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December 29, 2022 | Gary Burger

What Are Common Causes of Truck Accidents?

What are common causes of truck accidents? Truck accidents aren't like normal accidents. These massive vehicles almost always cause terrible accidents and catastrophic injuries. But how do these accidents happen? What are the most common causes of these truck accidents? Can they be avoided?

In this FAQ, we're going to explore the most common causes of truck accidents. If you've been involved in a truck accident, and you need aggressive and award-winning legal advocacy to get the full compensation you are owed, call our truck accident lawyers at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form for a free consultation. With offices in Chicago, St. Louis and elsewhere, we are well equipped to help the injured throughout Missouri and Illinois.

If you were injured in a truck accident, see how much your claim may be worth by using our free personal injury calculator.

8 Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

As with most accidents, the common causes of truck accidents are almost always avoidable. Whether it's driver fatigue, texting and driving, the truck is in poor condition, speeding, or another reason, in most of these cases the accident would never have happened if people had just followed the rules. Listed below are the eight most common causes of truck accidents:

  • Truck Driver Fatigue Truck drivers, under commercial driver regulations set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, are only supposed to operate a set number of hours per day. This law was created to keep tired drivers from getting behind the wheel of their truck and causing accidents. When a truck driver operates their truck while tired, they are maneuvering an 80,000lb vehicle, not a small passenger car that maybe weighs 3,000lbs. There is a massive difference between the two, and if a truck causes an accident, the injuries are more likely to be severe or fatal.
  • Texting and Driving Texting and driving is dangerous regardless of the circumstances. Whether you are behind the wheel of a truck or car doesn't matter, it's dangerous and is often deadly. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, people who text and drive take their eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. At 55 MPH, that means driving the entire length of a football field without looking at the road once. People who text and drive are 23.2 times more likely to be in a crash or near-crash.
  • Truck Equipment Failure — Tractor Trailers are massive vehicles with large parts that need to be inspect routinely. They carry thousands of pounds of cargo, and when one of their parts fails it can lead to the failure of the vehicle and even an accident. Truck drivers must routinely inspect their vehicles to make sure all of their parts are in a safe working order, and ensure that any parts that are not up to code are replaced or repaired.
  • Speeding — By law, truck drivers are required to go no faster than certain speeds while operating their vehicles. This seems simple enough, as you have to abide by traffic laws when you drive your car. However, your vehicle does not weigh 10,000lbs + and is not carrying extremely heavy cargo that can make it even more dangerous to operate. Truck drivers absolutely have to follow speed laws because when they don't they can lose control of their vehicles and cause catastrophic damage to others as a result.
  • Overloaded/Overweight Truck This is yet another law that is designed to make trucking safer in the US, and yet not all truckers or cargo companies follow the law. When a truck is overweight, it can fishtail easily, or the driver can lose control of the truck when driving through tight corners. Overweight trucks are also more prone to rollovers and other types of accidents. To prevent this, weigh stations are implemented on interstates to make sure truck drivers are following the law.
  • Blind Spots Trucks are so tall and long that they have many more blind spots than an average car. This means truck drivers have to be extra careful when merging, backing up or turning.
  • Night Time Accidents Driving at night not only decreases visibility, but also increases the likelihood that a truck driver may be drowsy, drunk or on an amphetamine in order try and stay awake.
  • Failing to Adjust to Weather Conditions — You can't sue Mother Nature for your injuries, but truck drivers, just like all drivers, have a responsibility to adjust their speed, increase distance between themselves and other vehicles, and follow other safety precautions when the weather is bad. If they don't they can be held liable for your injuries.

If you were injured in a trucking accident, the first thing you need to do is get the appropriate medical attention you need to ensure your physical recovery. Then, call experienced and hard-hitting personal injury lawyers like those at Burger Law to hold the rule breakers accountable, and get you the financial recovery you deserve.

Truck Accident Lawyers in Missouri and Illinois

When it comes to trucking, the laws are clear. Truck drivers must adhere to stricter laws than regular drivers and this is because their vehicles are incredibly dangerous. When a truck is involved, no accident is a small accident, and often the accidents are traumatic and fatal. If you've been involved in a truck accident in St. Louis, Chicago or anywhere in Missouri or Illinois and you need help and legal guidance to make sure you get the care and recovery you need, call our team at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online to discuss your case for free.
