Truck Accident Law Firm in Webb City, MO

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We stand tall against big insurance companies.

Truck Accident Lawyer in Missouri

Truck Accident Lawyer in Webb City, Missouri. The truck accident lawyers of Burger Law in Webb City begin building your case and fighting for your recovery right away. Speak to a leading Webb City, MO truck accident lawyer at no cost to you by calling (314) 500-HURT or reaching us online as soon as possible. We will get you a comprehensive recovery in your truck crash case.

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Trucking accidents are devastating on multiple levels. If you or someone in your family has been seriously injured in your Webb City, MO truck accident, it is important to seek out someone you trust to take care of your claim and ensure you get the best possible recovery. Hire a tenacious, knowledgeable, reliable Missouri truck accident lawyer to stand up to the commercial truckers' big insurance companies and make them pay.

For nearly three decades, the Webb City, MO truck accident lawyers and legal staff of Burger Law have been protecting the injured throughout Missouri. We have recovered more than $200 million for our deserving clients when they have been harmed. Our previous case results speak to our acumen and skill and we have generous client testimonials highlighting our unwavering diligence. Speak to a top Webb City, MO truck accident lawyer now at (314) 500-HURT or online.

If you were injured through no fault of your own, discover what kind of settlement you may be able to recover through our free personal injury calulator.

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Can a Missouri truck accident law firm help me with my case?

Can a Truck Accident Law Firm in Missouri Help Me with my Case?

Do I need to hire a truck accident law firm when I have been injured in a truck accident in Missouri? For the vast majority of accidents involving a large truck, yes. If you were hit by a truck or otherwise involved in a truck accident that was not your fault, you need a skilled truck accident lawyer on your side to ensure you see justice and you are fully compensated for your losses.

You should enlist the help of an accident law firm in Webb City, MO any time an accident causes you injuries. Almost without exception, if you hope to receive a fair settlement after being injured in a truck crash, you need legal representation. It is highly unlikely that the insurance company of the at-fault driver will voluntarily offer you an adequate settlement, so you will need a truck accident lawyer with a firm grasp on Missouri personal injury litigation and trucking regulations to demand the compensation you deserve.

Still not sure whether a truck accident law firm in Missouri can really add value to your claim? Talk to us and find out. Do your own due diligence and learn about your legal situation and options using resources like our free books, answers to frequently asked questions, and other resources for you in Missouri. Then, speak with Burger Law's knowledgeable Webb City, MO area truck accident lawyers. Get a free case review from our experienced attorneys. We answer your legal questions for free. We will not agree to represent anyone unless we know we can add value to your case. Contact us online or call (314) 500-HURT now.

You only have one chance to recover compensation to make you whole following your injuries and other damages from your truck accident in the Webb City, MO area. Do not waste it. Get the maximum possible settlement to collect a financial recovery that covers the full cost of your damages. Hire a truck accident lawy firm in Webb City, MO you trust to fight on your behalf and advise you on the best path toward your full recovery.

What Will My Missouri Truck Accident Law Firm Do?

What Will My Missouri Truck Accident Law Firm Do?

Great truck accidents lawyers do more than fearlessly represent you and skillfully negotiate your settlement. When you work with a thoughtful, dedicated Missouri truck accident lawyer from Burger Law, you have a partner and an advocate that will lead the way from your accident to the day you receive your full settlement check. We offer support, counsel and guidance while handling all of the communication, organization and legwork required to move your claim through the legal process and win a great settlement.

As your Webb City, MO truck accident law firm, we do a lot of work behind the scenes that you may never know about. However, these are the basic services we provide when representing you in an truck accident injury claim.

Investigate the accident.

As your truck accident law firm, our first job is to investigate the event. It is our duty to confirm that you have a legitimate Missouri truck accident injury claim and, if you do, who is accountable and what they did to endanger you.

Our truck accident law firm legal team has a dense playbook of investigative methods to help us understand how events unfolded during a truck accident. We are dedicated to serving you as our client from the moment you hire our Webb City, MO law firm. We will even arrive at the scene of the accident or the hospital immediately after the accident occurs to begin building the strongest possible case. We will use any resources and evidence available, from witnesses to skid marks to a vehicle's black box to get the truth about your Missouri truck accident.

Consult with experts.

The attorneys of our reputable truck accident law firm have an extensive network of professionals whose areas of study are pertinent in truck accident cases. We trust these experts — in anything from the human body to physics to civil engineering — to track down the cause of the truck accident and the extent of your damages. Whether your truck accidents case was caused by drowsy driving, drunk driving, speeding, reckless driving, defective mechanical parts, poor maintenance, ignored safety regulations, a truck manufacturer error, improper cargo loading or any other cause, our truck accident lawyers know an expert who can provide critical assessments or information about your semi-truck crash.

To understand the cause and fault in your truck accident claim, we may call upon Missouri experts such as:

  • Doctors and surgeons
  • Safety experts
  • Driver trainers
  • Mechanics and engineers
  • Toxicology experts
  • Truck accident experts
  • Lifecare planners

Collect and protect evidence.

After you or a loved one are injured in an 18-wheeler truck accident or other commercial vehicle accident, one vital role your truck accident law firm must fill is that of a collector and protector of evidence.

Evidence is critical to making your argument and proving your claim. Without evidence, the law would be nothing more than a giant game of "he said, she said." In your Webb City, MO truck accident claim, your truck accident law firm needs to not only collect and analyze all evidence related to your case, but must also ensure that evidence has not been tampered with. When you hire Burger Law's truck accident law firm, we spring to action by immediately contacting the trucking company to request all logbooks and other valuable evidence related to their trucking operations.

Insurance companies are prone to playing games with truck accident victims to attempt to get out of their obligation to pay the victim a fair settlement. Sometimes that includes making excuses, blaming other parties or refusing to provide requested evidence. If the trucking company does not comply, our truck accident injury lawyers will take the legal action necessary to force the company to provide us with the evidence we need.

Negotiate a settlement.

Ultimately, when you hire a truck accident lawyer, you expect them to help you get a better settlement than you could have received on your own. Often, the insurance company will make an obscenely low settlement offer or may refuse to take accountability altogether and it is up to your truck accident law firm to demand a fair settlement.

Having legal representation in itself can help you collect compensation, and having excellent legal representation can ensure you receive maximum compensation for your truck accident injuries and suffering. In personal injury claims in the United States, including truck accidents claims, 91% of injury victims with a lawyer received some type of compensation compared to only 51% of injury victims who did not have a lawyer. And when it comes to the dollar amount, traffic and accident injury victims with lawyers receive an average settlement of $77,600 versus $17,600 without lawyers. In serious truck accident claims, the number is often much higher due to the extent of the damages you have suffered.

Our truck accident lawyers in Webb City, MO have been winning truck accident cases for our clients for nearly thirty years and have helped them bring home over $200 million in compensation through settlements and jury trials. We are not afraid of the trucking companies and their huge insurance companies. We make them pay for your damages. Our truck accident law firm in Webb City, MO demands justice for you by aggressively, relentlessly negotiating a great settlement and we do not rest until you receive the full compensation you deserve. Speak to one of the lawyers of our truck accident law firm now at (314) 500-HURT.

Go to trial if needed.

When you file a truck accident injury claim, the hope is that the insurance company will act in good faith and offer a complete settlement for your losses without having to take the case all the way to trial. There are many opportunities to negotiate and discuss a case outcome that would be acceptable for both sides. To our truck accident lawyers in Webb City, MO, "acceptable" only means one thing: that you are fully compensated for the extent of your damages. Some trucking companies and their insurance providers want to come to an agreement but just are not willing to pay the full value of your claim. Others deny responsibility altogether or turn to attacking your behavior to attempt to get out of the lawsuit.

When the defendant's insurance company will not play fair, Burger Law's truck accident law firm is fully prepared to take your truck accident case to court and present your case to the jury. We will fight aggressively for you and use our legal knowledge and skilled settlement negotiation techniques to help you win your case in trial. We know how to speak to juries and make sure they understand how the truck driver, trucking company or other defendants in your truck accident harmed you.

Fortunately, Burger Law's truck accident lawyers are often successful in negotiating your claim before getting to the trial stage. If the defendant is acting in good faith, we will come to an agreement that compensates you for your injuries, emotional pain and all other losses. We may find that working with an impartial mediator to help facilitate negotiations is right for your case. Your truck accident lawyer will use our expertise to determine the best path forward in your claim to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

No cost to you until we win.

Being injured in a truck accident is difficult on many levels. In addition to the emotional anguish and stress you may feel and the severe injuries you must work to recover from, you suddenly have to rethink your finances. Maybe you had to pay out of pocket for your emergency health care or are now unable to go to work to earn an income while you heal from your injuries. You come to a truck accident lawyer because you need help recovering compensation for those expenses and losses. Regardless of your financial situation, we do not believe it is fair to make you pay before we get you the full recovery you deserve.

Our Webb City, MO truck accident law firm operates on a contingency fee basis. This means that you, as our client, pay no legal fees or costs until your legal matters are settled and you are fairly compensated. In the meantime, we finance your case by using our efforts and resources toward building your case and demanding a great settlement. Once you win your case, we accept a percentage of your final tractor-trailer crash settlement.

Car and truck accidents can happen at any time, but we never expect them to happen to us. Do not let your truck accident throw your life into a tail spin. Finding the best truck accident law firm for you can make all the difference in your life during your truck accidents claim and the recovery you receive when the claim is resolved.

After being in a truck accident in Webb City or anywhere in Missouri, you must speak to a reputable, experienced truck accident lawyer near you right away. Burger Law's expert team of truck accident attorneys will help you understand your situation, answer any questions you have and help you determine how to move forward. Do not speak to the insurance company or accept any offers from an insurance adjuster without first consulting with a skilled Missouri truck accident law firm.

Once you have spoken with and hired the right lawyer — someone you trust and feel comfortable with — you do not have to worry about your truck accident claim. Let us make life a little bit easier during the claim process and in the future by handling all aspects of your case and allowing you to spend time resting and recovering physically. Get a free consultation for your truck accident claim now at (314) 500-HURT.

Recent Truck Accident Case Results in Missouri

Recent Truck Accident Case Results in Missouri

In any type of legal claim, results matter. You want to know that you have the best possible lawyer by your side and that they will fight hard to make sure you get 100 percent of the recovery and compensation you deserve. A truck accident law firm saying that they are the best is one thing, but a lawyer with client testimonials and results that can prove it is another. Burger Law is proud to be the most-reviewed and highest-reviewed law firm in the Webb City, MO area. View some of our Google reviews or read up on the details of some of our recent Missouri truck accident case victories:

The Missouri truck accident attorneys at Burger Law have tried and won many truck accident cases involving distracted driving, intoxicated drivers, multiple vehicle truck crashes, traffic light, lane usage and right of way violations, improper vehicle maintenance, excessive weight hauling and more. Our team of truck accident firm's lawyers aggressively investigate and litigate truck accident cases to get victims large monetary recoveries and, when we need to, we present the case to a jury and win in trial.

Speak to our winning truck accident law firm now at (314) 500-HURT or online.

In addition to tough commercial vehicle accidents like 18-wheelers, big rigs and other truck accidents, our personal injury trial law firm handles and wins all kinds of complex cases. Learn more below.

What Damages Can I Recover in My Missouri Truck Accident Case?

What Damages Can I Recover in My Missouri Truck Accident Case?

Large truck accidents are devastating. It is very likely that if you were in an accident with a large commercial vehicle like a big rig or an 18-wheeler while in a smaller passenger vehicle you have been seriously injured. Your severe injuries not only require emergency medical care, but likely require ongoing treatment. You could be looking at months, years or even a lifetime of surgeries, medications, therapies or other treatments.

In an accident like your commercial truck accident, physical injuries and their medical care are only the tip of the iceberg. Because of your injuries, you are suddenly facing a mountain of expenses and losses now and in the future. Your Burger Law Webb City, MO truck accident lawyer's job is to help you obtain compensation for the full extent of your damages. This means that we must thoroughly investigate your claim, collect evidence, present your case to the defendant's insurance company and demand full payment.

There are various forms of damages for which you may be able to receive compensation. Examples of damages in a Missouri truck accident case include:

  • Medical expenses – You could be reimbursed for the cost of your past and current medical expenses such as the ambulance ride, emergency room visit, hospital bills, doctors’ bills, and medications.
  • Future medical expenses – If your accident has left you suffering from injuries that require long-term care or therapy, you should receive compensation to cover your recovery treatment. That could include physical therapy, rehabilitation therapy, and even assistive devices, for example, like a wheelchair or brace.
  • Loss of income – For many people involved in serious accidents, they need to take time away from work to recover. We will help you receive reimbursement for your lost wages.
  • Loss of future earning capacity – If you have suffered injuries from the accident that make it impossible to continue working to your full capacity or prevent you from returning to your previous career, we will demand compensation for a loss of future income.
  • Pain and suffering – Your Burger Law attorney will also help you recover compensation for your physical pain and suffering following a serious accident.
  • Mental anguish – Being in a serious wreck like a truck accident is emotionally scarring. We demand compensation for the mental and emotional trauma you have experienced from the crash, such as anxiety, fear, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and distress.
  • Physical impairment or disfigurement – When your truck accident injuries result in permanent scarring, disfigurement or loss of use of a body part, you are entitled to additional compensation.
  • Loss of consortium, comfort or companionship – When someone is seriously injured or killed in a truck accident, the victim's spouse may suffer intangible damages from being deprived of comfort, affection, companionship, assistance, society or sexual relations.
  • Wrongful Death – If, unfortunately, you have lost a loved one due to a truck accident, our truck accident law firm will secure a wrongful death settlement, including compensation for their final expenses, medical costs and loss of your support. It is heartbreaking to lose a loved one, and we can’t make that pain go away, but we can help make sure that you are left with some financial stability.

Our Missouri truck accident lawyers are not intimidated by the trucking companies' large insurance corporations. We fight until the insurance company in your claim agrees to pay you in full for the losses you have sustained. We will not stop until you win a great settlement.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Missouri

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Missouri

  • Drive times – The U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the federal organization that regulates the trucking industry and commercial vehicle operation. They have set forth rules for the hours of service limiting how long drivers can work and be on the road. These federal safety regulations state require that commercial drivers do not drive for more than 14 consecutive hours without taking a break.
  • Mechanical issues – The law requiring anti-lock brake systems in commercial vehicles in 1997 helped to address the high occurrence of jackknifing accidents in the United States. However, many other mechanical problems can cause truck accidents on the road that result in catastrophic injuries.
  • Road conditions – Bad weather and unsafe road conditions can make driving dangerous for anybody, but the effects can be even more dangerous for large commercial vehicles like semi-trucks. Wet or icy roads can be unmanageably slick and fog or precipitation can reduce driver visibility, making it more difficult to react if obstacles appear. Things like potholes, broken guardrails, missing road signs and other poor road conditions can be especially problematic when operating a large commercial truck. Semi-trucks already have a much farther braking distance. If the truck driver does not have enough time to stop, change lanes or otherwise adjust to a road obstacle or poor condition, accidents — and considerable damage — can ensue.
  • Blind spots – Drivers of big rigs and other large commercial vehicles have considerably more blind spot space than typical passenger vehicles. When operating a truck, it is not uncommon for another car to get lost in the truck’s blind spots, which can easily result in an accident.
  • Driver fatigue – Truck drivers are only human. Despite FMCSA regulations, commercial truck drivers often work long hours and can be pushed to drive when drowsy by demanding trucking company schedules and expectations. Drowsy driving is dangerous for any driver, and studies have shown stark similarities between fatigued driving and drunk driving. If a truck driver violates rest and driving regulations or drives when they are noticeably sleepy, they can be liable for a truck accident.
  • Cargo issues – Shipping companies and other commercial truck loaders are responsible for ensuring that cargo is loaded properly. When truck cargo is loaded improperly, unbalanced or overweight, dangerous conditions like leaks, spills, and rollovers can happen, leading to truck accidents. Trucking companies and anyone responsible for loading cargo on commercial vehicles owes road users a duty to load trucks following regular safety procedures to reduce the risk of an accident.

Work with a Leading Truck Accident Law Firm in Webb City, Missouri

Tough Against Trucking Companies

Work with a Leading Truck Accident Law Firm in Webb City, Missouri

At Burger Law, we have the experience, knowledge, trial and negotiation skills and passion to know that our law firm has some of the best truck accident lawyers near Webb City, MO. We have dedicated our lives to protecting the vulnerable and getting our clients the best possible compensation when they have been injured in a truck accident. If you were seriously injured in a truck accident because someone else broke the rules of the road, do not waste any time. Contact Burger Law now.

Hire our experienced truck accident law firm today to start on the road to being made whole again. Call (314) 500-HURT to speak to a lawyer about your case for free or to hire us today.

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