All Questions

January 20, 2020 | Gary Burger

What are Non-Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

There are many different damages that can result from a case, such as injuries, distress, property loss, and more. While economic damages such as medical expenses or lost wages are quickly identifiable, non-economic damages in a personal injury case can be challenging to categorize, as they vary from case to case.

The last thing that you want to deal with after being the victim of an accident is negotiating with the other party's insurance company - you just want to recover justice and compensation for your harm and losses.

In this FAQ, we are going to discuss non-economic damages, the process of recovering compensation for damages, and how a St. Louis personal injury lawyer can help you recover the economic and non-economic damages you are entitled to. If you have other questions about damages, or want to speak with our experienced attorneys about your case, call 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222, or contact our team today. We don't charge any fees for our consultations, and we never ask for attorneys fees unless we recover compensation for your personal injury claim.

What Qualifies as a Non-Economic Damage?

Non-economic damages, or general damages, are expenses that stem from an accident that don't have a price tag attached to them. For example, inexplicable sadness or flashbacks after the accident. Non-economic damages can vary significantly from person to person and case to case. Common types of non-economic damages in personal injury cases include:

  • Mental or physical distress
  • Disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Overall loss of life satisfaction
  • Loss of affection
  • Other social or psychological losses caused by your injuries

Unlike economic damages, non-economic damages aren't accompanied by a price tag. Proving non-economic damages in a personal injury case requires documentation of some sort. For example, if a person suffers PTSD after an accident, when filing a personal injury claim, to prove non-economic damages, it's essential to have proof from a treating therapist or doctor. Or, in the case of loss of affection, a victim's spouse needs to prove that the victim's injuries have taken a significant toll on their relationship.

Is There a Cap on Economic Damages?

Our Personal Injury Lawyers in St. Louis are dedicated to fighting for the most compensation for your case. Most cases can recover full-compensation for economic losses associated with an accident, but in some states, there is a cap on how much a person can recover for their non-economic damages. Missouri's injury laws allow personal injury victims to recover full compensation for both economic and non-economic damages, with proof of the other party's fault, proof of physical injury, lost wages, and other damages, accompanied by representation from an experienced attorney. Our personal injury lawyers in St. Louis are passionate about representing the claims of St. Louis residents and will do everything in their power to make sure that you get the compensation and justice you deserve for your case.

If you have questions about what type of non-economic damages you are eligible to recover, or want to know more about our firm, please call our Personal Injury Lawyers in St. Louis at 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222. We don't charge any fees for our consultations, and we never ask for any attorneys fees unless we recover damages for your personal injury claim.
