Car Accident Attorneys in Warrensburg, MO

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Car Accident Attorneys in Warrensburg, MO

Car accident attorneys in Warrensburg, MO. Injuries from car accidents create unexpected financial, mental and physical hardships. You need a tenacious Warrensburg, MO car accident lawyer on your side to secure you the fair financial recovery you deserve. Speak to Burger Law's car accident attorneys immediately at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a complimentary case review.

If you were injured in a car accident in Warrensburg or any other part of Missouri see what compensation you may be eligible for by using our free personal injury calculator.

It is difficult to know how to proceed after a car accident injury. You may not be certain whether or not you should get medical treatment, what the process for filing a claim is and if there is anything else you can do to make sure that you get justice for your injuries. First, get the immediate medical attention you require. Then call Burger Law.

In Missouri in 2021, there were 146,726 auto accidents, which resulted in 36,054 personal injuries. When you have been injured in a car accident, you should be focused on healing and getting your life back to the way it was before the accident. Your compensation should be guaranteed and taken care of, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. If the person who injured you refuses to do right by you, you need a competent and aggressive attorney to fight on your behalf. The Warrensburg, MO car accident lawyers of Burger Law know how important your claim is to you and are committed to getting you the money you rightfully deserve.

You deserve to have an amazing team fight for your recovery during your car accident claim. Speak to an attorney at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form now. Our auto accident law firm does not take any fees until we successfully win your claim, and we never accept anything but full compensation. Never accept a settlement offer that is not what you truly deserve.

Warrensburg, MO Car Accident Attorneys With a Proven Track Record of Victories

In any kind of legal action, the outcome matters. You want to know that you are giving your case to the best possible lawyer, and that they will not back down until you get 100 percent of the recovery and compensation you are owed. Any personal injury lawyer can say they will fight for you, but not all of them can prove it. Below are several of our recent victories:

How Can I Prove a Car Accident Case in Warrensburg, MO?

In order to prove a personal injury claim, you must demonstrate the five elements of negligence:

  1. Duty of Care The first step in any accident and injury claim is showing that the party you are making a claim against was legally bound to behave as a reasonable person would to keep others safe. Pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute §304.012, anyone behind the wheel of a car must "drive the vehicle in a careful and prudent manner." Consequently, in motor vehicle crashes, the duty of care is a given.
  2. Breach of Duty The second step is demonstrating how they failed in their responsibility. Were they looking at their phone instead of the road? Had they had too much to drink? Did they fail to look before merging? Did they blow past a stop light or stop sign?
  3. Cause-in-Fact Thirdly, you have to show how the incident in question directly led to your injuries? For example, did you break your arm when you were T-boned?
  4. Proximate Cause — This refers to the ultimate reason the accident occurred. Did the driver fail to follow the rules of the road because they were distracted? Or because their car had faulty brakes? If there was a mechanical problem with the car, a manufacturer may be responsible for your injuries instead of the driver.
  5. Damages — Lastly, you have to demonstrate how you sustained economic losses as a result of your injuries. In personal injury claims, this most often starts with money you lost from not working due to your injuries, and the cost of your treatment. Once we show your financial losses, we can pursue pain and suffering damages in your claim.

Often, the person you are making a claim against and their insurance company will try to deceitfully claim that the above elements are not true in your case in order to avoid responsibility. Experienced Warrensburg, MO car accident attorneys will not allow that to happen. At Burger Law, we fight back against people who do not want to take responsibility, and we always insist on a full financial recovery. Our team will help you understand if you have a car accident claim. Call us now at (314) 500-HURT.

What Kind of Hurdles Are There In Warrensburg, MO Car Accident Claims?

In a perfect world, you would not have to fight to get the compensation you deserve. But, unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see that complications come up and the other side does not want to be fair. A few of the issues our car accident attorneys see on a daily basis in Warrensburg, MO are:

  • The negligent driver has no insurance — Missouri has minimum insurance requirements for all motorists. But some people are irresponsible and do not pay for it, and you may be left wondering how you are going to get compensation for your injuries. Our car accident attorneys have filed hundreds of uninsured motorist claims in the event that a negligent driver does not have insurance . However, just because it is your own insurance does not mean they will readily agree to pay you – an attorney is usually still required to stand up to the insurance company and get you what you deserve.
  • The negligent party does not have enough insurance — Each insurance policy has policy limits, which determine the maximum amount of coverage available after an accident. If are owed more money than what's on the at-fault driver's coverage, we can file an underinsured motorist claim on your own policy. We can also look for other insurance policies that may cover your accident.
  • The negligent driver denies fault — There are some reckless people out there who do not want to take responsibility for their actions. If the other driver will not admit fault, we will gather evidence and take sworn depositions to demonstrate how the other driver caused your injuries.
  • The insurance company is offering something far below a fair settlement — Insurance adjusters use a lot of deceitful tactics to minimize claims, and you will need an attorney to stand up to them. If they continue to lowball you after our settlement demand package, we will not hesitate file a lawsuit, proceed to discovery and start getting ready for trial. Often, simply the presence of tough and experienced trial car accident attorneys like those at Burger Law is enough to get the insurance company to offer you what we demanded; they know they will not get a favorable outcome if we go to trial. Many high settlements are offered right before a trial is set to begin.

Our car accident attorneys always try to settle a case quickly. However, if you have a more complicated case and the negligent driver and their insurance company do not want to pay you fairly, we we will fight for your rights at trial. We fight for our Warrensburg, MO clients until there is nothing left to fight. We have dealt with all of these issues and more hundreds of times and have won countless Missouri car accident cases in jury trials.

What Should I Ask Before Hiring a Car Accident Attorney in Warrensburg, MO?

Hiring an experienced and dedicated car accident attorney in Warrensburg, MO for your claim is arguably the most important thing you can do for your case. You need to be confident that they will give you and your claim the diligence and personal attention you deserve. The following are the top six questions you need to ask an attorney when you first meet with them about your claim:

  1. How do you take your attorneys fees? How your car accident attorneys get paid affects how much you will actually recover. We take on cases on a contingency-fee basis, meaning we are paid with a portion of your payout, and only after you get what you are owed. The benefit of a contingency fee is a lawyer will only take on the case if they believe in its merits and believe they can add substantial value to it, since we finance our work until we get you your settlement. We do not get paid unless you get paid.
  2. How much do you think my claim is worth? A trustworthy car accident attorney is going to be honest with you about how much they believe your claim is worth, and how much more compensation you can get if you hire them. There may be certain factors,, like pre-existing injuries, how much insurance coverage is available or if you bear any of the blame, that can limit how much you are owed in compensation. You do not want to pick an attorney who unrealistically promises $500,000 for a relatively mild whiplash injury, or one who thinks an accident affecting your cognitive abilities is worth just $10,000. Ask for details about how similar cases often settle, what may increase your settlement and what factors may lower your final compensation.
  3. Have you handled my type of car accident claim before? If you were injured in a car accident, you obviously want to find a lawyer who is an expert in auto claims. However, you also want to know that they can handle the specifics of your claim. If you sustained your injuries in a hit and run, you need a lawyer who knows uninsured motorist claims.
  4. Have you won cases at trial? Most people who file an injury claim never have to go to court. But if we cannot secure the compensation you deserve in negotiations and mediation, you want someone who can convince a jury to award you a fair verdict. Often, the threat of a trial is necessary in order to get a fair settlement offer.
  5. How do you communicate with clients? Most attorneys are not going to be able to answer their phone at all hours of the day and night, especially if they are good at their jobs. Still, you have a reasonable expectation that they will call you back and be responsive when you need them. Do they have a strong support staff who you can call in their absence?
  6. Who will be working on my case? Certainly, a good law firm will rely on paralegals and less experienced attorneys who are confident legal professionals and indispensable to how the law firm functions and obtains victories. But you want to be sure that the people who are working on your case so you can get financial recovery you need to move forward.

Burger Law is unique among many auto crash law firms in Warrensburg, MO because we have demonstrated history of success and skills of a large firm, but the commitment to our clients of a small firm. Your case will always be a priority to us, and we will fight for you until there is nothing left to fight.

Car Accident Attorneys in Warrensburg, MO — Resources for The Injured

Car Accidents are traumatic events. It is imperative to take the right steps after an accident, however, a lot of people have never had to go through the injury claims process before. Our founder and principle has literally written the book on mistakes people make in auto accident claims, which you can download below, read through to understand your case better. You can also look through our FAQs and legal glossary for more information.

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Causes and Types of Car Accidents in Warrensburg, MO

No two car accidents are exactly alike, but they generally happen under similar circumstances. Some examples are:

Burger Law's Warrensburg, MO car accident attorneys have seen any type of auto claim you can think of — and gotten great results for our clients while working on them. We know how to investigate accident cases and prove how the other party is responsible for your injuries.

What Is My Car Accident Claim in Warrensburg, MO Worth?

Financial recoveries in car accident claims generally compensate you for two types of damages: economic damages, including medical expenses and lost wages, and non-economic damages, also referred to pain and suffering. More serious injuries result in higher compensation. Factors that help determine what your claim is worth include:

  • The extent of your injuries
  • How much medical treatment you needed, and if you will need more treatment in the future
  • If your injuries resulted in scarring or disability
  • Your wage loss damages
  • If you can no longer earn a living as you used to and have lost earning capacity damages
  • If your injuries affected your quality of life and independence
  • If you bear partial responsibility for your accident

An important aspect of any car accident attorney's job is properly calculating the full extent of someone's damages. We will demand justice in your case.

How Much Is the Average Car Accident Settlements Amount in Warrensburg, MO?

As many settlements are confidential, and many others are not kept track of, there is no official tracking of how much the average car accident settlement is. However, different sources have found different averages through surveys and other means. According to a survey carried out by Martindale-Nolo, most people injured by another driver's negligence get around $29,700. The Insurance Information Institute found that, in 2020 the average payout for injuries sustained in a car accident was $20,235.

Frankly, those statistics are likely not an accurate way to gauge how much money you may recover. Each injury case is different, and, with Burger Law's car accident attorneys' help, you will get however much is needed for you to be made whole again. If you sustained a slight injury that required a month off work and a round of physical therapy sessions, the above numbers may be close to accurate. If you sustained sustained significant physical or mental impairment, your damages may be in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

Whatever your individual case may be, our firm will properly value your damages and get you every dime you are owed.

Other claims we take on in Warrensburg, MO include:

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Speak to Our Warrensburg, MO Car Accident Attorneys Today

Burger Laws car accident attorneys are committed devoted to getting justice for our Warrensburg, MO clients. You did not want to be put in this situation, and you should not have to pay simply because someone else was negligent. We will fight back against bullies like resistant insurance companies. To start on your true road to recovery, call Burger Law's car accident attorneys today at (314) 500-HURT or complete our online form for a complimentary case review.

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