Chapter 14: Social Media And Your Truck Crash

You should be cautious about posting details of your truck crash on social media. In every lawsuit we file, our clients are always asked about Facebook posts, Twitter feeds, or any other social media statements about the incident or their injuries. You should never minimize or misrepresent injuries on social media. It would be irresponsible and unethical for a person to make a claim that they are seriously injured or totally disabled from a truck accident, and post pictures of them skiing, bike riding, or doing intense physical activity thereafter. We have many examples of this, and it could work both ways.

I once cross-examined a defendant driver in a drunk driving case who was trying to be remorseful about what they had done to their friend. After expressing remorse and saying they would never do it, their Facebook page was exhibited and I asked them why they had joined the “I like to get drunk and don’t give a F***” group only 2 weeks after the incident. This shut down their defense and the case settled shortly thereafter.

So, make sure you are careful in your social media presence after a truck crash or any accident. Have your social media presence be consistent with your injury and symptoms. Please do not put yourself in a position of making a statement about your injury to the insurance company, in a lawsuit, in a deposition, or at trial that is inconsistent with what you put on social media or what others put.
