Personal Injury Lawyer in Kearney, MO

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We fight for your rights so you can focus on healing

Personal Injury Lawyer in Kearney, MO

Personal injury lawyer in Kearney, MO. Burger Law defends the rights of people who get hurt because someone else did no respect their safety. When accidents happen, the first thing you need to do is get proper medical care. Then, you need a personal injury lawyer to stand up for your and get you the recovery you deserve. Reach out to Burger Law now at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form.

If you want to know the value of your personal injury claim in Kearney, or anywhere in Missouri, use our complimentary personal injury calculator.

The negligent parties that harmed you are responsible for compensating you for all of your damages, but that does not mean they will do it willingly. Burger Law's personal injury lawyer team fights hard for the injured against whoever is standing in the way of justice. That includes anything from suing drunk drivers, holding negligent healthcare professionals, product manufacturers, pet owners responsible, suing City Hall, to securing justice and financial security for Kearney residents after the wrongful death of a family member. If you would like to discuss the validity of your case further, the damages you may be able to recover or anything else about the personal injury claims process, call our personal injury lawyers in Kearney, MO as soon as possible at (314) 500-HURT.

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Why Choose Burger Law's Kearney, MO Personal Injury Lawyers For Your Claim

It can be difficult to know how to choose the best personal injury lawyer for you. You want someone who has won your type of case before and who is not afraid to take your case all the way to trial if they have to. In order to gauge the abilities of an injury law firm, you need to look at their previous successes, and their reputation among their clients and other attorneys:

Premier Kearney, MO Personal Injury Lawyers

The numerous awards and accolades Burger Law has received from other attorneys include:

  • Martindale-Hubbell Award — AV Preeminent® Rated by Martindale-Hubbell® from NexisLexis® – a significant achievement awarded to less than 5 percent of all lawyers nationwide
  • Million and Multi-Million Dollar Advocate Honor — Members of the Million and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an honor only given to 1 percent of attorneys in the United States.
  • Top 100 Trial Lawyers Honor — Selected to the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by The National Trial Lawyers, an invitation-only honor that is comprised of the most qualified lawyers in each state.
  • Board Certified By the National Board of Trial Advocacy — Board certified in Civil Trial Advocacy and Civil Pretrial Practice Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Less than 4 percent of all practicing lawyers are certified by an American Bar Association accredited certification board.

Personal Injury Lawyer Kearney, MO - Cases We Have Won

Our Kearney, MO personal injury lawyers have a demonstrated history of getting great results. We take on all who have hurt our clients, and we fight for a full recovery every time. Our attorneys are committed to providing our clients amazing legal advocacy, and we have great pride in our hard-fought successes. Read about our case results for our personal injury clients below:

It is important to remember that every case is unique, and what you may be eligible to recover is going to depend on the circumstances of your claim. We calculate the full extent of your damages so that there is no money left on the table.

Burger Law Client Testimonials

In addition to the videos below, you can see our full list of client testimonials here.

What Is a Personal Injury Claim in Kearney, MO?

Under Missouri and U.S. law, you have a right to file a personal injury claim to get financial compensation for the damage another person caused, and to hold them accountable for breaking the rules. The recovery you receive is intended to make one whole. The idea is to put you in the same position you were in before another person injured you.

In some cases, no outcome in your claim can fully return you to how things were before the injury. While you can be reimbursed for medical bills, time spent off work recovering and other financial losses, other damages are harder to quantify. If a family member died, you are permanently disabled, are permanently scarred or will have to live the rest of your life in chronic pain, no amount of money can make that go away. What empathetic and talented personal injury lawyers like those at Burger Law can do is secure you fair compensation in order to provide a sense of justice and recognition, and to provide you with relief from the financial losses resulting from your injuries.

Is it Worth Hiring Personal Injury Lawyer in Kearney, MO?

That depends on the specifics of your case, but most of the time, yes, you will need a personal injury lawyer to get the full compensation you are owed in Kearney, MO. The question to ask when thinking about whether or not to hire a lawyer is, will I get more money with them? If your medical expenses are low, you did not miss much time off work and the insurance company is being mostly fair, you may not need an attorney. But, you will need legal representation in Kearney, MO if the following is true about your claim:

  • There is a dispute over liability, or the insurance company says the accident are your fault
  • The initial settlement offer is well below the cost of your damages
  • Your injuries are serious and require ongoing medical treatment
  • There are multiple parties that is liable for your damages
  • Your damages exceed the liable policyholder's policy limits

We offer consultations for free, and we are always honest about how much we can help your claim. Our personal injury lawyers take on cases based on a contingency-fee, meaning you only pay after you have received the full compensation you deserve, and there is no reason for us to take on your claim if we do not think we can significantly increase the value of your claim.

What Do You Need to Prove to Win a Personal Injury Claim in Kearney, MO?

While state statutes can be hard to navigate, whether or not you have a claim depends on the answer to one particular question: did another person's negligence cause you injuries? From a legal standpoint, you must prove the five elements of negligence:

  1. Duty of care You first need to demonstrate that the person you are making a claim against had a responsibility to care for your safety. In some cases this is automatic, as motorists all owe everyone on the Kearney, MO roads a duty of care, or store owners need their properties to be reasonable safe for anyone who legally enters. In other cases, a unique relationship must be established, for instance a doctor-patient relationship or a vendor-buyer relationship.
  2. Breach of duty Did someone fail in that responsibility? Did a driver crash into you you while they were looking at their phone? Did a physician prescribe the wrong dosage? Did a trucking company force their employee to drive longer than regulations allow?
  3. Causation — You must prove how the breach of duty caused your injuries. For instance, you received a concussions after being thrown off your motorcycle, or were burned by a defective product when it overheated.
  4. Proximate cause This determines liability. If you were injured in an auto accident, the liable party is usually the driver that hit you. But if the brakes were defective, a manufacturer or mechanic may be the one who is ultimately liable.
  5. Damages — Lastly, you must show that the injuries led to financial losses. In personal injury cases, this is usually medical expenses and wages you could not earn while you were not able to work. With access to your medical records, this last part will be fairly easy to prove with the help of an attorney. Once we establish financial losses, we can also pursue a financial recovery for the other ways your injuries have affected you.

The only way to know for certain if you have an injury claim is to speak to an attorney who has handled your type of claim in Kearney, MO before. Get in touch with a personal injury lawyer today at (314) 500-HURT.

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What Are Common Personal Injury Lawsuits in Kearney, MO?

Practicing injury law in Kearney, MO mandates that your lawyers and firm know how negligence laws apply to a wide range of cases. Knowing the difference between the laws and defendants applicable to different types of claims is paramount. A lawyer who only knows how to deal with car insurance companies may not be the best choice to get you full compensation in a different claim. At Burger Law, we know how to secure justice for the injured in any type of claim. We have won millions for our Kearney, MO clients in the following types of cases:

Burger Law's personal injury lawyers know how to get great results whenever someone was injured through no fault of their own. One of the benefits of choosing a Burger Law Kearney, MO personal injury lawyer is that our team takes on all types of personal injury claims, and this actually gives our lawyers exceptional experience that they can use towards their clients' advantage. We understand that case types often overlap, and having experience with each type of claim gives our team the perfect understanding of how to fight for our clients' rights and recoveries.

What Is the Personal Injury Claims Process in Kearney, MO?

The journey to securing maximum compensation for your injuries starts the day you are injured. While some accidents and injuries settle fairly early, others go completely through to a jury trial. In total, the path to getting compensation consists of:

  • Getting Medical Treatment — Get medical treatment immediately after an injury, and keep attending all treatments that your physician recommends. The insurance company will be harder to deal with if you wait, and not getting the full treatment will lower your final payout. Our personal injury lawyers work with several trustworthy Kearney, MO health professionals who can help you in your recovery.
  • Consulting With an Attorney — Even if you are not sure you are going to need to hire a lawyer, you need to know what your options are as soon as possible. A good lawyer will be honest with you about whether or not their services are needed.
  • Investigation and Documentation — Once you have legal representation, your personal injury lawyer will perform an exhaustive investigation into your claim, determine who we need to hold accountable and gather the evidence required for the best possible financial recovery. You can help by keeping detailed records of your expenses related to your injuries, and how keeping a journal detailing how your injuries have affected your life.
  • Settlement Demand and Negotiations — Once we have determined the full extent of your damages, we will send a settlement demand package to the liable party's insurance company. In the package we will include how we calculated your damages, and demand a financial recovery for all the ways your injuries have affected you. Usually, they will respond with a lower offer, and there will be several back-and-forths until they agree to pay for 100 percent of your damages.
  • Filing a Lawsuit — If the insurance company will not be fair in negotiations, we will proceed to litigating the case and setting up a trial. During this time, both parties continue negotiating.
  • Mediation — Mediation is often the last option for an agreement before trial. In mediation, an objective third party will try to get each party to accept the merits of the other side's arguments.
  • Pre-Trial — If mediation fails, we will go into the pre-trial "discovery" phase. In discovery, we will speak to eyewitnesses and expert witnesses, acquire more evidence and both parties will share with the other what they plan to use as evidence in trial.
  • Trial — It is rare that a personal injury claim makes it all the way to trial. Indeed, we often finally get the settlement we were seeking on the eve of trial. However, if the insurance company refuses to do the right thing, we will defend your rights in front of a judge and jury. Trial consists of:
    • Voir dire
    • Opening statements
    • Testimony and cross-examination
    • Closing arguments
    • Jury instruction
    • Jury deliberation and verdict

Most people who speak with our Kearney, MO personal injury lawyers have never been through the personal injury claims process before, and are unsure of what lies ahead. Burger Law will be your advocate from our initial consultation to full compensation, be there to answer all of your questions and handle all documentation, negotiation and litigation so you can spend your energy on your physical recovery.

What Compensation Can I Recover In My Kearney, MO Personal Injury Claim?

In general, there are two types of compensation available in a personal injury claim: economic damages and non-economic damages:

  • Economic damages compensate you for the economic harm related to your injuries, for instance:
    • Lost wages
    • Lost earning capacity if your injuries do not allow you to earn a living as you used to
    • Medical expenses, past and future
    • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Non-economic damages compensate you for losses that are harder to quantify, such as:

Though rare, we may also be able to pursue punitive damages if the liable harmed you intentionally or they were grossly negligent. Examples can include a drunk driver, or a doctor who performs surgery after drinking. While punitive damages are rarely awarded, your Burger Law personal injury lawyer will pursue every legal avenue We can to maximize your compensation.

What If I Was Partially To Blame For My Injuries?

Telling you your injuries are your fault is a frequent tactic insurance companies employ to minimize your recovery. If you were indeed partially responsible, you can still make a recovery. Under Missouri Revised Statute §537.060 and Missouri Revised Statute §537.765, the state has implemented "pure comparative negligence." That means that, if your injuries were partially, but not completely, your fault, you can make a recovery for the percentage of blame you do not share.

For example, if your damages come out to $100,000, but you but you bear 10 percent of the blame, with the comparative fault rule, you would be eligible for $90,000 in compensation.

How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Cost in Kearney, MO?

As we work on a contingency-fee basis, there are no upfront costs to hiring a Burger Law Kearney, MO personal injury lawyer. We charge a percentage of your recovery, but only after your case is successfully resolved and after you receive your compensation. There are two main advantages to this:

  1. You can get experienced legal advocacy, regardless of your economic status
  2. We have no reason to take on your case unless we genuinely we can add value to it, and will fight hard to maximize your compensation

At Burger Law, we know that an unexpected injury can cause incredible financial burdens. That should not diminish your ability to receive justice and a full financial recovery.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Personal Injury Claim in Kearney, MO?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations is five years for the majority of personal injury claims, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute §516.120. There are four noteworthy exceptions:

  1. If you has not reached your 21st birthday or "mentally incapacitated" on the date of the accident, you have five years from the day you turn 21 or the day your disability was removed to make a claim, pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute §516.170.
  2. If the person you are making a claim against is a resident of Missouri but is not in the state for a certain length of time, their time out of state does not count against the five years, according to Missouri Revised Statute §516.200.
  3. Medical malpractice cases are much shorter at two years of the the date the injuries were sustained or you learned of the injury, according to Missouri Revised Statute § 516.105.
  4. Any suit against a public body in Missouri must be filed within 90 days with the Missouri Office of Administration's Risk Management Division.

While that may feel like a long time, it is important not to wait before making a claim. Your personal injury lawyer at Burger Law will want the most amount of time in order to best make your claim. It could bring complications to your case if are thinking about if your case really has merit. Reach out to a Burger Law Kearney, MO personal injury lawyer immediately at (314) 500-HURT.

Other types of claims we take on in Kearney, MO include:

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Speak to a Personal Injury Lawyer in Kearney, MO Now

Burger Law's Kearney, MO personal injury lawyers fiercely believe in zealous representation. That means we start working for your recovery immediately, investigate your case thoroughly, fight back against insurance companies on your behalf and do not give up until you are awarded the full recovery you deserve. We only give our clients the highest standard of legal representation; all of our advice will be sincere and in your best interest, but we always leave the ultimate decisions on your claim to you and your Kearney, MO family. You do not have to pay for someone else's careless actions. To start on your road to true recovery, call a Burger Law Kearney, MO personal injury lawyer now at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a free consultation.

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