St. Louis Speeding Accident Lawyers

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Speeding Accident Lawyers in St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois

Speeding Accident Injury Attorney in St Louis. Speeding while driving is one of the biggest factors in many car accidents. If you were injured in an accident where the opposing driver was speeding, it is important to get in touch with an experienced lawyer from Burger Law who can accurately represent your case. Call Burger Law now at (314) 500-HURT or complete our online contact form.

Table of Contents

If you were injured in a speeding accident in St. Louis, or anywhere in Missouri or Illinois, see how much your claim may be worth by using our free personal injury calculator.

When a driver speeds, not only are they endangering those around them, they are also breaking the law. When an individual gets injured as a result of a careless driver who broke the law and was speeding, they should not be required to pay a lawyer to receive fair compensation for their injuries. Burger Law works on a contingency-fee basis, and you will not have to pay any fees or expenses unless we win your case. Our personal injury lawyers work quickly and efficiently when investigating and collecting evidence to win maximum compensation for your speeding accident injuries. Gary Burger and his associates resolutely fight to recover money for loss of wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. The speeding accident injury attorneys at Burger Law take on cases that other lawyers will not, and we have great success rates in recovering the compensation our St. Louis clients deserve.

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“Gary and his team provided us with effective, efficient and highly professional service. Gary provides sound advice and is a trustworthy and ethical attorney. I highly recommend the team!”

David and Fran Schneider

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How Common Are Rear End Accidents in St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois

How Common Are Speeding Accidents in St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois?

Over the last 20 years or so, speeding has been a factor in about a third of all traffic-related deaths. In 2020, speeding was a "contributing factor" in 29 percent of motor vehicle deaths.

According to the Missouri Traffic Safety Compendium, in 2020 the state had 13,587 speeding accidents, which resulted in 6,511 personal injuries and 343 deaths. Despite making up only 12.38 percent of crashes, they accounted for 36.84 percent of fatal crashes.

According to the Illinois 2020 Crash Facts & Statistics, crashes involving speed accounted for 31.9 percent of all crashes, 44.9 percent of fatal crashes and 37.3 percent of personal injury crashes.

What Can Your St. Louis Speeding Accidents Lawyers Do For Me?

What Can Your St. Louis Speeding Accidents Lawyers Do For Me?

After being injured in a speeding accident in St. Louis, the most important thing to do is to get the full medical treatment you need. Not only does that help ensure the best outcome for your long-term health, but it will make getting full compensation easier. Next, you need to find a speeding accident attorney who will fight on your behalf to hold the negligent parties accountable and get you justice.

Burger Law's car accident lawyers are dedicated and empathetic while being aggressive and tenacious in seeking justice. With our legal advocacy, we will:

  • Fully investigate your claim and find the evidence needed to determine who is liable for your injuries and prove negligence
  • Connect you with trusted healthcare providers to get you the best possible physical recovery
  • Work with you to develop a legal strategy
  • Determine the full extent of your damages
  • Keep you up-to-date on your case, always be available to answer questions and provide legal advice that is sound and compassionate, while leaving the ultimate decision about your claim up to you
  • Do everything possible to get a fair settlement in negotiation and mediation
  • Take the fight to trial if we have to

The car accident attorneys of Burger Law will offer you zealous representation to get you the full financial recovery you are owed. As experienced trial attorneys, we will be by your side from your initial consultation through the successful resolution of your case.

They Injured You. We Hold Them Accountable.

They Injured You. We Hold Them Accountable.

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What Are Common Causes of Speeding Accidents in St. Louis?

What Are Common Causes of Speeding Accidents in St. Louis?

Speeding is a form of aggressive or reckless driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2020 53 percent of drivers in fatal speeding crashes were not wearing a seat belt, and 35 percent of drivers were men between 15-20 years old. That may suggest that "thrill-seeking," or a general penchant for recklessness, is behind many of the crashes. Other reasons someone may make the irresponsible decision to speed include:

  • They are running late
  • There is congested traffic, causing them to become impatient
  • They like to drive aggressively
  • They are driving a long way
  • They simply did not notice how fast they were going

Whatever reason someone chose to speed, it does not justify their decision to disregard the rules and harm you. Call Burger Law's aggressive and dedicated car accident lawyers in St. Louis to hold them accountable.

Why is Speeding so Dangerous?

Why is Speeding so Dangerous?

Speeding affects somebody's ability to drive safely and react to the road, and increases the risk of injury in a variety of ways:

  • It increases the likelihood of someone losing control of their vehicle
  • Protective equipment like airbags and seatbelts are less effective
  • The likelihood of rollover accidents is increased
  • The driver's reaction time is greatly diminished
  • There is dramatically reduced stopping distance between other vehicles
  • Because more force is applied, the damage and resulting injuries can be much more severe

Speed limits are set in place by local and state governments for a reason. Exceeding them puts everybody in danger.

Who is Liable for My Speeding Accident Injuries in St. Louis, Missouri?

Who is Liable for My Speeding Accident Injuries in St. Louis, Missouri?

If someone was speeding and injured you, they are liable for your injuries. Speeding is a violation of both the Missouri Revised Statutes and Illinois Compiled Statutes. Under the legal doctrine of negligence per se, anyone who injures you while breaking a statute is automatically at fault for your injuries.

That means that you and your St. Louis car accident lawyer do not have to prove that the other driver was negligent. You just have to prove that they caused the accident, for example, by losing control of their vehicle, and that the accident caused your injury. The speeding accident lawyers of Burger Law have over 30 years of experience investigating these claims and proving how speeding drivers caused accidents.

In some cases, there may be other liable parties. For example, you may have a product liability claim against a vehicle manufacturer if the other driver was speeding because their brakes stopped working.

What Are Common Speeding Accident Injuries in St. Louis, MO?

What Are Common Speeding Accident Injuries in St. Louis, MO?

Because of the added force involved, speeding accidents can cause catastrophic injuries, sometimes with life-long consequences and even death. Some of the terrible injuries that can occur in a speeding accident include:

Our St. Louis speeding accident lawyers cannot make your injuries go away, but we can ensure that you get a sense of justice and that you receive compensation for every way your injuries have affected you. If your worst nightmare struck and a speeding accident led to the death of a loved one, we can help you file a wrongful death claim.

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Speak to a St. Louis Speeding Accident Lawyer Today

The speeding accident injury lawyers at Burger Law offer legal services in St. Louis and throughout Missouri and Illinois. If a speeding driver injured you, our car accident attorneys will stand by your side and hold them accountable. Call us today at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form.
