Car Accident Attorneys in Neosho, MO

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We fight for your rights

Car Accident Attorneys in Neosho, MO

Car accident attorneys in Neosho, MO. Injuries from car accidents create unanticipated financial, emotional and physical burdens. You need a fierce Neosho, MO car accident lawyer to fight for you to to truly recover from every way that your injuries have affected you. Speak to Burger Law's car accident attorneys now at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form for a complimentary case evaluation.

If a negligent driver harmed you in Neosho or any other part of Missouri see what compensation you may be eligible for by using our free personal injury calculator.

You have been injured in a car accident and now you are wondering what to do. If you are not sure, you are not alone. You may not be certain whether or not you should get medical treatment, what the process for seeking compensation is and how to secure the sense of justice you deserve. Call the police, then get medical attention. Then call Burger Law.

In Missouri in 2021, there were 146,726 auto crashes, which resulted in 36,054 personal injuries. The last thing on your mind after an injury should be worrying about court dates or understanding the personal injury claims process. Our law firm has a proven track record of defending our client's recovery and holding negligent drivers and insurance companies accountable.

We know it seems like the whole world is against you. Reach out to a lawyer at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form now. Our auto accident law firm does not charge you until we successfully win your claim, and we never leave any money on the table for our clients. Do not settle for less than you deserve.

Neosho, MO Car Accident Attorneys With a Proven Track Record of Victories

With any type of tort case, results matter. You want to have trust in your lawyer's abilities, and that they will do everything possible to make sure you get the maximum compensation you are owed. A car accident lawyer saying they are the best is one thing; a lawyer with client testimonials and results that can prove it is another. Click the links below to read about some of our recent victories:

How Can I Prove a Car Accident Case in Neosho, MO?

If you want to prove a personal injury claim, you show how the five elements of negligence apply to your case:

  1. Duty of Care The first step in any personal injury claim is showing that the party you are making a claim against was legally bound to behave in a reasonable manner to ensure that they did not do undue harm to anyone. Under Missouri Revised Statute §304.012, anyone behind the wheel of a car must "drive the vehicle in a careful and prudent manner." Meaning, any driver automatically owes everyone else on the road a duty of care.
  2. Breach of Duty Then you must show that they failed in their responsibility. Were they looking at their phone instead of the road? Had they had too much to drink? Were they driving recklessly? Did they ignore a stop light or stop sign?
  3. Cause-in-Fact Did the accident cause your injuries? For example, did you break your arm when you were T-boned?
  4. Proximate Cause — This refers to the ultimate reason the accident occurred. Did the driver fail to follow the rules of the road because they were not paying attention? Or did their brakes not work? If it is the latter, a car company may be liable for your injuries instead of the driver.
  5. Damages — Lastly, you have to show how you sustained financial harm because of the injuries. In car accident cases, this is usually lost wages and medical expenses. Once we show your financial losses, we will work to prove your pain and suffering damages as well.

All too often, the person who injured you and their insurance company will try to deceitfully claim that the above elements are not true in your case in order to pay out as little as possible. Neosho, MO car accident attorneys who are dedicated to their clients will not allow that to happen. At Burger Law, we fight back against bullies, and we settle for nothing less than a full financial recovery. Our team will help you understand if you have a car accident claim. Call us now at (314) 500-HURT.

What Kind of Hurdles Are There In Neosho, MO Car Accident Claims?

In a perfect society, you would not have to fight to get the compensation you are owed. But, unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see that there are difficulties that arise and the other side does not want to do the right thing. Some of the problems our car accident attorneys see most frequently in Neosho, MO include:

  • The negligent driver was uninsured — Missouri has minimum insurance requirements for all motorists. But not everyone actually pays for it, and you may be left wondering how you are going to get compensation for your injuries. Our car accident attorneys now how to file uninsured motorist claims in the event that a negligent driver does not have insurance . However, filing a claim is not made easier because it is the insurance company you have been paying into – an attorney is usually still required to fight for your rights.
  • The other driver does not have enough insurance — Depending on the policyholder's policy limits, they may not have enough to fully compensate you. If are owed more money than what's on the at-fault driver's policy limits, we can pursue a underinsured motorist claim on your own policy. We can also look for other insurance policies that may cover your accident.
  • The other driver will not admit doing anything wrong — There are some reckless people out there who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. If the other driver is trying to pin your injuries on you or somebody else, we will gather evidence and take depositions of all parties – under oath – to demonstrate how the other driver caused your injuries.
  • The insurance company will not to be fair — Insurance adjusters use a lot of deceitful tactics to devalue claims, and you will need an attorney to fight back against them. If they continue to lowball you after we send a settlement demand package, we will not hesitate file a lawsuit, litigate the case and prepare for trial. Often, once they know our car accident attorneys are on the case, it is only a matter of time before they accept our demands; they know they have no chance if they make us go in front of a judge and jury. Many high settlements are offered on the eve of trial.

Our car accident attorneys know that you want to be compensated quickly. However, if you have a more complicated case and the negligent driver and their insurance company do not want to pay you fairly, we we will defend your rights at trial. We do not stop fighting for our Neosho, MO clients until they are compensated. We have dealt with all of these issues and more hundreds of times and have won countless Missouri car accident cases in jury trials.

What Should I Ask Before Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Neosho, MO?

Hiring an experienced and dedicated car accident attorney in Neosho, MO to take up your case is paramount to getting the results you deserve. It is essential that a lawyer be meticulous and compassionate when handling your case. The following are the top six questions you need to ask an attorney when you first meet with them about your claim:

  1. How much does it cost to hire you? How your car accident attorneys receives their fees affects how much you will actually recover. We work for contingency fees, meaning we accept a percentage of your recovery as our fees, and only after we win your case. The benefit of a contingency fee is a lawyer will only take on the case if they believe in its merits and believe they can get you significantly more money, since we finance our work until we get you your settlement. We do not get paid unless you get paid.
  2. How much compensation do you think I am owed? A good car accident attorney is going to be honest with you about how much they believe your claim is worth, and whether or not they can add value to your claim. Sometimes, there are particulars of your case, like pre-existing injuries, insurance policy limits or whether or not you bear any of the blame, that can limit your financial recovery. You do not want to choose an attorney who dishonestly promises millions of dollars for a whiplash injury that did not require much treatment or time off work, or one who tells you that an accident affecting your cognitive abilities should only get you $10,000. Ask what factors in your case will determine how much your claim is worth.
  3. Do you have experience with my kind of car accident? Needing a lawyer experienced in auto accidents is obvious. However, there are different types of auto claims. If your were injured by a phantom motorist, you need a lawyer who has gone up against an injured person's own insurance company before.
  4. Are you experienced trial lawyers? Most people who file an injury claim never have to go to court. But if we cannot secure the compensation you deserve in negotiations and mediation, you want someone who can convince a jury to award you a fair verdict. Often, the threat of a trial is necessary in order to get a fair settlement offer.
  5. How do you communicate with clients? Most attorneys are not going to be able to pick up the phone 24/7, particularly if they are good at their jobs. Still, you want to know that they will be there to answer your questions when you need them to. Is there office full of caring staff who can answer the phone when your attorney is unavailable?
  6. Who will be working on my case? To be sure, a successful law firm will have paralegals and less experienced attorneys who are confident legal professionals and who help the firm achieve hard-fought victories. But you want to be sure that the people who are working on your case so you can get financial recovery you need to move forward.

Burger Law is unique among many auto crash law firms in Neosho, MO in that we have demonstrated history of success and resources of a large firm, but we build relationships with our clients and offer the personalized attention that small firms do. Your case will always be a priority to us, and we will fight for you until there is nothing left to fight.

Car Accident Attorneys in Neosho, MO — Resources to Help With Your Car Accident Claim

Car Accidents are traumatic events. Knowing what to do when one happens can absolutely make the difference in your case, however, a lot of people have never had to go through the injury claims process before. Our founder and principle has literally written the book on car accidents claims, which you can download below, read through to have a better understanding of how what to expect. You can also check out our FAQs and legal glossary for more information.

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Most Common Types of Car Accidents in Neosho, MO

No two car accidents are exactly alike, but they generally happen for similar reasons. Those include:

Burger Law's Neosho, MO car accident attorneys have seen any type of auto claim you can think of — and won them. We know how to investigate accident cases and prove how the other party is responsible for your injuries.

How Much Is My Car Accident Claim in Neosho, MO Worth?

Your compensation is meant to reimburse you for two things: economic damages, such as medical expenses and lost wages, and non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering and mental stress. The more your injuries affect your life financially, emotionally and physically, the more your financial recovery will be. Things that increase or decrease your compensation include:

  • The type and severity of your injuries
  • The extent of your medical care, and if you will have more medical expenses down the road
  • If your injuries resulted in disfigurement or mental or physical impairment
  • Your wage loss damages
  • If you can no longer earn a living as you used to and have lost earning capacity damages
  • If your injuries affected your quality of life and independence
  • If you contributed to the accident in any way

A knowledgeable car accident attorney like those at Burger Law know how to calculate the full extent of someone's damages. We will make sure the other side understands just how much their negligence has affected you, and demand they compensate you for all of it.

How Much Do People Usually Get in Neosho, MO Car Accident Claims?

There is no national database of car accident settlements. However, some have tried to find an average. According to a survey carried out by Martindale-Nolo, most people injured by another driver's negligence get just under $30,000. The Insurance Information Institute found that, in 2020 the average compensation for injuries sustained in a car accident was $20,235.

Frankly, the above numbers do not indicate how much compensation you are eligible for. Each injury case is unique, and, through Burger Law's car accident attorneys, you will get however much is needed for you to be made whole again. If you sustained a whiplash injury that required a month off work and a round of physical therapy sessions, those numbers may be close to accurate. If you sustained a traumatic brain injury that will affect you the rest of your life, that may mean hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

Whatever your individual case may be, our firm will fight to ensure no money is left on the table.

Other cases we handle in Neosho, MO include:

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Speak to Our Neosho, MO Car Accident Attorneys Today

Burger Laws car accident attorneys are committed devoted to getting each of our Neosho, MO clients the best possible results in their claims. You did not want to be injured, and you should not have to pay for another person's mistakes. We will stand by your side throughout the duration of your claim. To start on your true road to recovery, speak to Burger Law's car accident attorneys immediately at (314) 500-HURT or complete our online contact form for a complimentary consultation.

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