Car Accident Attorneys in Savannah, MO

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We fight for your rights

Car Accident Attorneys in Savannah, MO

Car accident attorneys in Savannah, MO. The physical, motional and financial hardships you sustain because of being injured in a car accident are staggering. You need a knowledgeable Savannah, MO car accident lawyer to fight for you to be made whole again. Speak to Burger Law's car accident attorneys now at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a free consultation.

If a negligent driver harmed you in Savannah or anywhere in Missouri see how much your claim may be worth by using our free personal injury calculator.

It is difficult to know how to proceed after a car accident injury. You may be unsure how to get the right medical care, how to file a claim and how to secure the sense of justice you deserve. Call the police, then get medical attention. Then call Burger Law.

In Missouri in 2021, there were 146,726 auto accidents, which resulted in 36,054 personal injuries. When a negligent driver injures you, you should be focused on recovering from your injuries and getting your life back to the way it was before the accident. You should not have to argue over your financial recovery after a car accident. If the responsible party refuses to do right by you, you need someone who knows the laws to fight on your behalf. The Savannah, MO car accident lawyers of Burger Law take car accident claims extremely seriously and are dedicated to getting you the money you rightfully deserve.

We know it seems like no one will treat you fairly. Speak to an attorney at (314) 500-HURT or complete our online form now. Our auto accident law firm does not charge you until you have your settlement check or verdict in hand, and we never leave any money on the table for our clients. Never agree to a settlement offer that is not what you truly deserve.

Savannah, MO Car Accident Attorneys That Win

In any kind of tort case, the outcome matters. You want to know that you are giving your case to an attorney who can handle it, and that they will not back down until you get the full compensation you deserve. Any personal injury lawyer can say they will fight for you, but not all of them can prove it. Click the links below to read about some of our recent victories:

How Do I Know If I Have a Car Accident Case in Savannah, MO?

If you want to prove a personal injury claim, you show how the five elements of negligence apply to your accident:

  1. Duty of Care The first step in any personal injury claim is showing that the person who injured you was legally bound to behave as a reasonable person would to keep others safe. Under Missouri Revised Statute §304.012, anyone behind the wheel of a car is to "exercise the highest degree of care." So, any driver automatically owes other motorists, passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians a duty of care.
  2. Breach of Duty Then you must show that they violated that obligation. Were they texting and driving? Had they had too much to drink? Were they driving with excessive speed? Did they blow past a stop light or stop sign?
  3. Cause-in-Fact Did the accident cause your injuries? For instance, did you sustain a debilitating neck or back injury because you were rear-ended?
  4. Proximate Cause — This determines the cause of the accident. Did the driver hit you because they were distracted? Or because their car had faulty brakes? If there was a mechanical problem with the car, a car company may be liable for your injuries instead of the driver.
  5. Damages — Finally, you have to prove how you sustained financial losses because of the injuries. In car accident claims, this most often starts with lost wages and medical expenses. Once we show your financial losses, we can pursue non-economic damages in your claim.

All too often, the negligent party and their insurance adjuster will try to deceitfully claim that the above elements are not true in your case in order to pay out as little as possible. Savannah, MO car accident attorneys who are dedicated to justice will not allow that to happen. At Burger Law, we stand up to resistant insurance companies and their policyholders, and we always insist on a recovery that compensated you for all of your damages. Our team will help you understand if you have a car accident claim. Call us now at (314) 500-HURT.

What Kind of Complications Arise In Savannah, MO Car Accident Claims?

Ideally, the negligent driver would have enough coverage and the willingness to fairly compensate you for your injuries. But far too often complications come up and the insurance adjuster does not want to do the right thing. A few of the problems our car accident attorneys see the most in Savannah, MO include:

  • The negligent driver has no insurance — Missouri requires drivers to have at least minimum liability insurance coverage. But some drivers do not follow the rules, and you may be left wondering how you are going to get compensation for your injuries. Our car accident attorneys have filed hundreds of uninsured motorist claims in the event that a negligent driver does not have insurance . However, your own insurance company may be just as unfair to you as someone else's – you still need a lawyer to secure a full recovery.
  • The insurance policy does not cover your full damages — Depending on the policyholder's policy limits, they may not have enough to fully compensate you. If your damages exceed the at-fault driver's coverage, we can make a underinsured motorist claim on your own policy. We can also look for other insurance policies that may cover your accident.
  • The other driver will not admit fault — There are some reckless people out there who do not want to take responsibility for their actions. If the other driver is trying to blame you for the accident, we will conduct a full investigation into the circumstances surrounding your accident and take sworn depositions to demonstrate how the other driver caused your injuries.
  • The insurance company is trying to lowball you — Insurance adjusters use a lot of tricks to devalue claims, and usually an attorney is needed to get them to do the right thing. If they continue to lowball you after we send a settlement demand letter, we will immediately file a lawsuit, litigate the case and prepare for trial. Often, simply the presence of tough and experienced trial car accident attorneys like those at Burger Law is only a matter of time before they accept our demands; they know they have no chance if they make us go in front of a judge and jury. We have gotten a lot of great settlements on the eve of trial.

Our car accident attorneys always try to settle a case quickly. However, if you have a more complicated case and the other side does not want to pay you fairly, we we will defend your rights at trial. We do not stop fighting for our Savannah, MO clients until they are compensated. There is not type of car accident claim we have not seen before.

What Should I Ask Before Hiring a Car Accident Attorney in Savannah, MO?

Hiring the right car accident attorney in Savannah, MO for your claim is paramount to getting the results you deserve. You need to be sure that they will give you and your case the care and personal attention you deserve. Below are six vital questions you should ask when you consult with an attorney before allowing them to take on your claim:

  1. What is your fee structure? How your car accident attorneys get paid impacts your final compensation. We work for contingency fees, in which we accept a portion of your recovery as our fees, and only after you get what you are owed. The benefit of a contingency fee is a lawyer will only take on the case if they believe in its merits and believe they can add substantial value to it, since we are the ones who will be financing our work until we get you your financial recovery. We do not get paid unless you get paid.
  2. How much compensation do you think I am owed? A good car accident attorney will be straightforward about what is realistic, and how much more compensation you can get if you hire them. There may be certain factors,, like pre-existing injuries, insurance policy limits or if you contributed to your injuries, that affect your financial recovery. It is not a good idea to pick a lawyer who unrealistically promises $500,000 for a relatively mild whiplash injury, or one who tells you that an accident affecting your cognitive abilities should only get you a few thousand. Ask what factors in your case will determine how much your claim is worth.
  3. Have you handled my type of car accident claim before? If you were injured in a car accident, you obviously want to find a lawyer who specializes in auto claims. However, what about the other aspects of your claim? If your were injured by a phantom motorist, you need a lawyer who knows uninsured motorist claims.
  4. Are you experienced trial lawyers? Less than 10 percent of injury claims make it to trial. But if the insurance adjuster refuses to be fair in negotiations and mediation, you want someone who knows how to handle a court room. Often, the threat of a trial is necessary in order to get a fair settlement offer.
  5. How do you communicate with clients? Most attorneys cannot answer their phone at all hours of the day and night, especially if they are good at their jobs. Still, you have a reasonable expectation that they will call you back and be responsive when you have any questions. Do they care about client communication, and promptly call you back if you have left a message?
  6. Who will be handling my claim? To be sure, a successful law firm will rely on paralegals and less experienced attorneys who are capable legal professionals and who help the firm achieve hard-fought victories. But you want to be sure that the people the people investigating, documenting and arguing your case can get the great results you deserve.

Burger Law is unlike many auto crash law firms in Savannah, MO because we have demonstrated history of success and abilities of a large firm, but the personal touch of a small firm. Your case will always be a priority to us, and we will fight for you until there is nothing left to fight.

Car Accident Attorneys in Savannah, MO — Resources for The Injured

Car Accidents are traumatic events. It is imperative to take the right steps after an accident, however, it can be hard to make the right choices when you are still in shock from the accident. Our founder and principle has literally written the book on mistakes people make in auto accident claims, which you receive for free by filling out the form below, reference to understand your case better. You can also see our FAQs and legal glossary to better understand the claims process.

View More FAQs

Most Common Types of Car Accidents in Savannah, MO

Each car accident is unique, and they can happen for any reason, at any time or place. However, most causes and types of accidents can be broken down into a number of distinct categories. Common examples are:

Burger Law's Savannah, MO car accident attorneys have seen any type of auto claim you can think of — and gotten great results for our clients while working on them. We know how to investigate accident cases and prove how the other party injured you.

What Compensation Can I Receive in My Savannah, MO Car Accident Claim?

Financial recoveries in car accident claims generally compensate you for two kinds of damages: economic damages, including medical expenses and lost wages, and non-economic damages, also referred to pain and suffering. The more your injuries affect your life financially, emotionally and physically, the more your claim is worth. Things that increase or decrease your compensation include:

  • The type and severity of your injuries
  • The extent of your medical care, and if you will have more medical expenses down the road
  • If your injuries resulted in disfigurement or mental or physical impairment
  • The amount of time spent off work
  • If you can no longer earn a living as you used to and have lost earning capacity damages
  • If your injuries affected your quality of life and independence
  • If you bear partial responsibility for your accident

An important aspect of any car accident attorney's job is properly calculating the full extent of someone's damages. We will demand justice in your case.

How Much Do People Typically Get in Savannah, MO Car Accident Claims?

As many settlements are confidential, and many others are not kept track of, there is no official tracking of how much the average car accident settlement is. However, different sources have found different averages through surveys and other means. According to a survey carried out by Martindale-Nolo, most people injured by another driver's negligence get around $29,700. The Insurance Information Institute found that, in 2020 the average payout for injuries sustained in a car accident was $20,235.

To be clear, those statistics do not indicate how much compensation you are eligible for. Each injury case is different, and, through Burger Law's car accident attorneys, you will receive what you need to make you whole again. If you sustained a whiplash injury that did not require much time off work and only needed a round of chiropractic appointments, the above numbers may be somewhere in the ballpark of what to expect. If you sustained sustained significant physical or mental impairment, your damages may be in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.

Whatever the specifics of your injuries, our firm will properly value your damages and get you every dime you are owed.

Other claims we take on in Savannah, MO include:

Call Burger Law

Speak to Our Savannah, MO Car Accident Attorneys Today

Burger Laws car accident attorneys are dedicated to getting each of our Savannah, MO clients the best possible results in their claims. You did not ask to be injured, and you should not have to pay for another person's mistakes. We will fight back against bullies like resistant insurance companies. To start on your true road to recovery, speak to Burger Law's car accident attorneys today at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online for a free consultation.

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