support, and litigation.

Our Employer Negligence Lawyers are dedicated to providing workers compensation clients with expert legal advice and counseling. If you've been in a work accident and believe that your accident may fall under another category, please choose from the below.


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“Gary and his team provided us with effective, efficient and highly professional service. Gary provides sound advice and is a trustworthy and ethical attorney. I highly recommend the team!”

David and Fran Schneider

Hurt? Hire Us Today or call (314) 500-HURT
