Personal Injury Attorney St. Louis

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Personal Injury Attorney in St. Louis, MO

Personal Injury Attorney in St. Louis, MO. If you were injured because somebody else broke the rules and disregarded your safety, call Burger Law's personal injury attorney team now at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online. We demand maximum compensation and justice for the injured and vulnerable in St. Louis and throughout Missouri.

Table of Contents

For almost 30 years Burger Law's personal injury attorney team has been standing up to bullies and to date has won our St. Louis and Missouri clients over $170 million in verdicts and settlements. We have an amazing team of personal injury attorneys and paralegals that keep you informed and give you all of the information and legal guidance you need to make the best decision for you, your loved ones and your future. You did not expect to be injured and do not deserve to bear the financial, physical and emotional burden of your injuries by yourself. We stand by you every step of the way and fight hard to see that you are fairly compensated for all of your damages and that the people who caused you harm are held responsible. Do not wait another moment to start on your road to recovery. Call Burger Law's Missouri personal injury attorney team in St. Louis today at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form.

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“Gary and his team provided us with effective, efficient and highly professional service. Gary provides sound advice and is a trustworthy and ethical attorney. I highly recommend the team!”

David and Fran Schneider

Hurt? Hire Us Today or call (314) 500-HURT

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How Common Are Personal Injury Claims?

The full financial recovery you deserve

How Common Are Personal Injury Claims in St. Louis, MO?

While no exact data is available, the Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that in 2005 - the last year with available data - about 26,950 civil cases went to trial. Sixty percent, or 16,170, of those cases were personal injury claims. As only four to five percent of personal injury cases go to trial, there are likely over 400,000 personal injury claims in the United States annually. Our St. Louis-based Missouri personal injury attorney team has seen injuries caused by negligence can occur in a variety of accidents:

Every St. Louis personal injury attorney at Burger Law has experience with every type of injury claim imaginable. When we take up a case, insurance companies and corporations fear us because they know we are going to demand maximum compensation for our clients in St. Louis and throughout Missouri and have the skills and experience to make the the insurance companies pay it. You should not have an insecure and uncertain future because of they negligent actions of another. If you or a loved one has been injured in St. Louis or Missouri, call Burger Law's personal injury attorney team today at (314) 500-HURT.

How Do You Prove a Personal Injury Claim?

How Do You Prove a Personal Injury Claim in St. Louis, Missouri?

In order to prove negligence and receive compensation in a personal injury claim, you must prove the five elements of negligence: a duty of care, a breach of duty, causation, proximate cause and damages.

  1. Duty of Care. That the defendant had a legal obligation to give you reasonable care. For example, when a doctor-patient relationship is established, the doctor owes you a duty of care.
  2. Breach of Duty. Your personal injury attorney must then prove that the defendant was negligent in their duty of care, and that they did not act as a reasonable person in their position would. In the case of negligence per se, someone is automatically considered negligent if they break a law or regulation, for example a drunk driver who causes you a whiplash injury.
  3. Causation. Also called "cause in fact," or "actual cause," your personal injury attorney must demonstrate that a breach of duty directly caused your injuries. If a doctor misses a diagnosis, you must show that if they had diagnosed you properly you would not have been injured or sicker.
  4. Proximate Cause. Once establishing the cause of your injuries, your personal injury attorney will need to show the change of events that led to the causation. If a truck driver runs a red light because of faulty breaks and crashes into you, the liable party may be the truck manufacturer for not recalling a faulty component, or the truck company if they did not carry out required inspections.
  5. Damages. You must prove that you suffered damages — usually economic loss and injury. If someone was negligent but caused you no harm, they are not liable to you. For instance, if you were in a slip and fall but did not suffer any injuries or property damage, the owner of the property does not owe you any compensation, even if they allowed a dangerous condition to persist.

Every St. Louis personal injury attorney at Burger Law is well-versed in Missouri law and has the knowledge and experience to identify the root causes of your injury and hold the responsible parties accountable. We charge no attorneys fees until we win your case. Call us today at (314) 500-HURT to get the compensation you deserve.

What Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

What Is My Personal Injury Claim in St. Louis or Missouri Worth?

The value of your personal injury claim is dependent on several factors, including the circumstances surrounding your injury, the severity of your injuries, the effect the injuries have on your life and the skill and determination of your personal injury lawyer. Some of the aspects of your case we will look at when determining how much compensation to seek are:

  • Were you partially at fault for your injuries?
  • How serious are your injuries?
  • Are your injuries long-term or permanent in nature?
  • How will the injuries affect your ability to enjoy life?
  • Have your injuries diminished your ability to make a living in the future?

Only you know the full scope of the consequences your injury has had on your life. If you have been playing piano since you were a child and now no longer have use of your hand, it is impossible to put a true dollar amount on how your injury has affected you. The St. Louis and Missouri personal injury attorney team at Burger Law does everything possible in order to help make you as whole as possible. We know how to put insurance agents, judges and juries in your shoes and ensure you receive the best possible financial recovery for your injuries.

We Demand Justice and Maximum Compensation

We Demand Justice and Maximum Compensation

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Defending the rights of the injured and vulnerable

How is Compensation Calculated in a Personal Injury Claim?

How is Compensation Calculated in a Personal Injury Claim in St. Louis, Missouri?

The total compensation you receive is a combination of the economic and noneconomic damages you sustained because of your injury. Economic damages are the sum total of all present and future expenses such as medical bills or lost wages. Once economic damages are determined, noneconomic damages, often called "pain and suffering," are generally calculated using one of two methods: the multiplier method or the per diem method.

The Multiplier Method

In the multiplier method, your St. Louis personal injury attorney and insurance company or a Missouri jury will multiply your economic damages by a number between 1.5 and 5. That number becomes the total amount of damages you receive. For example, if your economic damages were $20,000, and a jury decides to use the number 3 as their multiplier, your total compensation would be $60,000. Three is the most common multiplier used, and 4 and 5 are typically saved for injuries that result in permanent disabilities or death, and in particularly heinous cases such as sexual assault.

Determining factors in choosing the multiplier are:

  • Whether you share any blame for the accident
  • The severity of your injury and its long-term consequences
  • The impact your injuries had on your ability to enjoy life
  • How long your recovery takes
  • How obvious the defendant's fault is

The Per Diem Method

"Per diem" is Latin for "per day." a Missouri jury, an insurance company or your St. Louis personal injury will assign a daily monetary value for your noneconomic damages, and multiply that by the number of days your recovery required or will require. The most commonly used daily amount is your daily wages, the idea being that a day of pain and suffering is at least worth a daily wage. For example, if you made $50,000 at your most recent job, you would divide 50,000 by 250 working days, which ends up being $200 a day. If your recovery takes six months, you would multiply $200 by 180 days, and your noneconomic damages would be $36,000. The per diem method is not used in personal injury claims with permanent disabilities or disfigurement, as there is no way to know how long you will live.

In Missouri, Senate Bill 239 sets damage caps in medical malpractice cases, which increase by 1.7 percent every year. However, there are no such damage caps in other personal injury cases.

Your Missouri personal injury attorney in St. Louis will know the best way to calculate your damages. We demand maximum compensation for all of your damages, and know how to convince insurance companies and juries to give it to you. In cases of wrongful death or catastrophic injuries, damages can total in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Call our personal injury attorney team today at (314) 500-HURT.

Can I Still Receive Compensation for My Personal Injury if I Was Partially to Blame?

Can I Still Receive Compensation for My Personal Injury in Missouri if I Was Partially to Blame?

In personal injury cases where you were at fault, but only partially, your St. Louis personal injury attorney will still be able to help you recover damages, although the amount will be less. Missouri is a pure comparative fault state, which means that your compensation will be reduced by the percentage of blame you share in your accident.

Missouri Revised Statute §537.765 states that:

Any fault chargeable to the plaintiff shall diminish proportionately the amount awarded as compensatory damages but shall not bar recovery.

Meaning, if you are rear ended and sustain an injury, but a jury finds that you share 30 percent of the blame because you stopped suddenly, you will receive 70 percent of the compensation your damages are worth. Even if you were 99 percent at fault for your injury, you could still recover one percent of your damages in Missouri.

Shifting blame onto you is a common trick insurance companies use to minimize claims or avoid paying them altogether. The St. Louis personal injury attorney team at Burger Law fights back against bullies like insurance companies who employ dishonest tactics to eschew their obligation to pay you the money you rightfully deserve.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Missouri?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations is five years for most personal injury claims, according to Missouri Revised Statute §516.120. There are four notable exceptions:

  1. If you were under the age of 21 or "mentally incapacitated" when the injury occurred, you have five years from the day you turn 21 or the day your disability ends to file a claim, according to Missouri Revised Statute §516.170.
  2. If the person you are making a claim against is a resident of Missouri but leaves the state for a period of time, their time out of state does not count against the five years, according Missouri Revised Statute §516.200.
  3. Medical malpractice cases must generally be made within two years of the injury or the discovery of the injury, according to Missouri Revised Statute § 516.105.
  4. Any claim against a government entity in Missouri must be filed within 90 days with the Missouri Office of Administration's Risk Management Division.

Once you have been injured because of somebody else's reckless actions, there is no time to wait. Burger Law's St. Louis-based Missouri personal injury attorney team has experience filing and winning claims in a variety of circumstances. Do not delay, call us today (314) 500-HURT.

Cases We Win

The only St. Louis law firm you need

Cases We Win

Burger Law's Missouri personal injury law firm based in St. Louis has a team of gifted litigators and trial lawyers with more than 70 years of combined experience practicing law and protecting the vulnerable and injured. We will fight to get you maximum compensation in any injury claim in Missouri, including the case types listed here. Click for more information.

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Call a Personal Injury Today

Call Burger Law Today

Personal Injury Attorney in St. Louis, MO

When you have been injured by the negligence of another, you are legally and ethically owed compensation. Our personal injury attorneys fight hard for our clients in St. Louis and throughout Missouri and hold ourselves to the highest standards of legal advocacy. Our clients matter to us and every personal injury attorney at Burger Law has dedicated their life to seeing the injured and vulnerable be made whole again. We insist on justice, a full financial recovery and seeing negligent people and corporations held accountable for their irresponsible actions. Call our personal injury attorney team today at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form to start on your road to recovery.
