When a medical provider makes a mistake at the expense of your health, we ensure that you get a full recovery

Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Medical Malpractice Lawyers Ste. Genevieve County, MO. If you or your family member have been harmed by a medical professional's failure to adhere to the basic rules of treating patients, you can receive a full recovery for your damages. In order to receive all the compensation you deserve, you need experienced medical malpractice lawyers near you in Ste. Genevieve County, MO. Our team of committed and knowledgeable medical malpractice lawyers of Burger Law in Ste. Genevieve County, MO are dedicated to fighting for the injured and their families. We stand up against large medical institutions and their insurance companies to demand they pay those they have harmed. In our decades of experience as a Ste. Genevieve County, MO injury law firm, we have helped our clients receive over $170 million in verdicts and settlements and continue to ensure that people who have been damaged by medical malpractice receive the compensation they deserve. Act now for your chance to get the full compensation you deserve. Hire Burger Law's medical malpractice lawyers in Ste. Genevieve County, MO. Learn how we can help you through your medical malpractice case and protect your future by speaking to one of our skilled attorneys today at (314) 500-HURT or online now.

Ste. Genevieve County, MO Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Medical malpractice cases are difficult. One person cannot take on a large medical institution or wealthy doctor on their own You need a confident medical malpractice lawyer in Ste. Genevieve County, MO who will fight relentlessly until you get a great settlement. Your Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyers with Burger Law do not back down until we are able to help you win your case.

Due to the medical details involved and the high stakes involved in medical malpractice cases, it is imperative that you work with a lawyer that is has experience representing and winning not just simple personal injury cases, but also in difficult and complex medical malpractice cases. Burger Law's Ste. Genevieve County, MO-based medical malpractice lawyers have obtained great results for our clients for more than two decades. Our commitment to going above and beyond for our clients and our skill in delivering top settlements have earned us the honor of the highest and most reviewed law firm in the area.

When you need the best legal representation for your case involving medical negligence or a doctor error, contact Burger Law. We handle everything from investigating your case carefully, obtaining all evidence, evaluating the extent and value of your damages, negotiating a great settlement and providing invaluable personal support and advice throughout the legal process. We will take care of everything from filing all paperwork on time and without error, communicating between yourself and the insurance company, helping you get the medical care you need to recover and speaking with healthcare professionals who act as a critical witness to translate the facts of your case in lay terms. You will have a dedicated Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyer and legal support staff from Burger Law who will fight for your claim every step of the way. Let us get to work on your case now. Discuss your case with our medical malpractice lawyers in Ste. Genevieve County, MO now at (314) 500-HURT.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers Ste. Genevieve County, MO: Proving Your Case

In order to have a medical malpractice case, certain facts must be true. In other words, you cannot have a medical malpractice lawyer sue a doctor or nurse for you simply because you disagree with the way a doctor went about your care or you do not care for their bedside manner. For your medical malpractice case, your Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyer is tasked with proving that the medical provider you are bringing the claim against had a duty to provide you with care as a medical professional, that they failed to meet this duty, that you were harmed and that it was their behavior or failure to act that caused you harm.

In order to recover damages in your medical malpractice case, you have to prove that your case meets the four legal requirements of a Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice claim. This is where a skilled and experienced medical malpractice lawyer in Ste. Genevieve County, MO comes in. You need the support of an expert in the field to effectively investigate, negotiate and present the facts of your claim. The experienced Burger Law Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyers have the skill and strategies to successfully present and argue your case. Your Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyer will help you prove that your case meets the requirements of medical malpractice in Ste. Genevieve County, MO.

As your Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyers, we know how to prove:

  1. Duty of care: Just like in a standard personal injury case, in your medical malpractice claim you must prove that the defense party owed you a duty of care. In a provider-patient relationship in a medical setting, the medical professional owes the patient a legal duty to follow safety rules that protect the patient from harm.
  2. Breach of duty: Next, you must prove that the defendant failed to meet their duty of care. When the medical provider breaks the rules for treating patients and does not act as a responsible medical provider would have acted in the same situation, they have breached their duty of care to you.
  3. Damages: You cannot sue a provider only because they made a mistake. For your a successful medical malpractice claim, you must prove that you were damaged. Your Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice attorney from Burger Law will successfully demonstrate the various damages you have suffered.
  4. Causation: The last component your Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyer must prove is that the medical provider's actions or inactions, and not an unrelated factor, caused your injuries and damages, such as pain and suffering, further medical bills and treatment costs, and lost wages from missed work.

It is important that you choose an experienced Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyer to represent you and fight for your recovery in your medical malpractice case. As your Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyers, the legal team of Burger Law works relentlessly to help you recover. We conduct expert witness depositions, detailed investigations and strategy plans for winning your case and proving how the defendant's actions have damaged you. With the help of our powerful and skilled Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyers, you can collect the complete damages to which you are entitled.

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Common Medical Malpractice Cases

Why do instances of medical malpractice occur? Doctors, surgeons and other providers are required to complete years of academic work in addition to clinical fieldwork before they are able to see patients and treat them. Nurses and other medical support staff must complete requirements of their profession before they can work with patients. Despite the stringent requirements for becoming a medical professional, medical errors still occur. Johns Hopkins has determined that more than 150,000 deaths in the United States every year that are attributed to medical negligence. When doctors and other medical providers make mistakes, Burger Law's Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyers fight to help those who have been injured receive a full recovery to heal and move forward.

As medical malpractice lawyers serving all Ste. Genevieve County, MO, Burger Law's team of medical malpractice attorneys have helped our clients win all manners of medical malpractice cases recover the compensation they deserve. Our team has successfully workedn some of the most complex and challenging cases and have helped our clients receive great recoveries. When a medical professional makes a mistake that costs you or your loved one's well-being, Burger Law's medical malpractice lawyers in Ste. Genevieve County, MO will help you recover, no matter the situation. Our experienced team has seen it all when it comes to medical malpractice situations, including:

  • Misdiagnosis: An incorrect diagnosis can be incredibly dangerous. If you find that a medical professional has given you the wrong diagnosis, contact a medical malpractice lawyer immediately. With the wrong diagnosis, you could be harmed by undergoing the wrong treatment or by not receiving timely, appropriate treatment that could have managed your condition. Misdiagnoses are the most common cause of medical malpractice cases.
  • Delayed or missed diagnosis: Your doctor is responsible for exercising their expertise and careful evaluation of your condition to detect and provide the correct diagnosis. You could be denied critical care because a doctor fails to make the a diagnosis. Medical malpractice lawyers in Ste. Genevieve County, MO are resolute in our mission to hold physicians and specialists accountable for missing a diagnosis that could have gotten you the treatment you needed.
  • Failure to treat a condition: We trust our medical professionals to use their knowledge and medical background to keep us safe and make us healthy. Medical malpractice occurs when the medical professional charged with a patient's care fails to provide treatment to address a condition or save the patient's life. In emergency situations, hospitals and medical professionals must act and provide treatment to stabilize the patient. In addition, if the patient develops a new condition while being treated by a provider, such as an infection, the provider must treat the new condition. Failure to do so constitutes a medical malpractice case.
  • Surgical errors: We are all aware of how complicated surgery can be and the gravity of its associated risks. It is also often effective and necessary. Most surgeons and surgical staff are highly skilled and professional, yet surgical errors can and do occur. Our Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyers will help you recover damages if your surgical team makes errors before, after, or during surgery. This could include the wrong dose or timing of anesthesia, a wrong incision, a piece of equipment left within the body, operation on the wrong body part, or failure to monitor and maintain vitals. If you or someone you love had surgery and experienced complications like those we've listed, speak to our medical malpractice lawyers in Ste. Genevieve County, MO right away.
  • Prescription errors: Errors in prescribing medication happen when a doctor prescribes too small or large a dose, prescribes a medication that interacts dangerously with other prescribed medications, mistakenly prescribes the wrong medication or a pharmacist makes a mistake in filling the prescription. Prescription mistakes happen along every step of the prescribing process and require the work of medical malpractice lawyers to obtain a rightful recovery.
  • Birth injuries: Birth injuries are a threat to both mothers and newborns. Failing to detect and treat a condition during pregnancy, causing complications during pregnancy such as by prescribing an unsafe medication for a pregnant woman, causing injury during the delivery process or failing to intervene upon the presentation of distress signs are all medical malpractice birth injury examples.

Causes of Medical Malpractice

The majority of medical malpractice cases can be attributed to human error and the strains of the industry. Though they have extensive training and must meet specific standards, doctors and other medical professionals are, indeed, human. Errors occur when those responsible for your care are inexperienced, improperly trained, overworked, burned out or fatigued. Miscommunication and systemic problems in the healthcare system also contribute to medical errors. Regardless of the cause, if a physician, technician, or other medical professional's negligence has caused you harm, you need to find a skilled medical practice attorney you trust to represent your interests and fight for you.

Work with Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Ste. Genevieve County, MO

If you believe you or your loved one has been harmed because a healthcare worker was negligent and broke a rule, you should not delay in pursuing your recovery. Speak with an experienced medical malpractice lawyer about your case. Call Burger Law today at (314) 500-HURT to discuss your situation with an accomplished Ste. Genevieve County, MO medical malpractice lawyer and to determine what you can do to get the compensation you are owed. Get us on your case today by speaking to us now at (314) 500-HURT or by filling out our form, found here. Our Ste. Genevieve County, MO attorneys are ready to demand your full recovery and will not rest until justice is served.

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