All Questions

June 17, 2020 | Gary Burger

What Should I Do if I'm Hit by a Drunk Driver?

Drunk drivers are responsible for over $44 billion dollars in damage every year in the US. If you or a loved one become a victim of drunk driving, you need to know exactly what to do to make sure you are fairly compensated for your suffering.

Burger Law attorneys have and continue to successfully represent injury victims of all kinds, including car accident victims, in the St. Louis area. Let us help you win your drunk driving accident case. Call 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222 to consult with the experts at Burger Law today.

What to Do As a Drunk Driving Accident Victim

Immediately following the accident, you may be in shock and could be injured. Whatever the severity of the collision with a drunk driver, remember to do the following:

  • Stay there and call for help. Remain at the scene of the accident if possible. Call 911 and wait for first responders to arrive. Even if you believe the outcome to be minor, it will strengthen your legal case later on if you have an official police report filed.
  • Take pictures. Images are the best way you can personally document the accident. If you can safely do so, get pictures of the scene, your vehicle, and your injuries. Photos of the scene where the accident took place hold valuable information such as the weather conditions or other factors involved in the accident. Snapshots of your vehicle show the force and extent of the collision, and pictures of you and your passengers display some of the physical injuries sustained as a result of the accident. Any video or photos you can get of the other driver can help prove his or her impairment.
  • Record witness information. If you can, speak to any witnesses and get their contact information. We count on police officers to record all available witness statements and personal information, but this is not always the case. Collecting your own witness information means you can confirm that the police report includes an exhaustive witness list.

After the accident, what should I do next?

After being involved in an accident, you will first need to take care of your physical needs. If you have any injuries, get them treated and give them time to heal. Seek treatment as needed for symptoms that persist. It's crucial to take notes and obtain as many records, receipts, and any other documentation from all medical procedures, treatment, and attention you receive.

Another key is to contact the insurance companies. All drivers are responsible for contacting their own insurance company following any accident. Contact your agent to tell them what happened and find out what coverage you have in this situation. You should also contact the other driver's insurance provider. This way, you ensure that the company has adequate notice of the accident and cannot deny coverage later.

Do I need a lawyer for my drunk driving accident claim?

Having a lawyer in a drunk driving car accident case is a huge benefit. The at-fault driver's insurance company would prefer to settle before the case goes to court at all, but they will only offer you a fraction of what you are entitled to and can get with the help of a lawyer through a civil claim. If you're still unsure of whether you should hire an attorney, contact our offices for a free consultation.

How will having a lawyer help me?

Along with the confidence and peace of mind you gain by having a professional on your side, hiring a car accident lawyer to represent you can benefit you immensely.

An experienced accident lawyer will provide you with:

  • Additional documentation and a more complete investigation
  • Assurance that the case is filed correctly
  • Knowledge and savvy required to get the most out of the driver's insurance policy
  • Finding other possible claims or sources of compensation
  • Knowledge of what you deserve and the ability to fight to get it

Car Accident Lawyers St. Louis, MO | Burger Law

If you or a loved one is the victim of a drunk driving accident, contact Burger Law immediately. Our experienced attorneys specialize in many different areas, including car accidents. We have helped many accident victims in the St. Louis area get the compensation they deserve. We will fight for you. Just call 314-542-2222 in Missouri or 618-272-2222 in Illinois, or contact us online.
