We demand maximum compensation

Auto Crash Lawyer Bethany, MO

Auto Crash Lawyer in Bethany, MO. If you were injured because of another driver's reckless behavior, you are rightfully owed financial compensation. Call a Burger Law auto crash lawyer in Bethany, MO immediately at (314) 500-HURT or contact us online.

One definition of "compensate" is to lessen something "unpleasant or unwelcome" through "exerting an opposite force." When another driver causes you injuries, you can count on the full force of Burger Law to get you justice. Burger Law's auto crash lawyer has won injured individuals and families of Bethany and Missouri more than $170 million in verdicts and settlements. We offer our clients our commitment, persistence, expertise, talent, resources and more than 70 years of combined experience winning cases in order to deliver full financial recoveries for them. Our auto crash lawyer team has devoted their lives to preserving the rights of the injured and vulnerable in Bethany, MO. When you get hurt because somebody else breaks the rules of the road, it can create immediate and terrible financial, physical and emotional hardships. We know how you feel. We have stood by Bethany, MO residents when no one else would. When you hire our Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer team, we get started on your case immediately and fight by your side the entire way, from our original conversation until we win your case. We oversee all documentation, communication and litigation so that you can focus your energy on recovering. We do not charge a thing until we win your claim.

If you have been harmed because of another driver's thoughtless actions, see how much your injuries may be worth by using our free personal injury calculator.

Chesterfield, MO

Chesterfield, MO

100 Chesterfield Business Pkwy
Suites 200-222
Chesterfield, MO 63005

By appointment only

Phone: (314) 648-8348

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Do I Need a Bethany, MO Auto Crash Lawyer?

While you may not need an attorney for minor scrapes and bruises, you certainly need one with significant injuries or when they are complications in your claim. Insurance companies utilize a lot of tricks to avoid paying your claim, or to try and downplay your damages or persuade you that your medical care is unnecessary. Bethany, MO insurance companies are afraid of us because they know we insist on only the best possible financial recovery. We push back against bullies like resistant insurance companies in order to help protect your future.

Other than confronting insurance companies, your Burger Law auto crash lawyer in Bethany, MO will:

  • Investigate your case and obtain evidence, such as:
    • Photographs
    • Surveillance video
    • Police reports
    • Official eyewitness statements
    • Your medical records
  • Offer you trustworthy and customized legal guidance
  • Utilize our network of experts to help put your case together
  • Handle all communication, documentation, litigation and negotiations
  • Demand that you receive a fair settlement offer
  • Take your case to trial when we do not secure a fair settlement in negotiations

You can trust in Burger Law's auto crash lawyer team to tenaciously and passionately litigate your case and get you justice. We begin working on your case the second you hire us and work tirelessly until we win you the full financial recovery you need to protect you and your family's future. We have dedicated our lives to helping the injured in Bethany, MO in their recovery and in being made whole again. Call a Burger Law Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer now at (314) 500-HURT to discuss over your case.

Common Types of Auto Crashes | Bethany, MO Auto Crash Lawyer

Every car collision is unique, but we have experience winning cases in every type of auto crash you can conceive of. When a careless driver gets behind the wheel, there is no telling the various ways they can make the Bethany, MO roads hazardous for everyone. Some of the most frequent accidents our Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer sees are:

Whatever the type your collision, you can be confident that your Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer at Burger Law will know exactly how to ascertain liability and hold the negligent parties accountable. We have over two decades almost 30 years of experience with Missouri law and know every trick insurance companies use to avoid paying claims. When you hire a Burger Law auto crash lawyer in Bethany, MO, we will start working on your case right away and fight for you from your initial consultation to securing you the best possible financial recovery.

What Compensation Will My Bethany, MO Auto Crash Lawyer Recover for Me?

Compensation in auto wreck claims goes far beyond merely fixing your car. Car accident injuries can cause an immense physical and emotional toll and in order to really recover you need fair and full compensation for every way your injury has impacted you and your loved ones. Typically, there are two categories of damages you can recover in a personal injury claim:

Economic Damages

Economic damages are essentially compensation for the financial losses you have sustained because of your accident, and do not change based on how an insurance company or jury assesses them. Your Burger Law auto crash lawyer will help you collect compensation for:

  • Property damage, for example damage to your vehicle car
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Medical expenses, past and future, including:
    • A Bethany, MO emergency room visit
    • Medications, for instance prescribed pain killers
    • Physical rehabilitation
    • Follow-up appointments
    • Special equipment such as crutches or a wheelchair
    • In-home care

In cases where injuries are not too severe the estimation of economic damages is as easy as totaling medical bills, mechanics' bills and how much time you had to miss from work. More severe injuries can be much more intricate. For instant, if you needed a joint replacement after your car accident, you will probably need a replacement at some point. Burger Law's auto crash lawyer team's team of Bethany, MO medical and economic experts will work out and demonstrate how frequently you will need a new replacement and how much it will cost, adjusting for inflation. If you need assistive devices such as a wheelchair, we will determine how much money you will require for those replacements. Similarly, if you were a warehouse worker and is not able to lift more than 20 pounds, that will severely limit your ability to work in the future. Your Burger Law Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer will make certain that you collect compensation for every dime of the financial impact your injury has had on you.

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic damages are harder to calculate, and often receiving fair compensation for them will require the determination of a jury. They compensate you for the impact of your injuries on your emotional well-being and capacity to enjoy life. Missouri Senate Bill 239 defines noneconomic damages as:

Your noneconomic damages will be higher if you have a "catastrophic personal injury," which Missouri Senate Bill 239 defines as:

  • Quadriplegia, or losing function of all four limbs
  • Paraplegia, or losing function of two limbs
  • Loss of two or more limbs
  • A brain injury that results in permanent cognitive impairment
  • An injury that causes irreversible failure to one or more major organs
  • An injury that results in legal blindness

Noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering are often difficult for a Bethany, MO jury to know how to assess. At Burger Law, our Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer team consistently hones its trial skills and knows how to get juries to see things from your point of view. We help juries relate to you as a human being and acknowledge precisely how destructive an impact your auto crash injuries have had on your life. You deserve a great financial recovery for the full scope of the consequences you have experienced because of your injury.

Punitive Damages

A third type of damages is seldom awarded in personal injury and motor vehicle crash claims. Punitive damages serve to punish the at-fault party and make them reconsider before committing the same negligence again.Pursuant to Missouri Senate Bill 591, to be awarded punitive damages your auto crash lawyer needs to:

prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant intentionally harmed the plaintiff without just cause or acted with a deliberate and flagrant disregard for the safety of others.

In most car accident cases you cannot prove that somebody intentionally harmed you. However, in cases of extreme recklessness such as drunk driving, they can often be awarded. We seek punitive damages when we sue drunk drivers so they know exactly how extreme their negligence was.

When you hire the Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer at Burger Law, we stand by your side and insist that you recover complete compensation for all of your damages. We have more than seven decades of combined experience standing up to bullies like resistant insurance companies that refuse to pay you what you you deserve. When the defendant will not see reason and refuses to agree to a fair settlement in mediation, we take the fight in front of a judge and jury and use our excellent trial skills to secure you the recovery you require. If you have been hurt in a motor vehicle crash because somebody else broke the rules of the road, call Burger Law immediately at (314) 500-HURT.

How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Claim? | Bethany, MO Auto Crash Lawyer

According to Missouri Revised Statute §516.120, all personal injury claims, including car crash claims, have a statute of limitations of five years, so that you have five years from the date your accident took place to file a claim. There are two noteworthy exceptions:

  1. If the person you are making a claim against is a resident of the state of Missouri and temporarily leaves the state, the time they are not in state does not count towards the five years.
  2. If you or your loved one was less than 21 years old when the accident took place, or was "mentally incapacitated," you have 5 years from the 21st birthday or the date the disability ends to file a claim.

If you were injured because of somebody else's thoughtless actions, the clock is already ticking. There's no time to wait before calling a Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer.

What if the Accident Was Partially My Fault? | Bethany, MO Auto Crash Lawyer

If you contributed to your accident, you may still be able to be awarded compensation under Missouri law. Missouri is a pure comparative fault state. Meaning that if you are found to be partially to blame for the collision, your compensation will be decreased by the percentage of blame you share. For example, if a jury awards you $100,000 for an accident, but finds that you were 30 percent at fault, your final compensation would be $70,000.

Burger Law knows the intricacies of Missouri law better than anyone. We will fight hard to minimize the amount you are being blamed for the auto crash and get you the best possible compensation you deserve.

Call A Burger Law Auto Crash Lawyer Today

Bethany, MO Auto Crash Lawyer | Burger Law

You do not need to pay when you are hurt because of another person. Every auto crash lawyer at Burger Law is entirely dedicated to the injured and vulnerable in Bethany, MO and does everything possible to get them the results they deserve. Our clients are important to us, and so do their cases. You do not have to go through this alone. We will be by your side throughout your entire case and fight until there in nothing left to fight. Call a Bethany, MO auto crash lawyer at Burger Law today at (314) 500-HURT or fill out our online form.

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