Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO

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We fight for your rights so you can focus on healing

Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Personal injury lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Burger Law defends the rights of people who are injured because someone else broke the rules. After an injury, getting the right medical attention immediately following the accident is essential. Then, you need a personal injury lawyer to stand up for your and get you the best possible results in your case. Call Burger Law today at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form.

To calculate how much compensation you may be owed in Fort Leonard Wood, or anywhere in Missouri, fill out our complimentary personal injury calculator.

The negligent parties that hurt you are responsible for compensating you for all of your damages, but that does not mean they will do it willingly. Burger Law's personal injury lawyer team fights hard for the injured against anyone who is trying to keep them from the compensation they deserve. That includes anything from making claims against large trucking companies, holding negligent physicians, product manufacturers, business owners accountable, suing City Hall, to getting justice and financial security for Fort Leonard Wood residents after a loved one passed too soon. If you want to understand if you have a claim, the damages you may be able to recover or other questions regarding personal injury claims, speak to one of our personal injury lawyers in Fort Leonard Wood, MO as soon as possible at (314) 500-HURT.

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Chesterfield, MO 63005

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Why Burger Law Is The Fort Leonard Wood, MO Personal Injury Law Firm For You

It can be difficult to know how to choose the best personal injury lawyer for you. You want someone who has won your type of case before and who you know will not back down from a fight. In order to have a good understanding of the abilities of a law firm, you need to look at their previous victories, and their reputation among their clients and peers:

Award-Winning Fort Leonard Wood, MO Personal Injury Lawyers

The many awards and accolades Burger Law has received from other law firms include:

  • Martindale-Hubbell Award — AV Preeminent® Rated by Martindale-Hubbell® from NexisLexis® – a notable achievement awarded to less than 5 percent of all attorneys nationwide
  • Million and Multi-Million Dollar Advocate Honor — Members of the Million and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an honor only given to 1 percent of attorneys in the United States.
  • Top 100 Trial Lawyers Honor — Selected to the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by The National Trial Lawyers, an invitation-only award that is made up of the most qualified lawyers in each state.
  • Board Certified By the National Board of Trial Advocacy — Board certified in Civil Trial Advocacy and Civil Pretrial Practice Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Less than 4 percent of all practicing attorneys are certified by an American Bar Association accredited certification board.

Personal Injury Lawyer Fort Leonard Wood, MO - Cases We Have Won

Our Fort Leonard Wood, MO personal injury lawyers fight for the full rights and recoveries of our clients. We take on all who have injured our clients, and we fight for a full recovery every time. Our firm is committed to giving our clients amazing legal representation, and we take great pride in our well-deserved successes. Read about our recent successes for our personal injury clients below:

It is important to remember that every case is different, and the compensation you are owed is going to be based entirely upon the your specific accident. We fight for you so that you are given what you deserve.

Burger Law Reviews

Beyond the videos below, you can see our full list of client testimonials here.

What Is a Personal Injury Claim in Fort Leonard Wood, MO?

A personal injury claim is your right under Missouri law to get financial compensation for the damage another person caused, and to hold them accountable for breaking the rules. The purpose of personal injury claims is to make you whole. The idea is to put you in the same position you were in before sustained the damages caused by another's negligence.

In some cases, no lawyer, settlement or verdict can fully "put back" all the things you lost in an injury. While we can get compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and other financial losses, other damages are less tangible. If you lost a loved one, you are permanently disabled, are permanently scarred or will have to live the rest of your life in chronic pain, no one can truly make that go away. What compassionate and talented personal injury lawyers like those at Burger Law can do is ensure your injuries are recognized, and to give you financial security as it relates to your accident.

Is it Worth Hiring Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO?

That depends on the specifics of your case, but most of the time, yes, you will need a personal injury lawyer to ensure no money is left on the table in Fort Leonard Wood, MO. The thing to ask yourself is, will I get more money with them? If your injuries were minor, you have minimal lost wages and the insurance company is being mostly fair, a lawyer might not be necessary. But, you will need legal representation in Fort Leonard Wood, MO under the following circumstances:

  • There is disagreement over liability, or you are being blamed for your injuries
  • The insurance company is denying they have to cover certain damages
  • Your injuries are serious and require ongoing medical treatment
  • There more than one party that is liable for your damages
  • Your damages are more than an insurance company's policy limits

Our initial conversations and investigations are free, and we are always honest about how much value we can add your claim. Our personal injury lawyers work on a contingency-fee basis, meaning you do not pay until we win your case, and we have no reason to accept you as a client if we do not think we can get you substantially more money.

Do I Have a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Fort Leonard Wood, MO?

While state statutes can be complex, whether or not you have a claim depends on the answer to one specific question: were you injured because someone else was negligent? If so, legally speaking you need to prove the five elements of negligence:

  1. Duty of care You first need to show that the liable party owed it to you to value your safety. In some cases this is automatic, as motorists all owe everyone on the Fort Leonard Wood, MO roads a duty of care, or dog owners owe it to others to keep their dog from biting anyone. In other cases, a unique relationship must have formed, for instance a doctor-patient relationship or a vendor-patron relationship.
  2. Breach of duty Did the liable party fail in that obligation? Did a driver crash into you you because they were running a red light? Did a physician misdiagnose a condition? Did a product manufacturer not properly test their products?
  3. Causation — You must prove how the breach of duty led to your injuries. For instance, you broke your arm when your car was t-boned, or had bad side effects from a prescription drug.
  4. Proximate cause This determines who needs to be held accountable. If you were rear ended, the liable party is usually the driver that hit you. But if the tires were not safe, someone in the product's chain of distribution may be ultimately liable.
  5. Damages — Finally, you have to show that the incident resulted in financial losses. In personal injury cases, this is usually medical expenses and lost wages. With access to your medical records, an attorney will be able to establish your financial losses with an insurance company. After proving economic damages, we can seek compensation for pain and suffering damages.

If you have any doubts about the validity of your claim, speak to a lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO who has won a similar claim before. Call a personal injury lawyer now at (314) 500-HURT.

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Types of Cases Our Fort Leonard Wood, MO Personal Injury Lawyers Handle

Being a personal injury lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO mandates that your lawyers and firm have a vast knowledge of the different types of cases that people deal with. Knowing the difference between how the law applies to auto accidents, medical malpractice and slip and falls is essential. A lawyer that only specializes in a certain type of injury claim may not have the experience to take on other cases. At Burger Law, we know how to hold the liable party accountable whenever negligence results in an injury. We have won millions for our Fort Leonard Wood, MO clients in the following types of cases:

Burger Law's personal injury lawyers know how to get great results whenever a rule breaker injured someone else. One of the benefits of choosing a Burger Law Fort Leonard Wood, MO personal injury lawyer is that our team takes on all types of personal injury claims, and have won your type of claim before. We understand that case types often overlap, and having experience with each type of claim gives our team the perfect understanding of how to fight for our clients' rights and recoveries.

What Is the Personal Injury Claims Process in Fort Leonard Wood, MO?

The path to securing a financial settlement or verdict for your injuries can be long and complex. While some cases only take a few months, others go completely through to a jury trial. Generally, the personal injury claims process includes:

  • Seeking Medical Care — Get medical care immediately after an injury, and follow your doctor's treatment plans to a "T." Waiting too long could bring complications to your claim, and not attending all your appointments will reduce how much compensation you receive. Our personal injury lawyers work with several reliable Fort Leonard Wood, MO health professionals who can ensure you get the full treatment you need.
  • Speaking With an Attorney — Even if you do not know if you need an attorney, it is best to know what your options are as soon as possible. A good lawyer will tell you bluntly what your legal options are.
  • Investigation and Documentation — Once you have retained a lawyer's services, your personal injury lawyer will carry out a comprehensive investigation into your claim, ascertain who we need to hold accountable and gather the evidence required for the best possible financial recovery. You should also keep detailed records of your expenses related to your injuries, and how they affect your day-to-day life.
  • Settlement Demand and Negotiations — Once we have determined the full extent of your damages, we will send a settlement demand package to the liable party's insurance company. In the package we will include how we calculated your damages, and insist that nothing but the full amount is acceptable. Most of the time, they will respond with a lower offer, and there will be several back-and-forths until they agree to pay for all of your damages.
  • Filing a Lawsuit — If negotiations do not result in fair compensation, we will file a lawsuit in court, which begins the formal process of your claim going to trial. During this time, both parties continue negotiating.
  • Mediation — If a settlement agreement still has not been reached, your personal injury lawyer and the liable party will likely pursue mediation. In mediation, an objective third party will try to get each party to accept the merits of the other side's arguments.
  • Pre-Trial — If mediation fails, the "discovery" phase begins. In this phase, we will speak to eyewitnesses and expert witnesses, acquire more evidence and share with and request documentation with the other side.
  • Trial — Most personal injury claims are settled before trial. Indeed, many times we have gotten the settlement we were seeking on the eve of trial. However, if the insurance company still cannot see reason, we will fight for your compensation in front of a judge and jury. Trial consists of:
    • Jury selection
    • Opening statements
    • Testimony and cross-examination
    • Closing arguments
    • Jury instruction
    • Jury deliberation and verdict

Most people who speak with our Fort Leonard Wood, MO personal injury lawyers have never had to deal with seeking compensation for an injury before, and are unsure of what lies ahead. Burger Law will be by your side from our initial consultation to full compensation, be there to answer all of your questions and oversee all documentation, negotiation and litigation so you can focus on your physical recovery.

What Compensation Can I Get In My Fort Leonard Wood, MO Personal Injury Claim?

Typically, there are two types of compensation available in a personal injury claim: economic damages and non-economic damages:

  • Economic damages compensate you for the economic harm related to your injuries, for instance:
    • Lost wages
    • Lost earning potential if your injuries do not allow you to earn a living as you used to
    • Medical expenses, past and future
    • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Non-economic damages compensate you for losses that are harder to quantify, such as:

Though rare, we may also be able to pursue punitive damages if the liable party's conduct was purposefully harmful or grossly negligent. Examples can include a drunk driver, or a doctor who performs surgery after drinking. While punitive damages are rarely awarded, your Burger Law personal injury lawyer will pursue every legal avenue possible to maximize your compensation.

What If I Was Partially At Fault For My Accident?

Pinning your injuries on you is a common tactic insurance companies employ to devalue your claim. If you were in fact partially responsible, you are still eligible for compensation. Under Missouri Revised Statute §537.060 and Missouri Revised Statute §537.765, the state has adopted "pure comparative negligence." Meaning, if you were partially at fault, you can make a recovery for the percentage of blame you do not share.

For example, say your damages total $100,000, but you but you bear 10 percent of the blame, under comparative negligence, you would receive a $90,000 financial recovery.

Can I Afford a Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO?

Because we charge a contingency fee, you do not need to pay us anything upfront. We take a percentage of your recovery, but only after we win and after you have your settlement check in hand. There are two main advantages to this:

  1. You have access to expert legal representation, no matter how much money you have
  2. We have no reason to take on your case unless we genuinely we can add value to it, and will fight hard to get you the best recovery possible

At Burger Law, we know that an unexpected injury can put a dent in your back account. That should not diminish your ability to receive justice and fair compensation.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Fort Leonard Wood, MO?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations is five years for the majority of personal injury claims, under Missouri Revised Statute §516.120. There are four noteworthy exceptions:

  1. If you were under the age of 21 or "mentally incapacitated" when the injury occurred, you have five years from the day you turn 21 or the day your mental incapacitation was removed to file a claim, according to Missouri Revised Statute §516.170.
  2. If the liable party is a resident of Missouri but leaves the state for a certain length of time, their time out of state does not take away from the five years, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute §516.200.
  3. Medical malpractice cases must generally be made within two years of the injury or the discovery of the injury, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute § 516.105.
  4. Any claim against a public body in Missouri must be filed within 90 days with the Missouri Office of Administration's Risk Management Division.

While five years may seem like a long time, you do not want to delay in contacting an attorney. Your personal injury lawyer at Burger Law will want the most amount of time in order to best make your claim. It could bring complications to your case if are thinking about whether or not you have a case, or if it is worth pursuing. Get in touch with a Burger Law Fort Leonard Wood, MO personal injury lawyer without delay at (314) 500-HURT.

Other types of claims we get great results in in Fort Leonard Wood, MO include:

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Speak to a Personal Injury Lawyer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO Now

Burger Law's Fort Leonard Wood, MO personal injury lawyers hold ourselves to the standard of zealous representation. That means we start working for your recovery the moment you hire us, investigate your case thoroughly, stand up to insurance companies on your behalf and do not let down until you receive the maximum compensation you are owed. We only give our clients the highest standard of legal representation; all of our advice will be based on the facts of the case and our experience, but we always leave the ultimate decisions on your claim to you and your Fort Leonard Wood, MO family. You do not have to pay for someone else's careless actions. To start on your road to true recovery, call a Burger Law Fort Leonard Wood, MO personal injury lawyer now at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a free consultation.

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