Platte County, MO Trucking Accidents Lawyer

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We fight back against bullies to win you the maximum financial recovery you are owed

Trucking Accidents Lawyer Platte County, MO

Trucking Accidents Lawyer Platte County, MO. If a truck driver or trucking company disregarded your safety and caused you or a loved one injuries, call a Burger Law Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer straight away at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a complimentary case review.

Trucking accidents can have horrible reverberations. The physical, economic and emotional damage they can do is sudden and ruthless. Because of that, in addition to following the typical rules of the road, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has stringent laws that truck drivers and trucking companies must act in accordance with in order to help keep everybody on the Platte County, MO roads out of harm's way. When they fail in their responsibility and injure you, the Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer team will hold them responsible and win you the best possible financial recovery you deserve.

We have an incredible team of attorneys and paralegals that fight the good fight to get you the best possible financial recovery. Our Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer team knows the horrific impact an injury from a truck accident can have on you and your loved ones. We also know how to investigate, negotiate, litigate and win truck accident injury cases. We accept nothing but the best results for our clients. If you have been injured because somebody else did not value your safety, contact a Burger Law Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer straight away at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form to start on the road to being made whole again.

Use our free personal injury calculator to see how much your claim may be worth.

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How Common Are Truck Crashes in Missouri? | Trucking Accidents Lawyer in Platte County, MO

Unfortunately, a Missouri trucking accidents lawyer often has a lot of cases. The Missouri State Highway Patrol states that in 2020 there were 13,910 crashes in Missouri involving commercial vehicles, with four out of five of them involving trucks. Those collisions caused 131 deaths and 2,704 personal injuries. Meaning, truck accidents accounted for 8.4 percent of all automobile wrecks in Missouri, and 14.3 percent of all deaths.

The bulk of Missouri trucking accidents transpire on narrower streets because a truck does not have a lot of room to maneuver around smaller cars. Nearly one-fourth of commercial vehicle accidents happened in St. Louis County and St. Louis City, and 11.94 percent took place in Kansas City and Jackson County, which means over 33 percent of all Missouri trucking accidents happen in Missouri's two most populous cities. If you have been harmed in a truck accident because of someone else's irresponsible behavior, contact a Burger Law Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer at Burger Law today to discuss your legal options.

Is It Worth Hiring a Trucking Accidents Lawyer in Platte County, MO?

If you have been injured, then it is essential to at least talk to an attorney. If you were in a standard fender-bender with another passenger car that only required a quick visit in a Missouri emergency room, you might not need an attorney to get compensation. However, truck accidents usually lead to more serious injuries that necessitate longer term medical treatment. Additionally, in a truck wreck, you are not filing a claim against a driver, but rather against a large trucking company. Platte County, MO insurance companies use a lot of ruses to minimize your payout. The talented and dedicated trucking accidents lawyer team of Burger Law knows how to fight back against bullies and get you the compensation they owe you.

Besides pushing back against the insurance company, a Burger Law trucking accidents lawyer in Platte County, MO will:

  • Take the time to discuss and understand your claim.
  • Fully investigate your claim, including getting vital evidence and taking official statements.
  • Determine liability and prove negligence.
  • Keep you in the loop and answer any questions you may have through the process.
  • Oversee all communication, litigation, documentation and negotiation.
  • Work alongside our network of Missouri accident and medical experts to assess the value of your claim.
  • Provide you with every piece of information you need to make the best decision for you and your family.

While we do everything we can to secure you the recovery you are owed in negotiations, more often than not our Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer team will file suit against trucking companies. Trucking companies and insurance companies have access to top-level lawyers that will try anything to devalue your claim or convince you that they do not have to pay you what you deserve. At Burger Law, our trucking accidents lawyer team has dedicated their lives to giving the injured and vulnerable in Platte County, MO legal advocacy that exceeds what large corporations have. We are more aggressive than the majority of law firms because we want the insurance company to see that we are serious and will accept nothing but maximum compensation. We charge no attorneys' fees until we win your case.

Common Causes of Truck Crashes | Platte County, MO Trucking Accidents Lawyer

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration released its groundbreaking Large Crash Causation Study in 2009. The study analyzed the causes and contributing factors of 18-wheeler accidents. After examining over 1,000 possible factors, they came to the following conclusions:

  • Eighty-seven percent of wrecks involved "driver reasons," either by the truck driver or the driver of a passenger vehicle. The most common of those reasons include:
    • Use of prescriptions, over-the-counter and illegal drugs and drunk driving
    • Speeding or driving faster than appropriate for road conditions
    • Fatigue or distracted driving
    • Illegal maneuvers, improper evasive action or aggressive driving
    • Unfamiliarity with the roadway or truck
  • About 30 percent of all accidents involved issues with the truck, including brake failure or faulty tires.
  • Environmental factors, such as:
  • Other factors, such as:
    • Overloaded trucks or improperly loaded cargo
    • The driver being pressured to driver even though fatigued
    • Illness

Regardless of the reasons behind your wreck in Missouri, your Burger Law trucking accidents lawyer has seen it before. We will discover the causes of your crash and hold the at-fault parties accountable.

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Who Is Liable for My Truck Crash Injuries? | Platte County, MO Trucking Accidents Lawyer

In most auto accident cases, you would file a claim against another Platte County, MO driver and their insurance company. In trucking accidents, truck drivers were responsible for 44 percent of crashes caused by driver error, with drivers of other vehicles being liable for the rest. When your Burger Law trucking accidents lawyer performs an investigation into your crash, they will determine which driver is to blame. However, one of the unique things about truck accidents is that there are usually various parties at fault. That is why you need a devoted, seasoned and skilled trucking accidents lawyer in your corner.

Below are some examples of other parties in Platte County, MO your trucking accidents lawyer at Burger Law may be able to find liable:

The Trucking Company

Trucking companies have an obligation to care about our safety. They must:

We will request maintenance and driver logs when we start working on your truck accident suit. Your Burger Law trucking accidents lawyer in Platte County, MO knows how to acquire all the evidence we need to prove your claim.

A Shipping Company

Cargo must be adequately loaded onto trucks in the interest of ensuring safety. Overloaded trucks or trucks with unbalanced weight distribution are more likely to rollover. Improperly loaded cargo can also leak onto Platte County or Missouri streets and result in multi-vehicle collision. Overweight trucks also have increased stopping times, which hampers the driver's ability to react to conditions or dangers on the road.

Mechanics or Manufacturers

Manufacturers have a responsibility to safely design and test their products and recall any parts when they discover it to be defective. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that a recall is necessary when a vehicle or vehicle equipment "does not comply with a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard." Neglecting to do so is an example of product liability. Burger Law's trucking accidents lawyer team has experience with every type of personal injury claim and knows how to deliver you the best possible financial recovery regardless of the circumstances surrounding your truck collision injury.

A Government Entity

If your truck accident occurred because of infrastructure that was improperly constructed or poorly maintained, your truck accident injury lawyer may be able to assist you in making a claim against a public service such as the Missouri Department of Transportation. If a guardrail suddenly swings in front of a vehicle or a sizeable crack in the concrete leads a vehicle to flip, causing a domino-effect until you get in a wreck, your truck accident attorneys will help you hold the local entity that manages that property accountable.

Normally, Missouri gives sovereign immunity to government employees which protects them from civil claims. However, Missouri Revised Statute §537.600 permits suing a public employee for damages sustained "out of the operation of motor vehicles" within the course of a driver's "employment."

Filing a claim against a public entity in Platte County, MO is an intricate process, but your trucking accidents lawyer at Burger Law knows how to apply the law to your case and get great results in even the hardest cases. Call our trucking accidents lawyer team straight away at (314) 500-HURT.

What Damages Can I Collect For My Injuries? | Platte County, MO Trucking Accidents Lawyer

The financial recovery you collect will depend on the severity of your injuries, the consequences they have had on your life, and the talent of your Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer. There are normally two types of compensation available to people who are injured because of somebody else's careless actions.

  • Economic damages, such as:
    • Lost wages
    • Lost or reduced earning potential
    • Medical expenses, such as:
      • Emergency room visits
      • Surgeries
      • Doctors appointments
      • Physical therapy
      • Medication
      • In-home care
      • Assistive devices such as wheelchairs or household modifications
    • Property damage, such as damage to your car
    • Transportation fees
  • Noneconomic damages, which Missouri Senate Bill 239 defines as:

The more serious your injuries, the more time you will go without wages, the more medical bills you'll have and the more you will be awarded in noneconomic damages. Every Burger Law trucking accidents lawyer knows how to get an insurance adjuster, judge or jury in Platte County, MO to step inside your shoes and see the full repercussions your injuries have had on your life. Call Burger Law now at (314) 500-HURT to get a full financial recovery.

How Long Do I Have to File a Truck Accident Claim in Missouri?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations is five years for most personal injury claims, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute §516.120. There are three noteworthy outliers for truck accident claims:

  1. If you were under the age of 21 or "mentally incapacitated" when the injury occurred, you have five years from your 21st birthday or the day your disability is over to make a claim, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute §516.170.
  2. If the person you are making a claim against lives in Missouri but leaves the state for a period of time, their time out of state is not included in the five years, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute §516.200.
  3. Any claim against a government entity in Missouri must be filed within 90 days with the Missouri Office of Administration's Risk Management Division.

If a truck accident results in the wrongful death of a loved one, Missouri Revised Statute §537.100 stipulates that you have three years from the date your loved one passed to file a claim.

While five years may seem like a long time, the clock is already ticking on when you can file your claim. Delaying could bring complications to your case. Your trucking accidents lawyer must completely investigate your claim in order to hold negligent parties accountable. Additionally, you need compensation as soon as possible in order to fully heal and be made whole again. There is no reason to delay. Call a Burger Law trucking accidents lawyer in Platte County, MO right now at (314) 500-HURT.

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Platte County, MO Trucking Accidents Lawyer | Burger Law

No one should have to carry the burden of emotional anguish, physical limitations, lost wages and medical expenses that are piling up all because somebody else broke the rules. At Burger Law, our Platte County, MO-based trucking accidents lawyer team works relentlessly for the injured and vulnerable throughout Missouri. We have devoted our careers to making certain that people in bad situations are not taken advantage of by greedy corporations and lying insurance companies. When you hire a Burger Law trucking accidents lawyer, we get started on your case at once and do not let up until you collect every penny that you are owed. You do not need to wait any longer to start on your road to healing and being made whole again. Call a Burger Law Platte County, MO trucking accidents lawyer immediately at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a free case review.

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