All Questions

May 7, 2020 | Gary Burger

What Should I Do After a Hit-and-Run Car Accident?

Hit-and-Run accidents are terrible, but not uncommon. In fact, hit-and-run accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that occur. But what does this mean for hit-and-run victims? Can you still recover compensation for damages caused in a hit-and-run accident?

In this FAQ, we’ll discuss what to do after a hit-and-run accident, how to file a hit-and-run accident claim, and what type of damages you can recover for a hit-and-run car accident. If you have questions about your car accident claim, or why you should hire a car accident lawyer in St. Louis to represent your case, call 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222 for a free consultation.

What Should I Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

Hit-and-run accidents can be confusing. Without an identifiable negligent party, how can you file a claim? Who is responsible for your damages in the accident?

First things first, after a hit-and-run accident, you need to file an immediate police report. Even if the negligent party drove off after the accident, there are a number of details that the police can pick up on, such as tire tracks, witness reports, stoplight photos, and more, that can help them figure out who caused the accident. Along with filing a police report, it's essential to seek medical treatment at the scene of an accident.

A medical report proves that your injuries were the result of the accident and can be used when bringing a claim against your insurance company. Similarly, you'll need witness accounts - without a witness account, it can be difficult to get your claim accepted by an insurer. Perhaps most importantly, you should hire an attorney to represent your claim - the sooner, the better. An attorney can not only protect you from the insurance company, but piece together what happened in the accident and defend your right to compensation.

Recoverable Damages in a Hit-and-Run Accident

Recoverable car accident damages are different for every case, but generally, include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damages that resulted from the accident. In a hit-and-run accident claim, the number of damages that a person can recover is dependent upon the severity of their injuries from the accident, whether they had any fault in the accident, the outlook for their injuries, and the amount of evidence available for their case. Most cases, with an immediate police report, medical treatment, and help from an attorney, can recover full compensation for damages caused by a hit-and-run driver.

If you were the victim of a hit-and-run accident, and need an attorney, Burger Law provides the highest quality legal representation to victims of hit-and-run car accidents in Missouri and Illinois. If you need help filing an accident claim, determining the value of your damages, or have questions about the car accident insurance claims process, our St. Louis hit-and-run car accident lawyers can help. Call or contact our attorneys at 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222 for a free case review.
