St. Louis Uninsured Motorist Claims Lawyer

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Uninsured Motorist Claims Lawyer St. Louis, Missouri, and Illinois

Uninsured Motorist Claims Lawyer in St. Louis, Missouri. A car accident alone is frustrating, challenging and difficult to deal with. You certainly did not ask for this incident to happen. And, if the other driver is uninsured, the frustration meter just cranked upward to an astronomical level. Great, who exactly is going to pay for the damages?

Table of Contents

If you have been in a St. Louis car accident with an uninsured driver, you need to call Burger Law immediately at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online. Your insurance company is required to carry uninsured driver coverage and you can make a claim against your own insurance policy to recover the damages to your vehicle as well as your injuries. Our St. Louis uninsured motorist claims lawyer can walk you through the entire, albeit frustrating, process and help make sense of it all, while fighting to get you the maximum compensation available.

If you or a loved one are dealing with injuries sustained in a car accident with an uninsured motorist, find out how much your claim may be worth by using our personal injury calculator.

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“Gary and his team provided us with effective, efficient and highly professional service. Gary provides sound advice and is a trustworthy and ethical attorney. I highly recommend the team!”

David and Fran Schneider

Hurt? Hire Us Today or call (314) 500-HURT

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How Often Do Uninsured Motorist Claims Occur in St. Louis?

How Often Do Uninsured Motorist Claims Occur in St. Louis?

Although a minimum amount of liability car insurance is legally required in most states – Missouri requires the “25/50/25” minimum of $25,000 bodily injury coverage for another person, $50,000 bodily injury coverage for any other persons injured and $25,000 property damage coverage – there are still drivers that decide to get behind the wheel without insurance. According to a 2021 study by the Insurance Research Council, one in eight drivers on U.S. roads, or 12.6 percent of all motorists, are uninsured. Approximately 16.4 percent of Missouri drivers are uninsured.

Even though you are a safe, steadfast driver who follows the rules of the road, you are still vulnerable to accidents with uninsured drivers. Your uninsured motorist coverage through your own insurance policy is used when you are involved in one of these accidents and the crash is deemed to be that driver’s fault. The idea is that by making a claim against your own car insurance company, you can receive compensation for the entire spectrum of your car accident-related losses, just as you would if the at-fault driver did have insurance and you could make a claim directly against them or their insurance company.

If you need help with your uninsured motorist claim, or if think your own insurance company is not treating you fairly, call our firm right away at (314) 500-HURT or complete our online contact form. Our St. Louis uninsured motorist claims attorney is here to help.

What Do I Do If I Am in a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver in St. Louis?

What Do I Do If I Am in a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver in St. Louis?

As an example, you are sitting at a stop light waiting for it to turn green when suddenly you are hit from behind – causing you some serious whiplash and likely some damage to your car. After pulling safely to the side of the road, you get out to assess your vehicle and talk with the driver who hit you. The back of your car is smashed in and you are sensing a visit to the doctor in the near future for your aching neck. The other driver looks flustered and panicked, pacing around and speaking in incomplete thoughts. When you ask them for their insurance information, they tell you that they do not have any. No need to worry, your Burger Law uninsured motorist claims attorney in St. Louis has developed these tips on what to do if you get into an accident with an uninsured driver:

  1. Call the police
  2. It is always a good idea to call the police following a car accident, whether the other driver has insurance or not. But if you are dealing with an uninsured driver, calling the police is even more crucial, due to the fact that their report will help get your damages covered and make the claims process much smoother.

  3. Do not accept money
  4. Because the other driver does not have insurance, they could be facing some hefty fines and fees. This could bring about a situation where they offer you money to avoid legal repercussions. At this point, you have no idea what your damages or injury costs will amount to, so even if it seems like a good deal, hold off and do not accept money. Your visit to the doctor for whiplash might turn into something far worse and far more expensive. The damage to the back of your car might be far worse than originally estimated or imagined.

  5. Swap information
  6. While the other driver does not have insurance information to give you, be sure to get their contact and vehicle details. Do not forget to gather information from any witness also, since their statements can be beneficial during the claims process.

  7. Gather details
  8. Get the make and model of the vehicle involved, time and location of the accident, as well as the name and badge number of the responding officer. Write down any pertinent information you think could help you when working with your Burger Law uninsured motorist claims attorney in St. Louis.

  9. Take pictures
  10. You will want to capture any damage done to your car and the other vehicle, the other driver’s VIN number, license plate number, traffic signs and the direction each vehicle was traveling. All of these are crucial details that will come in handy when filing a claim.

As always, you can call our firm today at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online with any questions or concerns about your uninsured motorist claim.

Fighting For the Rights of Those Injured By a Reckless and Careless Driver

Fighting For the Rights of Those Injured By a Reckless and Careless Driver

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When Do Uninsured Motorist Claims Apply in St. Louis?

When Do Uninsured Motorist Claims Apply in St. Louis?

The following situations are examples of when an uninsured motorist claim would apply:

  • A driver does not have bodily injury liability coverage. Not having this type of coverage technically means they are uninsured.
  • The driver does have bodily injury liability coverage, but the limits are below the minimum required by the state. Missouri’s minimum is $50,000.
  • A hit-and-run accident. Hit-and-runs are considered uninsured accidents.
  • If the driver or company responsible for the accident denies coverage, or if the company becomes insolvent and is not able to pay.

Even though uninsured motorist coverage is part of your insurance policy, yes, with the same insurance company that you pay hundreds of dollars to each month for coverage, things may not always go as smoothly as you might expect when it comes to getting a fair resolution to your claim. Burger Law is in its third decade of dealing with insurance companies. Our St. Louis car accident lawyers know all the tricks an insurance company will resort to in order to not pay. Our uninsured motorist claims lawyer in St. Louis will do whatever it takes for you to be fairly compensated for your damages and injuries. After all, insurance companies are far less likely to deny claims when people hire an attorney.

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Contact a Leading St. Louis Uninsured Motorist Claims Lawyer at Burger Law Today

Contact a Leading St. Louis Uninsured Motorist Claims Lawyer at Burger Law Today

You do not have to fight this battle alone. And the Burger Law attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will not be responsible for out-of-pocket costs and our fees will be collected only after a successful completion of your case.

Call us right now at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Other car accident cases we take on in St. Louis and throughout Missouri and Illinois include:
