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June 24, 2022 | Gary Burger

What Do Car Accident Lawyers Do?

What Do Car Accident Lawyers Do? If you've been injured in a car accident because someone else broke the rules of the road, you're probably wondering how to proceed with getting compensation and if you need an attorney for your claim. You may be wondering, what exactly can car accident lawyers do for my claim? In the simplest terms, dedicated and passionate car accident lawyers like those at Burger Law help people when they are at their most vulnerable. We know you did nothing wrong and did not choose to be in this situation, but we can make this trying time a little easier by standing by your side and offering the highest standard of legal advocacy. Based in St. Louis with offices in Chicago, we deliver justice and full financial recoveries to individuals and families throughout Missouri and Illinois. Call a Burger Law car accident lawyer today at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

If you were injured in a car accident in St. Louis or anywhere in Missouri or Illinois, use our free personal injury calculator to see how much your claim may be worth.

What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do For My Case?

Take on the Insurance Company

Insurance companies use a lot of tactics to devalue your claim or avoid paying them. They might tell you they only have to pay for six weeks of medical care, that your injuries are pre-existing or that they do not have to pay for lost wages because you have paid time off. None of those things are true. A knowledgeable and experienced car accident lawyer will keep the insurance company honest and fight back against any attempts not to give you the compensation you deserve.

Help You Understand the Claims Process

Most people who were injured in a car accident have never had to seek legal representation before. A car accident lawyer will always keep you informed of what's going on with your case and help you understand your options and realistic expectations for what compensation you can recover, how long your case may take and any issues that may affect the outcome, such as if you were partially at fault or did have pre-existing injuries. We handle all documentation, litigation and negotiation so you can focus on healing.

Gather The Evidence Needed for Your Claim

While the burden of proof in a civil case is not as high as beyond a reasonable doubt, you'll still need to demonstrate to an insurance adjuster or a jury the extent of your injuries and why you are owed compensation for them. An auto accident law firm will gather all relevant evidence, including:

  • Police reports
  • Pictures of the vehicles and accident site
  • Eyewitness testimony and depositions
  • Medical records and hospital bills
  • Depositions from family and friends stating how your injuries have affected your life

Utilize Our Network of Economic and Medical Experts to Value Your Claim

Once we acquire all the evidence, a car accident lawyer should meet with experts to precisely value your damages and calculate how much money you are owed. Medical experts will be key in cases where you will need medical treatment or assistive devices in the future, and economic experts will adjust for inflation and provide context for your lost wages.

Offer Sound and Honest Legal Advice

A good and honest lawyer will always let you make final decisions, such as whether to accept a settlement offer or want to go to trial. However, it's often difficult to make those decisions if you don't have the legal experience a car accident lawyer does. An effective attorney will keep you fully informed and give you all the information and advice you need to make what you feel is the best decision for you and your family.

Negotiate a Fair Settlement

Some insurance adjusters are honest while others will do whatever they can to pay you as little as possible. Either way, an experienced and aggressive car crash attorney will know how to fight back and make the insurance adjuster eventually see reason. We like to put insurance adjusters on their heels, so we're more aggressive than most law firms in filing lawsuits so that the insurance company knows we mean business.

Represent You in Front of a Judge and Jury

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, only four percent of personal injury claims ever go to court, and often an insurance company will finally offer a fair settlement on the eve of a trial in order to avoid a lengthy court battle. But when cases do go to trial, you need to be sure that your car accident lawyer knows how to fight in a courtroom and make your case to a judge and jury.

Get Your Liens Reduced

Your car accident lawyer's job isn't done once you've been awarded fair compensation; they should also work to reduce your medical liens. Hospitals, health insurance companies and sometimes a local government can file liens to recover money it spent on your treatment. A good auto crash lawyer will negotiate with any entity claiming a lien to reduce or even eliminate the lien.

St. Louis, Missouri Car Accident Lawyers | Burger Law

Burger Law's auto accident law firm has over 70 years of combined experience in all aspects of personal injury cases and in fighting for the rights of the injured and vulnerable. To date, we have won over $175 million in verdicts and settlements for our clients in St. Louis and throughout Missouri and Illinois. We know being injured in a car accident because of someone else's negligence is trying, but we are here to stand by your side and fight on your behalf. Talking to us is free, so there's no reason not to call and get information about the claims process or how you should proceed. Call a St. Louis car accident lawyer at Burger Law today at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online.
