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Birth Injury LawyerCass County, MO

Your child was injured, and now you need help to get the care they need.

Your child coming into the world should have been a positive, memorable, lifelong moment. But now the negligent actions of a doctor have harmed your child, and possibly you as well. The procedures and methods to deliver a baby aren't obscure or mysterious, so why were you or your child harmed? Aren't doctors and nurses required to go through hundreds of hours of training to make sure they know what they are doing? What went wrong? Why were you or your child injured? What actions can you take to make sure that you and your child are fully taken care of?

You and your child are now suffering, and it needs to be made right. Gary Burger and the Birth Injury Lawyers at Burger Law will fight to make sure that both you and your child are fully cared for, and receive the compensation you need to cover medical care and any other losses you have suffered. Our Birth Injury Lawyers in Cass County know how to fight these cases, and will use MO laws to ensure that you are fully cared for. To learn more about or firm, or to get in contact with our Birth Injury Lawyers in Cass County, call or contact our firm now at 314-542-2222, 618-272-2222, or fill out this form here

Birth Injury Lawyer Cass County - Recent Victories

Results matter more than words. You want the best lawyer you can choose for your case type, and you want to recover 100% of what you are owed. A Cass County birth injury lawyer can say just about anything, but proving they are the best is another matter entirely. Here are several of our most recent victories as well as client testimonials:

Birth Injury Lawyer Cass County - Birth Injury and Medical Malpractice FAQ's

Have you ever had a question you wish you could ask a lawyer without going into their office? Would you rather watch a client testimonial video? Burger Law has several FAQ's that answer many of those questions you may have, as well as client testimonials to really show you what the process is like with our firm. Our FAQ questions covers many legal cases and incidents. Here are links to several of those FAQ's:

Birth Injury Lawyer Cass County - Birth Injuries

What is considered a birth injury? Birth Injuries occur during birth and delivery, and can be caused by several different actions. These factors include,

  • Large Baby - can cause complications during delivery.
  • Not Head First - Complications arise when the child is not delivered head first, and must be maneuvered to ease delivery.
  • Premature Birth - A baby born before it's due date may be more susceptible to birth injuries.
  • Small Pelvis or Birth Canal - A smaller birth canal makes birth harder.
  • C-Section - Cesarean sections have the potential to cause birth injuries.

What are the most common birth injuries that result from these complications?

  • Brachial Plexus Injury - This is an injury that can happen during birth, and causes damage to the nerves from the neck and to the hand. This injury leads to pain in the hands and neck, and can possibly cause permanent loss of use.
  • Brain Damage Injury - Physical trauma sustained during birth can lead to this injury. This can often lead to cerebral palsy.
  • Bone Fractures - During a difficult injury, the baby's bones can be fractured by the use of force that is used to help deliver the child.
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome - This injury occurs in about 5 to 10 percent of births, and typically occurs when the newborn breathes in a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid into the lungs near the time of delivery.

Birth Injury Lawyer Cass County, MO - We can Help

Gary Burger and the experienced and aggressive Cass County Birth Injury Attorneys of Burger Law fight for the rights and recoveries of those who have been injured by negligent and reckless actions. You won't owe our team anything unless Injury Lawyers win your claim. If you need help with your birth injury case now, call our Birth Injury Lawyers in Cass County immediately at 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222.

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“Gary and his team provided us with effective, efficient and highly professional service. Gary provides sound advice and is a trustworthy and ethical attorney. I highly recommend the team!”

David and Fran Schneider

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