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Head Injury LawyerDesoto, MO

The Desoto Personal Injury Lawyers of Burger Law Fight to make sure you get the care and recovery you deserve

Traumatic Head injuries are one of the main causes of disability or death. Regardless of whether or not you believe the injury to be severe or minor, you should always consult a medical professional to make sure that you or a loved one is ok. When you're hurt and suffering from debilitating injuries, you need professional help to make sure you get 100% of what you need.

Burger Law's Personal Injury Lawyers in Desoto fight for the full rights and recoveries of those who are suffering because of head injuries. Our Head Injury Lawyers know how terrible head injuries are and how debilitating they can be to the injured's everyday functions. Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Desoto can help you get the care you need and deserve. Give our team a call at 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222. We never charge any fees for our consultations and our Personal Injury Lawyers won't require any fees unless we win your head injury claim.

Head Injuries - Head Injury Lawyer Desoto, MO

Head Injuries can be hard to notice, and a person with a head injury often shows no outward appearance of being injured. The effects of a traumatic brain injury typically have lasting consequences. People with traumatic head injuries often do not realize they have them and may struggle with tasks they once considered routine after symptoms surface.

So what are the common types of head injuries, and what are the symptoms associated with that injury? Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Desoto have taken on and successfully fought head injuries in a wide variety of claims, and the head injuries they litigate most commonly are as follows:

  • Concussions - This is the most common type of head injury. This can be caused by force directly to the head, or by the head being violently shaken or pulled in a direction. This can cause loss of awareness, loss of consciousness, as well as alertness and ability to function for hours after the accident.
  • Fractures - This happens when the skull breaks under force. This type of head injury can be more severe because more force is required to break the thick skull bone. In most cases, severe brain damage does occur.
  • Linear Skull Fractures - This is the most common type of skull fracture. There is a break in the bone structure of the skull, but the broken bone does not move anywhere. Typically, little intervention is needed to correct this injury.
  • Depressed Skull Fractures - In this case, the brain can be damaged by the bone and force of the accident. At this level, severe loss of motor function is possible, as well as extended comas.
  • Hematomas - These injuries cause undue pressure on the brain which happens after clots form on or around the brain.
  • Epidural Hematoma - This forms between the skull bone and the brain. This type of head injury typically results from a skull fracture that ruptures blood vessels in the head. In this injury, migraines are very common, as well as loss of consciousness or motor functions.
  • Contusion - This is a direct injury to the brain. For this injury, major loss of motor function is common, as well as severe migraines and loss of consciousness.

Head Injuries should always be taken seriously, and you should always seek care after any head injury. If you don't get care, you could seriously alter your life and your ability to do basic functions. You may be able to sue the person responsible for your injury. Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Desoto have a proven themselves as champions for those who are injured due to negligence or willful acts, and they will fight for 100% of what you are owed and 100% of the recovery you need for your head injury.

Symptoms of Head Injuries - Head Injury Attorney in Desoto

Knowing how to detect when someone is suffering from a traumatic brain injury isn't always simple. Your skull is thick and is designed to protect your brain from blunt force trauma, but even the skull has its limits and can't protect the brain in all cases. This can mean that bleeding, swelling, bruising, or even worse injuries can have occurred and be affecting you or your loved one without any outward signs of physical injury. Our Head Injury Lawyers in Desoto recommend you look for these symptoms when trying to determine if someone is suffering from a brain injury:

  • Sensitivity to Noise or Light - An unusual sensitivity to sound or lights that appear painful and bright can be a sign of brain damage.
  • Abnormally Pale Skin - If a person looks abnormally pale after an injury, this can be an indicator of brain damage.
  • Severe Constant Headache - Severe Migraines or constant headaches can be signs of brain damage.
  • Blurred Vision - If the person has difficulty seeing where before they did not, this can be a clear sign of brain damage.
  • Balance Issues - If the person could walk normally before, and now has difficulty balancing or walking, this is a sign of brain damage.
  • Abnormal Sweating - When the brain is damaged, the body has several signs to show that trauma has taken place. Abnormal sweating is a clear sign of potential brain damage.
  • Sensitive to Irritability - A change in behavior, such as unusual irritability can be a sign of underlying brain damage.

Noticing brain issues as soon as they start can help reduce damage and other issues that could arise later. Always, always get medical attention for a head injury as quickly as you can. Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Desoto can make sure that you or your loved one get the full care and recovery you need. Our Lawyers have litigated head injury claims before and know the levels of care and medical attention that are required to ensure that you heal from the injury.

Head Injury Lawyer Desoto, MO - Call our Team Now

You deserve to get 100% of the recovery and compensation you are owed. Remeber, you didn't want to be hurt, lose work, or lose wages. If you or someone you love who's been hurt needs a Personal Injury Lawyer in Desoto who has experience with head injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or other types of head-related injuries, we can help. Give our team a call at 314-542-2222 or 618-272-2222. We never charge any fees for our consultations and our Personal Injury Lawyers won't require any fees unless we win your head injury claim.

Burger Law Legal Services

If you need help with a claim other than head injuries, our Personal Injury Lawyers in Desoto can still provide you with exceptional legal counsel and guidance. For more information on our services, please see the list provided on this page - Practice Areas.

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David and Fran Schneider

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