Truck Accident Lawyer in Neosho, MO

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Knowledgeable Neosho, MO lawyers who fight for your rights and recovery

Truck Accident Lawyer Neosho, MO

Truck Accident Lawyer Neosho, MO. If someone else’s negligence caused your injury in a Neosho, MO truck accident, you need to speak with a truck accident lawyer at Burger Law right away. Call us immediately at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online to discuss the particulars of your Neosho, MO truck accident case during a no-cost, no-obligation case review.

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You can completely recover from your Neosho, MO truck accident, and Burger Law can definitely help. However, we recognize even the thought of recuperation can be difficult when you have an insurance company actively working against your recovery. Our Neosho, MO truck accident lawyers aggressively take on insurance companies because we do not like bullies and we understand how costly and devastating these crashes are.

The Burger Law truck accident attorneys have a history of successfully fighting for the full recoveries and rights of Neosho, MO residents, even when that means holding major trucking companies accountable and taking them to court. Our Neosho, MO truck accident lawyers are set to fight for your rights, your recovery and your health, regardless of the cost. We will never accept less than the full amount that you need to recover, and we never charge our truck accident clients any fees unless we win their claims. Fighting for your rights and your needs will always be our only concern. Your full recovery and compensation can be met, call (314) 500-HURT or contact our team of Neosho, MO truck accident lawyers right now.

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What Do I Do After I Have Been Involved in a Truck Accident in Neosho, MO?

What Do I Do After I Have Been Involved in a Truck Accident in Neosho, MO?

Right after a truck accident in the Neosho, MO area, you need to take several actions to ensure your health and recovery are protected. The steps that our Neosho, MO truck attorneys advise you to take after an accident include:

  • Put yourself in a safe place

    Do whatever you can to keep yourself, your passengers and other roadway users safe, however remain at the scene of the accident in Neosho, MO so that it can be properly documented.

  • Call 911

    Get first responders to the scene of the accident in Neosho, MO as quickly as possible. Remain in a safe spot and wait for medical responders to examine you. Make sure to get emergency medical attention, even if you do not think you are seriously injured, because you could be in shock or have injuries that are not readily visible, such as whiplash or a concussion.

    You also want to speak with the police right away to give an accurate accident report.

  • Collect evidence

    Disregard these next steps if you require serious medical attention right away. Allow the ambulance to take you to the hospital to get the necessary medical care. However, if you are physically able to, take pictures of the road and traffic conditions, the damage to your vehicle and your injuries. These photos could be crucial in your truck accident claim in Neosho, MO.

  • Exchange information

    Get information from the truck driver, along with any pertinent witnesses. Do not count on the police to collect contact information and witness accounts for each witness. When you talk to the truck driver, be kind yet be careful what you say. Never admit any fault. Be sure to get their:

    • Name, address, phone number and email address
    • Driver's license number
    • Insurance card information
    • Name and contact information for the trucking company and truck driver's employer
    • License plate number of the truck and any other identifying information
  • Contact a Neosho, MO truck accident attorney

    As soon as possible after the accident and once you have left the scene and returned to safety near Neosho, MO, you need to reach out to a qualified truck accident lawyer. With a no-cost initial case review, a lawyer like Gary Burger of Burger Law can get a sense of your situation to decide whether you have a truck accident case and whether you need a lawyer. In the majority of cases, because of how damaging large trucks are and the parties involved in commercial vehicles, you will need legal representation to successfully settle your case. Once you have hired an attorney in Neosho, MO, they will advise you on additional steps to take during your case and will help take care of the intricacies of filing a truck accident case for you.

  • Get medical treatment

    After you have procured a lawyer and filed your accident claim, heed your attorney’s advice. One vital thing to do is to continue to get medical treatment for your injuries. The medical files and documentation, as well as a medical professional’s opinion, will assist you in proving your case. Plus, you want to get the prompt medical treatment that will help you make as complete a recovery as possible.

Taking these steps can shield you from any fault for the accident, and help secure your recovery. Burger Law has a track record of success and protecting the rights of Neosho, MO truck accident victims. We will fight for you and your rights, whatever it takes.

Our Neosho, MO injury lawyers have special experience representing truck accident victims in highly destructive crashes and securing the maximum possible compensation to help them move forward. In addition to truck accidents, our personal injury lawyers have the talent and experience to hold the negligent accountable and ensure that you are made whole again after any kind of injury. For example, our Neosho, MO lawyers have more than two decades of experience in the following case types:

Why Do I Need a Truck Accident Lawyer in Neosho, MO?

Why Do I Need a Truck Accident Lawyer in Neosho, MO?

While there are some regular passenger vehicle accidents in Neosho, MO that can be settled in a fair way on your own without speaking with accident lawyers, that is essentially never the case for a truck crash. You only have one opportunity to collect a recovery for all of your truck accident damages and you are working against the clock. Under Missouri Revised Statute §516.120, you have just five years from the date of the accident to file your Neosho, MO truck accident claim. In order to make the most of your chance to be made whole in the form of financial compensation, you need a knowledgeable and fierce truck accident lawyer to represent you.

Your Burger Law truck accident lawyer in Neosho, MO will fight in your corner until you completely recover. Truck accidents require an attorney with a background specifically in a truck accident case like yours in Neosho, MO and they are distinct from routine car crashes. You need an attorney who has hands-on knowledge of the substantial destruction these large vehicles cause, understands the various parties involved in the day-to-day operation of a commercial truck and is not afraid to be aggressive in their demands to the corporate insurance companies covering the operation of the truck. Our truck accident lawyers have years of successful experience in truck accident cases for clients in Neosho, MO and throughout Missouri who have been injured or have lost a loved one in a commercial truck accident.

Truck accidents are different from standard auto accidents both due to the nature of the accidents themselves and the issues of regulations, liability and insurance coverage that are particular to commercial vehicles like 18-wheelers. Learn more about what makes truck accident cases unique below or talk to one of our experienced truck accident injury lawyers near Neosho, MO now at (314) 500-HURT or online.

Truck Size

Truck Size

Sheer size is one of the main things that make a truck crash different from a standard car accident. Trucks, on average:

  • Are 20-30 times heavier than an average passenger vehicle
  • Average 70 feet in length
  • Take 30-40 percent longer to come to a stop

Due to a truck's immense size, they are far more dangerous. Their size makes them a danger for two reasons:

  1. Increased opportunity of accidents to occur (because of longer stopping distance, potential for overturning, truck driver blind spots, etc.)
  2. When a collision happens, the inertia of the large, heavy vehicle creates more destruction than a standard passenger vehicle
Trucking Regulations

Trucking Regulations

The stringent regulations in the trucking industry is another reason you need a specialized truck accident attorney on your case. Being well-versed in these rules and regulations can help your truck accident injury lawyer develop your case, use vital evidence and negotiate a great settlement.

Tractor trailers are normally commercially operated vehicles and, because of this, the drivers who operate them must adhere to specific rules. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration puts regulations and limits on operating commercial trucks for the safety of everyone on Neosho and Missouri roads.

Some of the standard truck driving rules and regulations include:

  • 11-Hour Driving Limit – A commercial truck driver can drive their semi-truck for at most 11 consecutive hours, and this 11-hour drive must come after 10 consecutive hours resting
  • 14-Hour Limit – A driver must take a 10 hour break after 14 hours, regardless of how many hours they drove during that 14 hours
  • 30-Minute Driving Break – After 8 consecutive hours of driving, a driver has to rest for 30 minutes
  • 60/70-Hour Limit – Long-haul drivers cannot drive more than 60 hours in a 7-day workweek or 70 hours in an 8-day workweek and must rest for 34 consecutive hours before the workweek can start again
  • Logbook – Drivers must keep an accurate log of their mileage, where they have driven and when/where they rested.
  • State regulations – Missouri also has Missouri state requirements for commercial truck driving that drivers are obligated to meet to ensure the safety of the road.
Truck Accident Liability and Insurance

Truck Accident Liability and Insurance

Since trucks are commercially operated, the insurance coverage and liability laws involved differ from those in a standard passenger vehicle accident. Commercial trucks are required to be covered by costly insurance policies because of the possibility for destruction, and the insurance companies are accordingly even more eager to eschew their financial responsibility to compensate you after your accident. You need a skilled and confident truck accident injury lawyer who will not budge and will demand the money you deserve.

There are numerous parties that could be liable for the damages you sustained following your truck accident. Depending on the situation, any of the following parties could be involved in your truck accident claim:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The truck owner
  • The manufacturers of the truck or parts used on the truck
  • The truck's cargo loader

The experienced truck accident injury lawyers of Burger Law have fought trucking companies and their insurance companies, winning maximum compensation for our clients. We know what to look for and how to prove liability so that you can win a full recovery for your injuries. We evaluate all available information to make a knowledgeable evaluation of who is at fault and who must be held accountable for putting your well-being in jeopardy.

Hire an Neosho, MO truck accident injury lawyer from Burger Law so we can investigate who is at-fault for your injuries and hold them accountable. We fight by your side and do not back down until the insurance companies covering the liable trucking company or driver all pay for the damages you have suffered because of the crash – pain and suffering, disability, medical bills, lost wages and other damages.

What Are Common Neosho, MO Truck Accident Injuries?

What Are Common Neosho, MO Truck Accident Injuries?

Commercial trucks weigh anywhere from 30,000lbs to 80,000lbs. The average car tips the scales at only 4,100lbs. This vast difference in weight is why truck drivers must carefully and closely adhere to the rules of the road. When a commercial tractor trailer that is laden with product smashes into a car, the resulting injuries from that accident are frequently traumatic and life threatening. A few examples of the kinds of injuries sustained in Neosho, MO truck accidents that our attorneys have seen are:

  • Internal Bleeding – Internal bleeding is dangerous anywhere in the body and one of the most common causes of internal bleeding is trauma from truck and car crashes, including impact and penetrating injuries, as well as deceleration injuries, when the abrupt stop of a vehicle causes internal organs or vessels to break or rupture. Internal bleeding can cause fatal organ failure when untreated. The problem with internal bleeding is that it is frequently not easy to identify, and you may not realize the severity of your condition in the aftermath of a truck accident.
  • Broken Bones – Trauma from truck accidents and other vehicular accidents is the most common cause of broken bones. Extreme breaks, like displaced fractures or comminuted fractures when the bone is shattered into several pieces, can be particularly dangerous.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries - Spinal injuries are serious injuries that can affect the motor function of your limbs and, thus, your mobility. The spinal cord is the main avenue that your brain uses to send commands throughout your body. According to the World Health Organization, 90 percent of spinal cord injury cases are caused by trauma, and motor vehicle crashes are the leading source. Even the slightest damage to your spine frequently results in significant injuries throughout other areas of your body.
What Compensation Can I Recover from My Neosho, MO Truck Accident Claim?

What Compensation Can I Recover from My Neosho, MO Truck Accident Claim?

Injuries from a truck accident often need expensive and extensive medical care, which can cause you to miss work and lose out on other means of income. Under Missouri law, you an opportunity to collect monetary compensation to make you whole following your injuries. Our Neosho, MO truck accident lawyers can assist you in receiving the following types of compensation:

  • Rehabilitation expenses, medical expenses and pharmaceutical expenses
  • Wages you lost due to an absence of work because of your injuries
  • Legal fees, court fees and any costs related to the trial or the case
  • If partially or permanently disabled, you can recover from the loss of use of your limbs and the permanent loss of work

Speak to a Leading Neosho, MO Truck Accident Lawyer Now

Burger Law St. Louis Attorneys

Speak to a Leading Neosho, MO Truck Accident Lawyer Now

Being hurt in a serious truck accident can unsettle your life. Protect your future and your loved one’s future by hiring a qualified truck accident injury lawyer you trust directly following the wreck. Your Neosho, MO truck accident case should be pursued to the maximum extent of the law. You did not ask for the accident or the injuries, so you should not have to pay for any of the rehabilitation and recovery that is necessary for you to heal. When you hire our truck accident lawyers, all of your medical, financial and legal needs will be taken care of. You will not have to pay our lawyers any fees until we win your Neosho, MO truck accident claim.

To get the recovery you deserve in Neosho, MO, call Burger Law right now at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a free, confidential consultation. We will fight to bring you justice.

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