When you visited the property, you thought you would be safe. Now, Burger Law can help.

Premises Liability Attorney in Old Mines, MO

Premises Liability Attorney Old Mines, MO. a public park, a gas station, or your favorite restaurant, you thought you would enjoy your time there and being hurt was the last thing you expected. But then, slippery floor, an untreated icy sidewalk, or a poor lighting on a stairwell caused you to get hurt. If you were a visitor to a property and got hurt due to an unaddressed danger, you may be able to file a premises liability claim. Speak to a premises liability lawyer in Old Mines, MO right away to talk about your case and explore what your options are.

The premises liability lawyers in Old Mines, MO of Burger Law have what it takes to represent you and help you win your Missouri or Illinois premises liability claim. Our lawyers have decades of experience representing victims in premises liability cases like yours and have tracked down millions of dollars for our clients. Speak a premises liability lawyer in Old Mines, MO today and find out how having a law firm like us can benefit you and how we can demand the financial recovery you need and deserve. Our attorneys are ready to speak with you at 314-542-2222 or online now.

Parties in Premises Liability Cases

A Old Mines, MO premises liability suit defines different groups of people and differentiates each one’s role in premises liability. The category that describes you as an injury victim on someone's property dictates the duty of care you are entitled to by the property owner. To understand where you stand and for the best chance at a favorable outcome in your premises liability claim, you should speak to a premises liability attorney in Old Mines, MO as soon as possible.

When a person gets hurt while visiting a property due to some kind of safety hazard on that property, the property owner or party responsible for maintaining the property, known as the possessor, could be found legally liable for the victim’s injuries and other damages. However, the amount of liability the property owner or caretaker has in a premises liability injury case is dependant upon the nature of the visit of the status of the individual who was injured. If you were hurt while visiting another property, you will fall under one of the following groups:

  1. Invitee

    This individual is a visitor who has been given permission to be on the property, either through a general or explicit invitation. to benefit either or both parties, either in a business or public sense. Invitees are often fairly unfamiliar with the property. Invitees are visitors of public parks, library guests, retailer patrons, diners at a restaurant, or someone acting in a business capacity such as someone going to a cafe for a business meeting.

    Of the types of visitors, invitees require the highest duty of care from property possessors. The possessor is liable for any injuries an invitee suffers due to any hazard or dangerous condition that the possessor knew about or should have reasonably been aware of and did not address or fix the hazard. Your premises liability attorney in Old Mines, MO must demonstrate that, regardless of whether the property owner or person in charge of the property was aware of the dangerous condition, that he or she failed to remove the hazard and that caused you to get hurt.

  2. Licensee

    A licensee is someone who has been invited, temporarily, onto the property. Invitees are usually social guests who have no commercial or economic interest in being on the property, just as the possessor of the property does not stand to benefit from the presence of the licensee on the property. A licensee has a limited license to be on the property.

    For licensees, the person in charge of the property is expected to ensure that the property is the property reasonably safe or provide adequate warning to the licensee of any safety hazards that they are aware of. This means that the person in charge of the property cannot be held liable for any injuries or other damages the licenses suffers if they had no knowledge about the safety threat. If they were aware of the dangerous condition, they could be liable if they did not provide adequate warning about the threat. Call this a moderate level of care that the possessor owes the licensee. If you were hurt while visiting a property as a licensee, you will need a seasoned Old Mines, MO premises liability lawyer who can help you show that on top of the existence of a dangerous condition that the possessor failed to remedy, the property manager or owner actuallly knew about this threat to safety prior to your injury.

  3. Trespassers

    When a person enters a property without permission, they are considered a trespasser. It is not surprising that very little duty of care is owed on the part of the property owner to a trespasser. Usually, all a property owner has to do to protect a trespasser is provide a general warning about the most obvious property dangers, and they are only required to do this if they could reasonable anticipate that trespassers are likely to enter the property. Most of the time, a trespasser does not have a legal case to sue the possessor of a property for any injuries suffered while trespassing.

    Exceptions to this level of liability exist, especially when the victim is a child. If a young child enters another person's property and gets hurt or dies in an accident, the property owner could be held responsible for the damages suffered by the child and/or the child's family. These types of tragedies are heartbreaking and turbulent legal battles and absolutely call for the representation of an experienced premises liability lawyer in Old Mines, MO.

Ask an experienced Old Mines, MO premises liability attorney to get guidance about your legal options depending on the group you fall under at the time of your accident on someone else's property. Your premises liability attorney from Burger Law will use their expertise to help you understand your legal situation and options and to prove the possessor's negligence and liability for your injuries and other damages.

Premises Liability Attorney Old Mines, MO: Proving Your Claim

Premises liability claims can be stressful. Though the types of premises liability injury victims and the possessor's legal liability are clearly defined, premises liability cases in action are easily convoluted. Due to the nature of this type of suit, you as a premises liability injury victim must hire a seasoned premises liability attorney in Old Mines, MO to represent your interests, prove your claim, and demand a complete financial recovery for you.

The facts that your premises liability attorney in Old Mines, MO will need to prove depend on how the law classifies you as a visitor to the property. Your premises liability lawyer first has to make a case for whether you were on the property as an invitee, a licensee, or a trespasser. To do so, they will have to show how you were granted permission to be on the premises, the reason for your visit, and whether or not there was a benefit to you and the possessor for your visit to the property.

Your Old Mines, MO premises liability attorney will also have to assert the possessor's legal obligation relative to your status as a visitor, their negligence in keeping you safe from danger, and the extent of your injuries and other damages. By collecting, analyzing, and presenting all relevant evidence in your premises liability case, your premises liability lawyer in Old Mines, MO will need to build a case that shows that:

  • The defendant owned, leased, occupied, or controlled the property at the time of your visit, making him or her the possessor,
  • The defendant knew or should have reasonably known of the presence of a dangerous condition or safety hazard
  • The defendant failed to take reasonable action to address the dangerous condition or provide ample warning of the danger
  • As the plaintiff in suit, you were hurt or otherwise harmed on the property, and
  • Your injuries were a result of the defendant’s negligent behavior

If you have been injured while on a private, public, or commercial property and believe you have a premises liability case, talk to a qualified premises liability attorney near Old Mines, MO right away. The premises liability lawyers of Burger Law have helped hundreds of Old Mines, MO premises liability victims who have been injured and we have recovered millions of dollars combined for those who have been injured when exposed to a dangerous condition while visiting a property.

Types of Cases Our Premises Liability Attorneys Represent

As the premises liability attorney of choice for countless premises injury victims in the Greater Old Mines, MO area for years, we have worked premises liability claims of all kinds. No matter the circumstances of your accident or the type of injuries you are suffering from, if you visited a property as a legal guest and some kind of dangerous condition caused you harm that the possessor of the property failed to address, you could be able to file a premises liability claim. Our esteemed premises liability lawyers and legal team can help you get the most out of your claim and guide you in your life after being injured.</p

Premises liability incidents can occur on all types of properties and lead to a wide variety of injuries and damages. Some of the most common negligent conditions that we see as premises liability attorneys in Old Mines, MO include:

  • Spills that are left unattended, not cleaned up, or not marked with a warning sign
  • Potholes and broken pavement
  • Loose railings
  • Uneven flooring
  • Unsecured extension cords
  • Broken steps
  • Faulty doors
  • Slippery surfaces due to ice, snow, or water
  • Uneven walking surfaces
  • Poorly designed or assembled playground equipment
  • Poor craftsmanship
  • Poor lighting
  • Unsecure objects falling from overhead
  • Broken locks or insufficient security measures
  • Pools that lack fencing or lifeguards on duty
  • Dog and other animal attacks
  • Poor electrical wiring

If you were on a property under someone else’s control when you experienced a slip and fall accident, a dog bitedangerous situation that caused you harm, you may have a premises liability claim. Hire a skilled premises liability attorney in Old Mines, MO to help you prove your case and recover the damages you deserve. The right Old Mines, MO premises liability lawyer will secure compensation for all your damages including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other premises liability damages.

Burger Law's attorneys are experienced in all areas of personal injury law in Missouri, Illinois, and beyond. Learn more about other case types we can help you with below.

Personal Injury Law Firm Old Mines, MO - Legal Books

As a victim new to civil claims, you may want to educate yourself on premises liability claims and other personal injury claims. After a sudden accident outside of your control leaves you injured, it is natural to have endless questions about what you can do and what to expect from your claim. Gary Burger and Burger Law have put together several complimentary sources of information , including our free e-books. Select a book to learn more or download your copy now!

Premises Liability Attorney in Old Mines, MO | Burger Law

Your Old Mines, MO premises liability lawyer with Burger Law is ready to help you with all aspects of your injury claim. When you visit a public property, a living community, a food service establishment, or other property, you should be able to feel safe and be confident that you are not in danger on someone else’s property. When a property owner or manager betrays that trust by not addressing or providing adequate warning about a safety issue like a slippery floor, an unrestrained animal, bad electrical wiring, cracked sidewalk, or other dangerous condition that injures you, you have a right to hold the person in charge of the property accountable and collect compensation for your damages. Get trusted, experienced, dedicated representation from a Burger Law premises liability attorney near Old Mines, MO—one who will not rest until the defendant pays for the harm they have caused you. Take the first step toward a recovery by contacting one of our premises liability attorneys right away at 314-542-2222 or online.

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